DBTune - Magnatune RDF dump (original) (raw)
Magnatune RDF server
1. Introduction
Magnatune is an independent music label, allowing people to buy records for as much as they want.DBTune aims at publishing and interlinking such music-related repositories on the Semantic Web, using RDF and the Music Ontology.
This effort is part of the Linking Open Data on the Semantic Web community project, hosted by the Semantic Web Education and Outreach interest group.
This service aims at publishing and interlinking with relevant data sources the Magnatune data set.
2. Browsing the dataset
All resource identifiers defined by this RDF dump are dereferencable.
Here are some entry points to the dataset:
- American Baroque (artist) in OpenLink data explorer,Zitgist data viewer,Marbles,DISCO,Tabulator
- Antiguru (artist) in OpenLink data explorer,Zitgist data viewer,Marbles,DISCO,Tabulator
- Calliope (album) in OpenLink data explorer,Zitgist data viewer,Marbles,DISCO,Tabulator
- The Early Horn (track) in OpenLink data explorer,Zitgist data viewer,Marbles,DISCO,Tabulator
The dump also exposes some informational RDF documents.
Such documents are:
3. Querying the dataset
The service also exposes a SPARQL end-point, available at http://dbtune.org/magnatune/sparql/. There is also a small web interface available at http://dbtune.org/magnatune/store/.
The RDF dump is available for download. The package holds the raw Jamendo data converted to RDF (available under the same license than the raw Jamendo data itself), as well as the links towards Geonames and the links towards Musicbrainz. These links are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License (subject to change, ask me).
5. Tools
The RDF dump was created using D2R server.
The tool handling dereferencable identifiers is available here. It is a small HTTP server implementing content negotiation. The behavior of the server is specified by a declarative mapping from resource identifiers to the location of their representation.