Diutinus Defense Techonologies Corp. (original) (raw)

DEFCON 20 CTF Results

The dust settled and 侍 emerged victorious for DDTEK's final show. The margin was VERY close, only outpacing the 2nd place team by 4% over the course of the entire weekend.
EVERY qualified team occupied their respective pens in Vegas. Finishing 5th overall, the Ebay team proved worthy of the spot. We hope that NCCDC teams will be able to score a few points in future CTF's.

Final ordering
3 European NopSled Team
4 Routards
5 OccupyEIP
6 0ldEur0pe
7 Hates Irony
8 Leet More Smoked Chicken
9 Shellphish
10 TwoSixNine
11 ACME Pharm
12 SiBears
13 Hackerdom
14 our name sucks
16 We_0wn_You
18 V&
19 sutegoma2
20 Team Hillarious

Packet captures for the entire game (all teams) will be posted soon, so stay tuned.
Sunday scoreboard captures can be found here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

So long all ya'll CTF bitches. The past four years have been fun. We'll see you around lurking in dark corners at hacker cons. What will DDTEK's next be project be?


The sheep are declaring their independence and want to escape the pen. They are raising funds to buy out m3rc and need your help.

They're auctioning off an entry for one team to play at Defcon 20 CTF in Vegas which includes a table with eight seats for the winning bidder, two hotel rooms at the Rio for the duration of the con, and eight Defcon "human" badges. They claim to offer some other "products" in the auction but we're a bit skeptical--these are sheep we're talking about here.

The bidding ends on Jul 10, 2012 at 20:42:27 PDT, so don't prosheepinate.

Any funds not used for reasonable CTF related expenses will be donated to theEFF—regardless of what the sheep or m3rc think.

DC20 CTF, qualification results

DC 19 Champions
1 European Nopslead team CONFIRMED!
Prequalified (from other CTF)
2 We_0wn_you [iCTF] CONFIRMED!
4 Team Hillarious [NCCDC] CONFIRMED!
5 V& (Team Vand) [DC 19 amatureCTF] CONFIRMED!
6 0ldEur0pe [RuCTFE] CONFIRMED!
7 SiBears [HitB Amsterdam] CONFIRMED!
9 HackerDom [Nuit du Hack] CONFIRMED!
Ebay slot
10 0ccupy EIP CONFIRMED!
DDTEK open qualifier
11 Hates Irony CONFIRMED!
14 sutegoma2 CONFIRMED!
15 shellphish CONFIRMED!
16 TwoSixNine CONFIRMED!
European Nopslead Team prequalified
More Smoked Leet Chicken prequalified
17 our name sucks CONFIRMED!
20 Routards CONFIRMED!
Alternates (in order of priority)
Zomg Pwnies
0ccupy EIP moved up in the world

Defcon 20 Qualifications Completed

DEFCON 20 CTF Qualifications completed today and the rankings are now available. submissions answer counts team answers

IRC will stay up for three days, until 2012/06/07 00:00:00 UTC.
OFTC IRC will stay up forever
irc://irc.oftc.net:6667 #defconctf

From talk at ddtek.biz Mon May 28 14:02:58 2012 From: talk To: x@cs.foo.edu Subject: DMCA GETDOWN WARN NOTARY

My name is MCSasha and I am the COMMANDER OF THE UNIVERSE of DDTEK GALAXIAN SYSTEMS. A website that your company hosts (according to WHOIS information) is infringing on at least one copyright owned by my company.

This image was copied onto your servers without permission from our servers: http://h4wtnugget.cs.foo.edu/bg.png

The original ARTICLE/PHOTO, to which we own the exclusive copyrights, can be found at: http://ddtek.biz/imgs/back2.png

PROVIDE WEBSITE URL \http://h4wtnugget.cs.foo.edu/./bg.png

The unauthorized and infringing copy can be found at: http://ddtek.biz/imgs/back1.png

Moreover, we have confirmed that the two images are bit for bit copies using DDTEKFILZSUMZ: 5979d55d6268f67cf0fde0eb970e591069 0d704fb98852b2c820596016a5e1ac2377 http://www.online-convert.com/result/a60134c95345b3ba6c86353b40e69a3f

PROVIDE WEBSITE URL http://ddtek.biz/permission from our servers: http://h4wtnugget.cs.foo.edu/bg.png

This license to ill (may he RIP) is official notification under Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”), and I seek the removal of the aforementioned SOPA infringing material from servers. I request immediately notify the infringer of this notice and inform them to remove the duty infringing material immediately, and to cease any further nfringing material to your server in the future when the unless your infringers are infringinating.

Please also be advised that law requires you, as a service provider, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receiving this notice. Under 'Murikkan PIPA law a service provider, such as yourself, enjoys immunity from a copyright lawsuit provided that you act with deliberate speed to investigate and rectumify ongoing copyright infringement. If service providers do not investigate and remove or disable the infringing material this immunity is lost balls not amaze. Therefore, in order for you to remain immunity from a copyright infringement action hivvies you will need to investigate and ultimately remove or otherwise neuter ACTA would the infringing material from your servers with all due speed should the direct infringer, your client, not have the comply.

I am providing this notice in gooder faith of et infringina lastus and with the reasonable belief that my miranda rights my company owns are being infringed. Under penalty of a jury I certify that the information contained in the notification is both true and accurate, and I have the assthority to act on behalf of the me of the TPP copyright(s) involved heretofore.


Should you wish to discuss this with me please chicken chicken chicken[1] me directly.

You are thanks.


77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02142 206-911-0505 talk@ddtek.biz

[1] http://isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf

PS You can pay the sheep in. We promis to come to them treatment gently.

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PS THis is bizdness serial.

PS I miss terribly the sandstone pet of rock that named sandy is. Softness fo sandstone was the best of rock pets that i knew ever biblicallee.

Defcon 20 Quals Started

irc: #quals
gameboard: no longer available.

Amongst data breaches and misc 'leakage', not necessarily digital, DEFCON CTF continues at DEFCON XX


1 APRIL 2012


Defense Diutinus Technologies Corp (ddtek) is pleased to announce the round of qualification for DEFON 20 CTF... DEFCON XX, it's two-thirds sheepornographic!

In case you have been under a rock, DEFCON 20 is poised to be the largest it has ever been, thousands and thousands of hackers, high end entertainment and non-stop action to rival m3rc's in romps New Zealand's sheep country.

So get your 50 gal. discount lube handy (use coupon code DDTEKNEEDZLUBEZ) and get ready to be pwned...the no-holds-barred competition for these coveted spots will be held over 48 non-stop hours 1-3 June (US time zones).

The qualification round will require teams to demonstrate the superiority of cyber, security, and hacking across a vast realm of security knowledge, practice and CISSP DRE exam prep questions.

DT asked DDT to grow the CTF. So we have. We are pre-qualifying winners of other CTFs around the globe to bring a smackdown of epic proportions this August.

As always, last year's champion, the Euopean Nopsled Team, is granted automatic entry. There are so many CTFs on the circuit these days, we seek to incorporate only the best of the best.

So, random, wandering sheep have selected the following CTFs using a scientifically proven "pin the tail on the m3rc" (role reversal--who knew?) method.

Last year the iCTF and Codegate winners demonstrated that winners of these CTFs were worthy of returning, additionally we invite victors from NCCDC, HitB, PhDays, nuit du hack, RuCTFE, and Defcon 19 oCTF.

The winners of said competitions have reserved seats at this years show.

While DEFCON refuses to sell-out to corporate sponsorship, DT is personally covering two rooms per team at the majestic RIO hotel Thursday-Sunday for each team.

In honor of DC XX we're upping the number of tables in Vegas to 20 total. Yes, when the dust clears the _20_ best will be invited to join us this summer in sin city for the annual DEFCON deathmatch. It wouldn't be fair to reduce the number of spots available to the public at large, so 10 teams will qualify in open quals this June.

Reg is at ddtek.biz. Only those that pre-register for quals are permitted entry. Each individual should register. The first member of each team to register will receive a team code to privately share with other mates as they register. Just go to the dam site and register. It's not hard (registration that is), and lusers that can't bother themselves to register in the next eight weeks will be required to wear sheep hatz to Defcon (http://bit.ly/HCIQQy). Consider this your first challenge, those that successfully register will receive 5 schrute bucks (Schrute buck to bitcoin to sheepantler to qualpoint conversion scale will be available at a later date).

Registration site: CLOSED.
Registration opens: 01 Apr 2012 00:00:00 UTC
Registration ends: 01 Jun 2012 00:00:00 UTC

Qualifications open: 02 Jun 2012 00:00:00 UTC
Qualifications ends: 04 Jun 2012 00:00:00 UTC

Labian links for those that can't successfully convert timezones:


For those mathy types, you'll notice that one seat is not accounted for, stay tuned for a surprise announcement during quals weekend.

More infoz will follow via your registered email address.

Difensiva Senior Engineer, GIAC-OFFENSIVE
Diuntinus Defense Technologies, plc., Co., Gmbh., Inc.

Sasha has too much time on her hands

Stay tuned

check back later for infoz on DefCon's Capture the LULZ, 2011, brought to you by ddtek.