dbo:abstract |
Le 17 septembre 2007, à midi, le sénateur John Kerry se rendit à un forum le jour de la constitution à l'université de Floride à Gainesville, organisé par l'Accent Speaker's Bureau, une organisation étudiante. À la fin de la période des questions-réponses, le service de sécurité de l'université emmènera manu militari Andrew Meyer, étudiant en communication à l'extérieur du forum et il le gardera sous contrôle à l'aide d'un taser. Car il avait abordé le sujet des Skull and Bones. Plusieurs vidéos de l'incident ont été postées sur internet. La vidéo prise par la caméra de Meyer a été visionnée 2,6 millions de fois le 19 octobre 2007. (fr) University of Florida Taser incident is a Police brutulaity incident that happened on September 17, 2007, a University of Florida student was stunned by police with a taser at a forum featuring then–U.S. Senator John Kerry. Kerry was addressing a Constitution Day forum at the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, which was organized by the ACCENT Speakers Bureau, an agency of the university's student government. Andrew Meyer, a 21-year-old fourth-year undergraduate mass communication student, had initially been allowed to ask a question after the close of the question period. He asked Kerry whether he was a member of the Skull and Bones society, and used the term "blowjob" in reference to the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Meyer was forcibly pulled away from the microphone. He was immediately restrained and forcibly removed and was subsequently arrested by university police. During his arrest, Meyer struggled and screamed for help. While six officers held Meyer down, one of the officers drive-stunned him with a taser following Meyer's shouted plea to the police, "Don't tase me, bro!" Several videos of the episode were posted on the Web, with one version reaching 8 million views on YouTube. The New Oxford American Dictionary listed tase or taze as one of the words of the year for 2007, popularized by the widespread use of the phrase. Meyer registered the phrase as a trademark in September 2007. (en) |
rdfs:comment |
Le 17 septembre 2007, à midi, le sénateur John Kerry se rendit à un forum le jour de la constitution à l'université de Floride à Gainesville, organisé par l'Accent Speaker's Bureau, une organisation étudiante. À la fin de la période des questions-réponses, le service de sécurité de l'université emmènera manu militari Andrew Meyer, étudiant en communication à l'extérieur du forum et il le gardera sous contrôle à l'aide d'un taser. Car il avait abordé le sujet des Skull and Bones. Plusieurs vidéos de l'incident ont été postées sur internet. La vidéo prise par la caméra de Meyer a été visionnée 2,6 millions de fois le 19 octobre 2007. (fr) University of Florida Taser incident is a Police brutulaity incident that happened on September 17, 2007, a University of Florida student was stunned by police with a taser at a forum featuring then–U.S. Senator John Kerry. Several videos of the episode were posted on the Web, with one version reaching 8 million views on YouTube. The New Oxford American Dictionary listed tase or taze as one of the words of the year for 2007, popularized by the widespread use of the phrase. Meyer registered the phrase as a trademark in September 2007. (en) |