Dilbert.com (original) (raw)
Disgraced and canceled cartoonist Scott Adams has moved his work and upgraded it to a spicier version entitled Dilbert Reborn.
Dilbert Reborn is only available by subscription, in two places:
WARNING: Dilbert is now uncensored and spicier. Not always safe for work.
Dilbert Reborn daily by subscription (a spicier version of Dilbert) plus the digital version of the Daily Dilbert calendar.
$3/month on X.com (was Twitter)
Go to my profile at @ScottAdamsSays and click "subscribe"
Includes daily (new) Dilbert Reborn comics plus occasional older strips.
- or -
Dilbert Reborn (spicier version), Selected oldies, the new Robots Read News comic, usually two livestreams per day, Micro Lessons on success, and lots of politics.
$7/month (or $70/year) on Locals platform
- Dilbert comic daily (new)
- Robots Read News comic (usually daily) -- about the headlines
- My morning livestreams without commercials
- My evening "Man Cave" livestreams without commercials
- My behind-the-scenes content
- My political content
- Over 200 of my Micro Lessons (2-4 minutes) on improving your life
Older Dilbert Comics
For now, the older Dilbert comics are not available. I plan to build an AI interface so you can search by any criteria. Probably by late summer 2024.
Licensing Dilbert Comics
I don't have a system for licensing Dilbert comics for now. If you are a subscriber on Locals to the new Dilbert Reborn comics, or you subscribe to on the X platform, you have automatic permission to use (a few) older Dilbert comics for your internal business meetings. But don't turn them into marketing materials and don't start republishing them regularly, please. And be careful about using the Dilbert Reborn comics. Those are too spicy for the general public.
I don't recommend trying to use Dilbert for any marketing or book illustration purposes. It is currently too controversial for that.
E-mailed Dilbert Comics
This feature will not be reintroduced.
Dilbert Page-a-Day Calendar
There is no paper version of the 2024 Dilbert calendar but a 2025 edition is available now at https://shopdilbert.online
Subscribers to Dilbert Reborn on X and on Locals see a digital version of the 2024 calendar for no extra cost.
New Book - Reframe Your Brain
Most of my backlist books were cancelled, but my new book, Reframe Your Brain and the 2nd Edition of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big are for sale at