Welcome to the Dollhouse (original) (raw)
- 87.0
- Welcome to the Dollhouse és una pel·lícula estatunidenca dirigida per , estrenada el 1995 i premiada amb el Gran Premi del jurat del Festival de Cinema de Sundance el 1996. Ha estat doblada al català (ca)
- Willkommen im Tollhaus (Originaltitel: Welcome to the Dollhouse) ist eine US-amerikanische Filmkomödie des Regisseurs Todd Solondz aus dem Jahr 1995. (de)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (conocida para su distribución en español como Bienvenidos a la casa de muñecas (México) o Bienvenido a la casa de muñecas (España)) es una película estadounidense de 1995 escrita y dirigida por Todd Solondz. (es)
- Bienvenue dans l'âge ingrat (Welcome to the Dollhouse) est un film américain réalisé par Todd Solondz, sorti en 1995. Le film a remporté le Grand Prix du jury du Festival du film de Sundance en 1996. (fr)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse is a 1995 American coming-of-age black comedy film written and directed by Todd Solondz. An independent film, it won the Grand Jury Prize at the 1996 Sundance Film Festival and launched the careers of Solondz and Heather Matarazzo. The story follows the unpopular middle schooler Dawn as she goes to extreme lengths trying to earn the respect of her vicious fellow students and her disinterested family. Dawn reappears in two of Solondz's other films, Palindromes and Wiener-Dog. (en)
- 『ウェルカム・ドールハウス』(Welcome to the Dollhouse)は1995年製作のアメリカ合衆国の映画である。トッド・ソロンズ監督のデビュー作。 著名評論家のロジャー・イーバートとピーター・トラヴァースは本作を1996年度の年間トップ10に選んでいる。 (ja)
- 《인형의 집으로 오세요》(Welcome To The Dollhouse)는 미국에서 제작된 토드 솔론즈 감독의 1995년 코미디, 드라마 영화이다. 헤더 마타라조 등이 주연으로 출연하였고 등이 제작에 참여하였다. (ko)
- Fuga dalla scuola media (Welcome to the Dollhouse) è un film del 1995 diretto da Todd Solondz con Heather Matarazzo. Film drammatico, vinse nel 1996 un premio al Sundance Film Festival. Il titolo originale è quello del brano suonato dal gruppo di Mark e Steve nel garage di casa Wiener. (it)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse is een Amerikaanse tragikomedie uit 1995, geschreven en geregisseerd door . Deze onafhankelijke film won de Grand Jury Prize op het Sundance Film Festival 1996 en lanceerde de carrières van Solondz en hoofdrolspeelster Heather Matarazzo. Het verhaal volgt de impopulaire middelbare scholier Dawn terwijl ze tot het uiterste gaat om het respect van haar vicieuze medestudenten en haar ongeïnteresseerde familie te verdienen. Dawn duikt weer op in twee van Solondz 'andere films, en Wiener-Dog. (nl)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (Bem-Vindo à Casa de BonecasBR) é um filme americano realizado por Todd Solondz que foi lançado em 1995. (pt)
- «Добро пожаловать в кукольный дом» (англ. Welcome to the Dollhouse) — американская независимая чёрная комедия о подростках. Первый получивший известность фильм в карьере режиссёра Тодда Солондза и актрисы Хизер Матараццо. Фильм стал неожиданно успешным, с учётом «независимости» и относительно невысокого бюджета; картина была с одобрением воспринята критиками (90 % на Rotten Tomatoes) и завоевала Гран-при на фестивале Сандэнс. Критик Роджер Эберт поставил фильму 4 звезды из четырёх и включил его в список пяти лучших картин 1996 года. (ru)
- 800000.0
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- dbr:Roger_Ebert
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- dbc:1990s_English-language_films
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- dbc:1995_films
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- dbc:American_coming-of-age_comedy_films
- dbc:American_independent_films
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- dbc:Films_about_puberty
- dbc:Films_set_in_New_Jersey
- dbc:Films_shot_in_New_Jersey
- dbc:Middle_school_films
- dbc:Sony_Pictures_Classics_films
- dbc:Sundance_Film_Festival_award_winners
- dbr:Matthew_Faber
- dbr:Coming-of-age_story
- dbr:Lesbian
- dbr:Pedophilia
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- dbr:Times_Square
- dbr:Todd_Solondz
- dbc:Films_directed_by_Todd_Solondz
- dbr:Walt_Disney_World
- dbr:Wiener-Dog_(film)
- dbr:Eric_Mabius
- dbr:Palindromes_(film)
- dbr:Toronto_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:List_of_Sundance_Film_Festival_award_winners
- dbr:Heather_Matarazzo
- dbr:The_Brothers_McMullen
- dbc:1995_comedy_films
- dbc:Films_about_pedophilia
- dbc:Films_about_school_bullying
- dbc:1995_independent_films
- dbr:Jill_Wisoff
- dbr:Ken_Leung
- dbr:Sundance_Film_Festival
- dbr:Sunday_(1997_film)
- dbr:Sony_Pictures_Classics
- dbr:Intellectual_disability
- dbr:Metacritic
- dbr:Middle_school
- dbr:New_Jersey
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:Christina_Vidal
- dbr:Reformatory
- dbr:Black_comedy_film
- Sunday (en)
- The Brothers McMullen (en)
- 800000.0
- Theatrical release poster (en)
- Randy Drummond (en)
- United States (en)
- Alan Oxman (en)
- 5000000.0
- English (en)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (en)
- Todd Solondz (en)
- 5220.0
- (en)
- Heather Matarazzo (en)
- Brendan Sexton III (en)
- Eric Mabius (en)
- Matthew Faber (en)
- Suburban Pictures (en)
- dbt:About
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- dbt:Cast_listing
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- dbt:S-start
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- Todd Solondz (en)
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- dbc:Films_shot_in_New_Jersey
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- dbc:Sony_Pictures_Classics_films
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- dbc:1990s_black_comedy_films
- dbc:Films_directed_by_Todd_Solondz
- dbc:1995_comedy_films
- dbc:Films_about_pedophilia
- dbc:Films_about_school_bullying
- dbc:1995_independent_films
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- yago:Wikicat1990sComedyFilms
- yago:Wikicat1995Films
- yago:WikicatEnglish-languageFilms
- yago:WikicatFilmsAboutBullying
- yago:WikicatFilmsAboutDysfunctionalFamilies
- yago:WikicatFilmsAboutSuburbia
- yago:WikicatFilmsDirectedByToddSolondz
- Welcome to the Dollhouse és una pel·lícula estatunidenca dirigida per , estrenada el 1995 i premiada amb el Gran Premi del jurat del Festival de Cinema de Sundance el 1996. Ha estat doblada al català (ca)
- Willkommen im Tollhaus (Originaltitel: Welcome to the Dollhouse) ist eine US-amerikanische Filmkomödie des Regisseurs Todd Solondz aus dem Jahr 1995. (de)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (conocida para su distribución en español como Bienvenidos a la casa de muñecas (México) o Bienvenido a la casa de muñecas (España)) es una película estadounidense de 1995 escrita y dirigida por Todd Solondz. (es)
- Bienvenue dans l'âge ingrat (Welcome to the Dollhouse) est un film américain réalisé par Todd Solondz, sorti en 1995. Le film a remporté le Grand Prix du jury du Festival du film de Sundance en 1996. (fr)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse is a 1995 American coming-of-age black comedy film written and directed by Todd Solondz. An independent film, it won the Grand Jury Prize at the 1996 Sundance Film Festival and launched the careers of Solondz and Heather Matarazzo. The story follows the unpopular middle schooler Dawn as she goes to extreme lengths trying to earn the respect of her vicious fellow students and her disinterested family. Dawn reappears in two of Solondz's other films, Palindromes and Wiener-Dog. (en)
- 『ウェルカム・ドールハウス』(Welcome to the Dollhouse)は1995年製作のアメリカ合衆国の映画である。トッド・ソロンズ監督のデビュー作。 著名評論家のロジャー・イーバートとピーター・トラヴァースは本作を1996年度の年間トップ10に選んでいる。 (ja)
- 《인형의 집으로 오세요》(Welcome To The Dollhouse)는 미국에서 제작된 토드 솔론즈 감독의 1995년 코미디, 드라마 영화이다. 헤더 마타라조 등이 주연으로 출연하였고 등이 제작에 참여하였다. (ko)
- Fuga dalla scuola media (Welcome to the Dollhouse) è un film del 1995 diretto da Todd Solondz con Heather Matarazzo. Film drammatico, vinse nel 1996 un premio al Sundance Film Festival. Il titolo originale è quello del brano suonato dal gruppo di Mark e Steve nel garage di casa Wiener. (it)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse is een Amerikaanse tragikomedie uit 1995, geschreven en geregisseerd door . Deze onafhankelijke film won de Grand Jury Prize op het Sundance Film Festival 1996 en lanceerde de carrières van Solondz en hoofdrolspeelster Heather Matarazzo. Het verhaal volgt de impopulaire middelbare scholier Dawn terwijl ze tot het uiterste gaat om het respect van haar vicieuze medestudenten en haar ongeïnteresseerde familie te verdienen. Dawn duikt weer op in twee van Solondz 'andere films, en Wiener-Dog. (nl)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (Bem-Vindo à Casa de BonecasBR) é um filme americano realizado por Todd Solondz que foi lançado em 1995. (pt)
- «Добро пожаловать в кукольный дом» (англ. Welcome to the Dollhouse) — американская независимая чёрная комедия о подростках. Первый получивший известность фильм в карьере режиссёра Тодда Солондза и актрисы Хизер Матараццо. Фильм стал неожиданно успешным, с учётом «независимости» и относительно невысокого бюджета; картина была с одобрением воспринята критиками (90 % на Rotten Tomatoes) и завоевала Гран-при на фестивале Сандэнс. Критик Роджер Эберт поставил фильму 4 звезды из четырёх и включил его в список пяти лучших картин 1996 года. (ru)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (ca)
- Willkommen im Tollhaus (de)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (en)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (película) (es)
- Bienvenue dans l'âge ingrat (fr)
- Fuga dalla scuola media (it)
- ウェルカム・ドールハウス (ja)
- 인형의 집으로 오세요 (ko)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (nl)
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (filme) (pt)
- Добро пожаловать в кукольный дом (ru)
- freebase:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- http://data.linkedmdb.org/resource/film/42984
- yago-res:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- wikidata:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-ca:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-de:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-es:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-fr:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-gl:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-he:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-it:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-ja:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-ko:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-nl:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-pt:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-ru:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- dbpedia-simple:Welcome to the Dollhouse
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/2QfPa
- Welcome to the Dollhouse (en)
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:American_Eccentric_Cinema
- dbr:List_of_comedy_films_of_the_1990s
- dbr:List_of_cult_films:_W
- dbr:List_of_films:_U–W
- dbr:List_of_films_set_in_New_Jersey
- dbr:Brendan_Sexton_III
- dbr:Deauville_American_Film_Festival
- dbr:Andrea_Meyer
- dbr:List_of_Sundance_Film_Festival_selections
- dbr:List_of_Yale_University_people
- dbr:Dawn_(name)
- dbr:Deaths_in_March_2020
- dbr:Independent_Spirit_Award_for_Best_Director
- dbr:Independent_Spirit_Award_for_Best_Film
- dbr:Indiewood
- dbr:Interpretations_of_Fight_Club
- dbr:Lincoln_(band)
- dbr:12th_Independent_Spirit_Awards
- dbr:1995_Toronto_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:Matthew_Faber
- dbr:Nerd
- dbr:1995_in_film
- dbr:1996_in_American_television
- dbr:1996_in_film
- dbr:Morgan_J._Freeman
- dbr:The_Movies_(miniseries)
- dbr:18th_Youth_in_Film_Awards
- dbr:Livingston,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Sneak_Previews
- dbr:Sundance_Institute
- dbr:1st_Golden_Satellite_Awards
- dbr:Todd_Solondz
- dbr:Wiener-Dog_(film)
- dbr:Will_Lyman
- dbr:Joana_Vicente
- dbr:List_of_American_films_of_1995
- dbr:2014_Deauville_American_Film_Festival
- dbr:Addicted_to_Fresno
- dbr:Affonso_Gonçalves
- dbr:All_Over_Me_(film)
- dbr:Eric_Mabius
- dbr:Flex_&_Hated
- dbr:Palindromes_(film)
- dbr:Daniel_Rey
- dbr:Danja_production_discography
- dbr:List_of_Sony_Pictures_Classics_films
- dbr:List_of_Sundance_Film_Festival_award_winners
- dbr:Harriet_the_Spy_(film)
- dbr:Heather_Matarazzo
- dbr:James_Caldwell_High_School
- dbr:Jason_Kliot
- dbr:Jill_Wisoff
- dbr:Ken_Leung
- dbr:Sunday_(1997_film)
- dbr:Dinner_in_America
- dbr:Independent_Spirit_Award_for_Best_Breakthrough_Performance
- dbr:Independent_Spirit_Award_for_Best_Supporting_Male
- dbr:Christina_Vidal
- dbr:Young_Artist_Award_for_Best_Leading_Young_Actress_in_a_Feature_Film
- dbr:TCM_Underground
- dbr:List_of_teen_films
- dbr:National_Board_of_Review_Awards_1996
- dbr:Welcome_To_The_Dollhouse
- dbr:Welcome_to_the_dollhouse
- dbr:Satellite_Award_for_Best_Actress_–_Motion_Picture
- dbr:Welcome_to_the_Dollhouse_(film)
is foaf:primaryTopic of