(48) - Towns > Edinburgh > 1805-1834 - Post Office annual directory > 1832-1833 - Scottish Directories (original) (raw)


BAR Edinburgh: 1^
Balfour.W. teacher of Eng. and geograph. 39 Dublin st.
.Mrs David, 42 Heriot row
I\Irs, 4 3Iary place
Mrs, 19 Warriston crescent
-Mrs Gourlcy, 30 Haddington place
Miss, 18 Buccleuch place
Misses, dressmakers, &c. 40 Brougbton street
iVIisses, 1 Charles street
Balgray, Lord, 30 George square
Balks, David, messenger-at-arms
Ballantine & Allan, painters, 15 Hanover street
George, grocer, 57 Candlemaker row
— — George, baker, 33 Cumberland street
John, cheesemonger, 19 Hanover street
Walter, esq. (of Shirva), 8 Annandale street —
lithographic establishment, 14 Terrace, Leith st.
JIrs John, 13 Wellington street
Mrs, 5 B,oxburgh terrace
Miss, dressmaker, 6 west Nicolson street
Ballantyne & Co. printers, Paul's work, Canongate
Alex, (of Ballantyne §• Co.), 20 Fettes row
Geo. fancy trimming warehouse, 12 Nicolson st.
.Tames (of Ballantyne §• Co.), 1 Hill street
James, letter carrier, 30 St John's hill
Robert, violin maker, 1 west College street
• 3Iiss, 15 GifFord Park
Balleny, David, wi-ight, 4 Bristo street
William, spirit dealer, 1 Haddington place
Ballingall, Sir George, Professor of Military Surgery,
13 Heriot row
Miss, dressmaker, 44 South bridge
Balvaird, George, late of Excise, 3 Gilmour place
3Irs, 21 Gilmour place
Bamford, ^liss, 51 Hope park end
Baucks, Chas. J. ironmonger, 241 Cowgate— house 1
^liddleby street
Baxk of Scotland, Bank street
Banks, Alex, bookbinder & stationer, 37 North bridge
Henry, merchant tailor, 22 Duke street
■ .1. H. bookbinder and stationer, 27 Hanover st.
John, & Co. manufacturers of carpets, hearth-
rugs, and hemp-matting, Canonmills
John, dye and stamp cutter, 263 High street
William, tailor, 15 Catherine street
W. cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 6 west Rich-
mond street, and 10 St Patrick square
Bannerman, Hugh, tea & spiritmerchant, 3 Spence'spl.
iliss, 4 north St James street
Baptie, David, carver and gilder, 59 High street
John, circulating library, 10 Wellington street ^
Barber, Drew, bell-hanger, 12 Brandon street
Bichard (Gardener's tavern.) 9 Canal street
Barclay, John, esq. 16 Hope street, Charlotte square
.Tohn, esq. 7 Carleton place
John, grocer, ^laitland place
John, grocer, 63 north back of Canongate
John, circulating library, 44 Home street
Capt. R. H. royal navy, 2 Saxe Coburg place
Robert, late of the Excise, Jock's lodge
Bobert, esq. 34 Buccleuch place
Mrs, lodgings, 16 south Richmond street