Uncollected Essays (original) (raw)

Uncollected Essays


Foreword by Paul A. Olson • Buzones, an Alternative Etymology • The Manuel des Péchés and an English Episcopal Decree • Correspondence – The Manuel des Péchés • A Note on the Classical Origin of ‘Circumstances’ in the Medieval Confessional • A Study of Certain Aspects of the Cultural Tradition of ‘Handlyng _Synne_’ • The Cultural Tradition of Handlyng Synne • Marie de France, Lais, Prologue, 13-16 • Cumhthach Labhras an Lonsa • Chaucerian Tragedy • St. Foy among the Thorns • Amors de terra lonhdana • The Subject of the De Amore of Andreas Capellanus • Why the Devil Wears Green • A Further Note on Conjointure • The Book of the Duchess • Chaucer Criticism • “And for my land thus hastow mordred me?” Land Tenure, the Cloth Industry, and the Wife of Bath • Chaucer and the “Commune Profit”: The Manor • The Intellectual, Artistic and Historical Context • Religion and Stylistic History • Simple Signs from Everyday Life in Chaucer • Chaucer and Christian Tradition • The Wife of Bath and Midas • The Probable Date and Purpose of Chaucer’s Troilus • Who Were “The People”? • Chaucer and the Economic and Social Consequences of the Plague • The Probable Date and Purpose of Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale • The Physician’s Comic Tale • Wisdom and “The Manciple’s Tale”: A Chaucerian Comic Interlude

ISBN: 978-1-60962-113-1

doi: 10.13014/K23776W6

Publication Date



Chaucer, Middle English, poetry, medieval


English Language and Literature | Literature in English, British Isles | Other English Language and Literature

Robertson, D. W. Jr. and Olson, Paul A., "Uncollected Essays" (2017). Zea E-Books Collection. 60.

Uncollected Essays


Since December 04, 2017