Migration of green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (caretta caretta) turtles to and from eastern Australian rookeries (original) (raw)
CJ Limpus, JD Miller, CJ Paramenter, D Reimer, N McLachlan and R Webb
Wildlife Research 19(3) 347 - 357
Published: 1992
Feeding-ground captures of green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles tagged while nesting at eastern Australian rookeries over a 21-year period are summarised. These turtles which nest in the Great Barrier Reef region range widely throughout the Arafura and Coral seas. The tag recoveries include many from turtles that live in neighbouring countries and migrate to breed in Australia. The breeding female shows a high fidelity to her home feeding ground as well as to her nesting beach. Most recaptures of the green turtles occurred during hunting for food by indigenous people while most recaptures of loggerhead turtles were incidental captures in commercial fishing activities. Migratory behaviour, imprinting and navigation are discussed.
© CSIRO 1992