Newport, Rhode Island acquired a new fireboat, named William H. Connerton, Jr. on April 23, 2018.Approximately seventy-five percent of the vessel's cost was covered by a FEMA Port Security Grant. 887,642.00waspaidforbyFEMA,887,642.00 was paid for by FEMA, 887,642.00waspaidforbyFEMA,267,500 was paid by the , but $200,000 of that was donated by a local philanthropist.
Newport, Rhode Island acquired a new fireboat, named William H. Connerton, Jr. on April 23, 2018.Approximately seventy-five percent of the vessel's cost was covered by a FEMA Port Security Grant. 887,642.00waspaidforbyFEMA,887,642.00 was paid for by FEMA, 887,642.00waspaidforbyFEMA,267,500 was paid by the , but $200,000 of that was donated by a local philanthropist. (en)
Newport, Rhode Island acquired a new fireboat, named William H. Connerton, Jr. on April 23, 2018.Approximately seventy-five percent of the vessel's cost was covered by a FEMA Port Security Grant. 887,642.00waspaidforbyFEMA,887,642.00 was paid for by FEMA, 887,642.00waspaidforbyFEMA,267,500 was paid by the , but $200,000 of that was donated by a local philanthropist. (en)