Die Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (ZCP) ist eine sprachwissenschaftliche deutsche Schriftenreihe. Es ist die älteste noch erscheinende Zeitschrift, die sich ausschließlich dem Thema Keltologie widmet. (de)
Is iris acadúil de chuid an léinn Cheiltigh í Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (Gearmáinis ar "iris um fhocleolaíocht cheilteach"), a bunaíodh sa bhliain 1897 ag na scoláirí Gearmánacha Kuno Meyer agus Ludwig Christian Stern. Ba í an chéad iris a bhí dírithe go heisiach ar na dteangacha Ceilteacha agus ar litríocht agus an iris shuntasach is sine de chuid an léinn Cheiltigh atá ar marthain. Tá a béim ar an Ghaeilge Luath agus a litríocht agus ar na dteangacha Ceilteacha de chuid na Mór-roinne., ach faigheann gnéithe eile den fhileolaíocht agus litríocht Cheilteach (lena n-áirítear litríocht nua-aimseartha) aird freisin. Cé is moite de Stern agus Meyer, áirítear Julius Pokorny, Ludwig Mühlhausen, Rudolf Thurneysen, Rudolf Hertz, , , agus i measc na n-eagarthóirí roimhe seo . Is iad na príomheagarthóirí reatha ná , agus . Chomh maith leis na himleabharan rialta, bíonn foshraith ann freisin, Buchreihe der Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. (ga)
The Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie is an academic journal of Celtic studies, which was established in 1897 by the German scholars Kuno Meyer and . It was the first journal devoted exclusively to Celtic languages and literature and is the oldest significant journal of Celtic studies still in existence today. The emphasis is on (early) Irish language and literature and Continental Celtic languages, but other aspects of Celtic philology and literature (including modern literature) also receive attention. Apart from Stern and Meyer, previous editors include Julius Pokorny, Ludwig Mühlhausen, Rudolf Thurneysen, Rudolf Hertz, Heinrich Wagner, Hans Hartmann, and Karl Horst Schmidt. The current editors-in-chief are Jürgen Uhlich, Torsten Meißner and Bernhard Maier. In addition to the regular volumes, the journal also has a subsidiary series, Buchreihe der Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. The journal features in a poem by Flann O'Brien which satirises scholars who "rose in their nightshift / To write for the Zeitschrift". (en)