Single Review: Interpol - Obstacle 1 (original) (raw)


Interpol it seems, are a band out of time and out of place. Perhaps that's why they manage to offer up something as compelling as this.

The touchstones are evident, but equally, only a pointer. Joy Division is the obvious beginning place. Paul Bank's vocals manage to produce the same sense of morbid claustrophobia as Ian Curtis, and **Daniel Kessler_* offers jagged, asymmetrical guitar stabs ala Sumner or *_Robert Smith**. Its really quite breathtaking. Like its forbearers, the song contains a dark, brooding groove of its own that takes itself into a strange and otherly place.

"_She puts the weights into my little heart and she gets in my room and she tears it apart_" flails the vocalist, as '_Obstacle 1_' builds to its dark, crushing crescendo. Perhaps the style of its ending is expected. What's not anticipated is the force and power the band creates in doing so. Like I said, breathtaking.

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