- Volej (z anglického volley) je termín používaný v některých míčových sportech pro odehrání míče (případně puku nebo jiného herního předmětu) za letu rovnou ze vzduchu, aniž by míč stačil dopadnout na zem. (cs)
- La reprise de volée est l’action de frapper le ballon alors qu'il est en l'air. On utilise souvent ce terme pour les sports tels que le football, ou le tennis. La reprise de volée peut aussi être appelée : bicyclette, ciseaux retournés, chalaca, retourné acrobatique. Son principe est de frapper le ballon avant qu'il ne retombe sur le sol. (fr)
- A volley is an air-borne strike in association football, where a player's foot meets and directs the ball in an angled direction before it has time to reach the ground. A volley can be extremely hard to aim and requires good foot-eye coordination and timing. In general, the volley requires that the player strike the ball with the front of his foot, with the toes pointing downward, ankle locked, and the knee lifted. It is important for most applications to keep the knee high over the ball when struck, and lean slightly forward to keep the shot downward. Doing so imparts a great deal of topspin and prevents the ball from flying wildly over the goal if done correctly. Because of the power and spin imparted on the ball, the shot can follow an unpredictable path to goal and prove difficult to defend against. Used offensively, the volley can play a crucial role in scoring straight goals. Since a volley occurs when the ball is in the air, they often occur in front of goal as a result of a cross or a corner. In this instance, one attacking player passes the ball across the goal in the air, and the other player (either standing in place or in motion) strikes the ball with his foot before it hits the ground. This is advantageous over a normal strike in that the player does not need to trap the ball, taking an extra touch and allowing the goalkeeper a few extra seconds to react. Generally, the ball is struck on the laces with the toe pointing downward towards goal, though variations such as the bicycle kick or scissors kick in which the player's body moves in acrobatic fashion are occasionally employed, much to the delight of spectators. Used defensively, the volley can quickly clear the ball from play and allow the defending team to recover their position. While less accurate and harder to execute than a normal long pass, the volley is useful for clearing balls that are bouncing towards or away from a defender because the defender does not need to trap the ball or change directions if they are running towards his own goal. The volley is used less often for passes, as it is harder to control, though it can often be used to flick the ball on to another player. In this use, the strike is softer and more controlled than either the shot or the clearance. Also, the inside of the foot, outside, or even the heel may be used to flick the ball off of a volley. When the heel is used to volley the ball over the player's head (from back to front) it is often referred to as a "donkey kick". A Half Volley is also commonly used, which is when the ball is kicked immediately after it hits the ground. A half volley may be better for situations when a volley can't be done because the ball is too high and the player wants to get a more accurate shot. An example of a half volley is Didier Drogba's goal with Chelsea against Liverpool in 2006. He controlled the ball with his chest from a long pass, then turned and took a shot with his left foot from the penalty arc that went to the bottom left corner. (en)
- 발리(Volley)는 축구에서 공이 땅에 닿기 전 공중에서 공을 차는 킥이다. 좋은 눈-발 협응과 타이밍이 요구된다. 하프 발리(Half Volley) 또한 흔히 사용되는데, 땅에 떨어진 공이 튀어오르는 순간 킥하는 걸 말한다. 발리킥이 강할 경우 매우 무겁고 빠른 볼이 되므로 상대방 측에서 판단하기가 어려워, 특히 슛에 있어서 골키퍼가 판단을 잘못하는 일이 많다. 발리킥은 볼에 상,하 변화를 줄 수 있으며 공중에 떠 있는 볼을 상대보다 한시라도 빨리 처리할 수 있다는 강점을 지니고 있다. (ko)
- Wolej (ang. volley) – w sporcie – wybicie lub uderzenie piłki w powietrzu, zanim zetknie się ona z ziemią. Termin ten stosowany jest m.in. w tenisie i piłce nożnej. (pl)
- Volej (z anglického volley) je termín používaný v některých míčových sportech pro odehrání míče (případně puku nebo jiného herního předmětu) za letu rovnou ze vzduchu, aniž by míč stačil dopadnout na zem. (cs)
- La reprise de volée est l’action de frapper le ballon alors qu'il est en l'air. On utilise souvent ce terme pour les sports tels que le football, ou le tennis. La reprise de volée peut aussi être appelée : bicyclette, ciseaux retournés, chalaca, retourné acrobatique. Son principe est de frapper le ballon avant qu'il ne retombe sur le sol. (fr)
- 발리(Volley)는 축구에서 공이 땅에 닿기 전 공중에서 공을 차는 킥이다. 좋은 눈-발 협응과 타이밍이 요구된다. 하프 발리(Half Volley) 또한 흔히 사용되는데, 땅에 떨어진 공이 튀어오르는 순간 킥하는 걸 말한다. 발리킥이 강할 경우 매우 무겁고 빠른 볼이 되므로 상대방 측에서 판단하기가 어려워, 특히 슛에 있어서 골키퍼가 판단을 잘못하는 일이 많다. 발리킥은 볼에 상,하 변화를 줄 수 있으며 공중에 떠 있는 볼을 상대보다 한시라도 빨리 처리할 수 있다는 강점을 지니고 있다. (ko)
- Wolej (ang. volley) – w sporcie – wybicie lub uderzenie piłki w powietrzu, zanim zetknie się ona z ziemią. Termin ten stosowany jest m.in. w tenisie i piłce nożnej. (pl)
- A volley is an air-borne strike in association football, where a player's foot meets and directs the ball in an angled direction before it has time to reach the ground. A volley can be extremely hard to aim and requires good foot-eye coordination and timing. (en)