- 拓跋 猗㐌(たくばつ いい、拼音:Tuòbá Yīyí、267年 - 305年)は、鮮卑族の中部拓跋部の大人(たいじん:部族長)。拓跋沙漠汗の長男で、弟には拓跋猗盧・拓跋弗、子には拓跋普根・拓跋賀傉・拓跋紇那がいる。『宋書』では「索頭単于猗駞(いだ)」と書かれる。北魏の道武帝より桓皇帝の諡号を追贈された。 (ja)
- Tuoba Yituo (Chinese: 拓跋猗㐌; pinyin: Tuòbá Yītuō) (died 305) was the chieftain of the central Tuoba territory from 295 to 305. He is the son of Tuoba Shamohan (拓跋沙漠汗) and the brother of Tuoba Yilu and Tuoba Fu. In 295, Tuoba Luguan the chieftain of the Tuoba (a branch of the Xianbei) divided the territory under Tuoba control into three areas:in a vast tract of land extending west from White Mountain (northeast of Zhangjiakou), to Dai (Datong, Shanxi); an area from Shengle (south of Hohhot) and beyond; a central area, which included north Shanxi and the region to its north. Tuoba Yituo would be named chieftain of the central area. As chieftain of the central Tuoba territory, Tuoba Yituo in 297 passes through Outer Mongolia and conquers 30 territories, gained the support of various ethnically Han people, in addition to his own Xianbei people. Tuoba Yituo is said to have rescued Sima Teng, governor of the Jin province of Bing, from the Xiongnu. In 304, Tuoba Yituo, along with Tuoba Yilu, joined forces with the Jin armies and defeated Han Zhao leader Liu Yuan. In 305, Tuoba Yituo died, and was succeeded by his son Tuoba Pugen as chieftain of the central Tuoba territory. (en)
- 拓跋猗㐌(267年-305年7月31日),中國西晉時期鮮卑索頭部人,295年至305年統治索頭部中部國土,是南北朝時期北魏皇帝的先祖之一。其父為拓跋沙漠汗,拓跋猗盧、拓跋弗皆為其兄弟,妻祁氏。 295年,當時的鮮卑索頭部首領,也是猗㐌之叔拓跋祿官將國土分為三部,由猗㐌統治中部。猗㐌並將部落之事,委諸漢人,漢人因此紛紛歸附。297年以後的數年間,猗㐌穿過漠北,向西侵略各國,前後五年,征服三十餘國。 304年,與猗盧擊敗劉淵軍,和晉軍會師。305年再敗劉淵軍,因此被晉帝封為代理大單于。不久去世,子拓跋普根繼其索頭部中部首領之位。 北魏道武帝拓跋珪稱帝時,將猗㐌追諡為桓皇帝。 (zh)