Final Crisis (original) (raw)

When the Source initiated the demise of the Fourth World and the Death of the New Gods, it did so on one mistaken assumption: that extinction would end the animosity between the New Gods of Apokolips and New Genesis. The New Gods resumed their war in heaven, a

Final Crisis, "The Day Evil Won", is an all-out war and invasion of Earth by the forces of Darkseid. The main series was written by Grant Morrison, exploring not just the New Gods, but also the Monitors and their machinations in the Multiverse.


When the Source initiated the demise of the Fourth World and the Death of the New Gods, it did so on one mistaken assumption: that extinction would end the animosity between the New Gods of Apokolips and New Genesis. The New Gods resumed their war in heaven, a war that ultimately ended when the forces of evil gained control of the Anti-Life Equation which can destroy free will. With this, Darkseid, the Dread Lord of Apokolips and God of Evil, finally achieved his ultimate goal, and in his victory, the survivors on both sides fell through reality, landing on New Earth just before the Infinite Crisis. From here, Darkseid consolidated his position, possessing a mobster named Boss Dark Side and uniting the evil gods of the Fourth World. The good gods could not fight him.

Building his position, Darkseid began using his godly power to alter reality, subtly removing the positive effects of the Fourth Worlds: as a result, Bruno Mannheim founded a cult dedicated to the evil of the Fourth World. Metron, a scientist connected to the Fourth World, fought Darkseid's actions across time and space: convincing "Mister Miracle", an escape artist, to take the role of the spirit of freedom; inspiring Anthro with "fire and knowledge". But it was not enough - Darkseid's evil was spreading over the universe like a shadow.

After the villains escaped from the prison planet, Darkseid sent Libra to lead them in the preaching of his word. Taking control of the Secret Society of Super-Villains, he transformed it into something resembling a terrorist organization. When the time was right, Darkseid arranged the death of Orion. It was only then that the heroes of Earth realised that something might be amiss. As their leading lights were picked off, the heroes united to fight them... but it was too late. Darkseid's followers spread the Anti-Life Equation across the world, while at the same time taking possession of Dan Turpin. Earth itself became a doomsday singularity, a black hole corrupting time and space, where several weeks transpired inside in the matter of a few days. Worse, because the Multiverse rested upon New Earth's survival, Darkseid's presence was destroying space and time around him, which could in turn destroy the multiverse. However, there is one hero no-one could have predicted... Barry Allen, the second Flash.

At the same time, Superman, along with a number of alternate "Supermen", was called away to help the Monitors deal with the threat of Monitor Dax Novu, a fallen monitor who had become Mandrakk the Dark Monitor. To his horror, Superman discovered that Mandrakk's fall was because he had fully embraced his nature: the Monitors were celestial parasites who fed off the Bleed, and Mandrakk sought to feed off the multiverse itself. Superman was able to defeat Mandrakk, but Monitor Rox Ogama, who had conspired with Mandrakk and banished Monitor Nix Uotan to Earth, simply assumed his mantle. Superman dispatched Captain Marvel of Earth-5 to gather all the Supermen of the 52 to form a force which would be able to defeat Mandrakk. Superman was then called by the Legion of Super-Heroes to deal with Superboy-Prime, but the Legion were unable to return Superman to his time period until after Darkseid's rebirth. Recognizing that a desperate course was needed to deal with Darkseid, Brainiac 5 showed Superman schematics for the Miracle Machine.

On an Earth overwhelmed, the last remaining superheroes worked with Checkmate to try to turn the tide against Darkseid. Although they made progress in the battle of Bludhaven, Darkseid assumed full control over the people enslaved by the Anti-Life Equation. In his dungeons, Nix Uotan remembered the name of his lost lover, Weeja Dell, restoring his monitor powers, while Metron, also a prisoner, reactivated his Mother Box. Learning of Darkseid's presence on Earth, the Guardians of the Universe sent a team of Green Lanterns under Hal Jordan to eliminate Darkseid.

However, Darkseid had underestimated the resolve of Batman. Recognizing Darkseid's existence as a threat, Batman made a once-in-a-lifetime exception and used a gun to fire the radion bullet Darkseid had used to kill Orion. Darkseid was hit with the radion bullet, but not before he unleashed the Omega Sanction, the "death that is life", upon Batman. Superman then returned to New Earth, breaking through Darkseid's forces and finding what appeared to be Batman's corpse. As Darkseid mocked his old enemy and fired the bullet that killed Orion, Barry Allen and Wally West lead the Black Racer to Darkseid, who removed his soul from Dan Turpin. Superman allied with the Secret Society under Lex Luthor and Doctor Sivana, managing to break the Anti-Life Equation's hold over Wonder Woman, who in turn bound Darkseid's corpse with the Lasso of Truth, breaking the Equation's hold over the people of Earth.

Forced to miniaturize and place the people of Earth into cryogenic stasis, Superman set about building a Miracle Machine to reverse the damage done by Darkseid. Once it is complete, Darkseid makes a last ditch attempt to defeat Superman and claim the Miracle Machine. However, Superman sang a note at a frequency that countered Darkseid's own vibrational frequency, shattering his essence. Superman then needed a sample of Element X to power the Miracle Machine, and planned to make a sample using Metron's Mobius Chair. Mandrakk then returned to take his revenge as Superman used the solar energy in his body to power the Chair. Before Mandrakk could react, the Supermen appeared to hold him off while Nix Uotan restores the humanity and powers of the Zoo Crew (then trapped as ordinary animals) to be reinforcements. Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns arrived and, with the last of their power, killed Mandrakk. Superman then used the Miracle Machine to restore Earth to its normal place in the multiverse. Recognizing that he and his fellow monitors were too dangerous to be allowed to continue, Nix Uotan banished himself and his kind throughout the multiverse, again separating himself from Weeja Dell. As Earth began the long process of recovery, the people of Earth were left with the knowledge of the multiverse.

The events of the Final Crisis have been referenced throughout the New 52 Universe, but the exact events that unfolded are uncertain. Darkseid only recalls having fought the Justice League once, and the New Gods of both Apokolips and New Genesis still exist during the Godhead and Robin Rises events. However, Batman was killed by what is believed to be Omega Beams, Richard Grayson is shown to have been Batman during Bruce Wayne's absence, and Captain Carrot from Earth 26 remembers the events of the Final Crisis. DC Comics' website describes the involvement of the inhabitants of Earth 26, the New 52 version of Earth-C, in an event involving Mandrakk.[1]


Core Issues:


Final Crisis: Revelations:

Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge:

Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds

Final Crisis: Superman Beyond

Final Crisis Aftermath

Grant Morrison's Essential Reading Order




  2. Interview with Grant Morrison at Newsarama
  3. Justice League of America (Volume 2) #9
Events Crisis on Multiple Earths | Crisis on Infinite Earths Zero Hour: Crisis in Time! Infinite Crisis Final Crisis Flashpoint Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths
Zero Hour Related Events End of an Era
Countdown to Infinite Crisis Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1 | The OMAC Project Rann-Thanagar War Villains United Day of Vengeance
Infinite Crisis Aftermath 52 | One Year Later World War III Battle for Blüdhaven
Countdown to Final Crisis Death of the New Gods | Salvation Run Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer Countdown to Adventure Countdown to Mystery Countdown Presents: Lord Havok and the Extremists Countdown: Arena
Final Crisis Related Events Final Crisis | Final Crisis: Revelations Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge
Flashpoint Related Events Time Masters: Vanishing Point
Road to Dark Crisis Infinite Frontier | Justice League Incarnate
See Also Identity Crisis (crossovers) | Heroes in Crisis Dark Nights: Death Metal Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossovers Zero Hour Crossovers Infinite Crisis Crossovers Final Crisis Crossovers Dark Crisis Crossovers Convergence

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