Wilshire Private School, previously called the Wilshire School, the Hankook School, and the Los Angeles Hankook Academy, was a primary and secondary school located in Koreatown, Los Angeles. It is in the Mid-City/Mid-Wilshire area. It was sponsored by the Korean Institute of Southern California (KISC, 남가주한국학원/南加州韓國學院). Its primary target students were Korean Americans. In 1994, the principal, John Regan, stated that Hankook School was the only educational facility that targeted Korean students in the United States.
Wilshire Private School, previously called the Wilshire School, the Hankook School, and the Los Angeles Hankook Academy, was a primary and secondary school located in Koreatown, Los Angeles. It is in the Mid-City/Mid-Wilshire area. It was sponsored by the Korean Institute of Southern California (KISC, 남가주한국학원/南加州韓國學院). Its primary target students were Korean Americans. In 1994, the principal, John Regan, stated that Hankook School was the only educational facility that targeted Korean students in the United States. In August 2018, the school closed its doors and ceased due to lack of fundings and enrollments. This closure marked Wilshire Elementary School's 33rd year of service. (en)
Wilshire Private School, previously called the Wilshire School, the Hankook School, and the Los Angeles Hankook Academy, was a primary and secondary school located in Koreatown, Los Angeles. It is in the Mid-City/Mid-Wilshire area. It was sponsored by the Korean Institute of Southern California (KISC, 남가주한국학원/南加州韓國學院). Its primary target students were Korean Americans. In 1994, the principal, John Regan, stated that Hankook School was the only educational facility that targeted Korean students in the United States. (en)