- All of the maladies prominent in death – immovability, a feeble voice, a perspiring body, and terrible fear – are equally identifiable in an impoverished person. (en)
- That Vijayanka, the Karnata woman, conquers like Sarasvati Who next to Kalidasa was a part having vaidarbha speeches (en)
- You are fortunate who describe the hundreds of coaxings of play-talk during lovemaking, in union with your lover, But when my lover has put his hand on the knot of my garment, O friends, curse me if I remember anything (en)
- Not knowing me, Vijjaka, dark as the petal of a blue water lily, Dandin has vainly declared that Sarasvati is 'all white'. (en)
- On that rich night, bright with lamplight. We made love slowly; but all night The bed creaked, He paused to breathe. All night the bed gnashed its teeth. (en)
- O neighbour, will you give an eye here to our house too for a moment? Usually the father of this baby won't drink insipid well-water: I am going quickly, though alone, from here to the stream covered with tamalas; let the knots on the old segments of the reeds, between which there is no space, scratch my body! (en)