- Wu Youning (武攸寧), formally the Duke of Jiang (江公), was an imperial prince during the reign of Wu Zetian and served as chancellor both during her regency over her son Emperor Ruizong of Tang and her own reign. It is not known when Wu Youning was born. Wu Youning's grandfather Wu Shirang (武士讓) was an older brother to Wu Zetian's father Wu Shihuo. As of spring 690, when Wu Zetian was empress dowager and regent over Emperor Ruizong, Wu Youning was serving as Fengge Shilang (鳳閣侍郎), the deputy head of the legislative bureau of government (鳳閣, Fengge), when she made him Nayan (納言) -- the head of the examination bureau (鸞臺, Luantai) and a post considered one for a chancellor. Later that year, when she had Emperor Ruizong yield the throne to her and took the throne herself as "emperor" of a new Zhou Dynasty, interrupting Tang Dynasty, she created a large number of her Wu clan relatives imperial princes, and Wu Youning was created the Prince of Jianchang. In fall 691, Wu Youning was removed from his post as Nayan, and was made a commanding general of the imperial guards. One month later, however, he was again made Nayan. In fall 692, as a part of a major reorganization of her government, Wu Zetian made him the minister of public works (冬官尚書, Dongguan Shangshu), no longer a chancellor. It was said that when Wu Youning and his cousin Wu Sansi were in power, they established offices to confiscate rich individuals' properties, and that some 17 or 18 individuals had their properties confiscated by them. Wu Youning stored what he gained in large storages, which were destroyed in a large fire. In 705, Wu Zetian was overthrown in a coup led by the officials Zhang Jianzhi, Cui Xuanwei, Jing Hui, Huan Yanfan, and Yuan Shuji. Her son Li Xian the Crown Prince (Emperor Ruizong's older brother), who had previously reigned as emperor, was restored to the throne (as Emperor Zhongzong). Jing proposed that the Wu imperial princes' titles be removed, but Emperor Zhongzong declined to do so, instead demoting their titles slightly, and Wu Youning's title was reduced to Duke of Jiang. He died early in the Shenlong era (705-707), while serving as the prefect of Qi Prefecture (岐州, roughly modern Baoji, Shaanxi). (en)
- 武攸寧(?-?),唐朝并州文水(今山西省文水县)人。他是武则天伯父武士讓的孙子,父亲武懷道,從兄弟武攸暨、武攸止。 690年一月初十,时任鳳閣侍郎(中书侍郎)的武攸寧被任命为纳言。九月十二,武则天迫使儿子唐睿宗退位,自称圣神皇帝,建立武周,武攸寧被封为建昌王。691年八月初十,武攸宁罢相,为左羽林大将军。九月廿六重新为纳言。692年八月十六,武攸宁罢相,为冬官尚書(工部尚书)。695年二月初四,武则天逮捕男宠薛怀义和尚,命建昌王武攸宁率壮士打死了他,尸体送往白马寺焚烧,造塔。698年九月初七,夏官尚书(兵部尚书)武攸宁为同凤阁鸾台三品。699年一月初四,武攸宁罢相,为冬官尚书(工部尚书)。704年,武则天命春官尚书(礼部尚书)武攸宁主持在洛阳城北的白司马阪建造大佛像。唐中宗复位后,武攸宁降为江国公,神龙年间死在岐州刺史任上。 (zh)