The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) III: a linear sequence of the families in APG III (original) (raw)

Journal Article


1Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK

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1Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK

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2Missouri Botanical Garden, PO Box 299, St Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, USA

3Department of Biology, University of Missouri at St Louis, St Louis, Missouri 63121, USA

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4Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, UK

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1Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK

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04 September 2009


19 October 2009


ELSPETH HASTON, JAMES E. RICHARDSON, PETER F. STEVENS, MARK W. CHASE, DAVID J. HARRIS, The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) III: a linear sequence of the families in APG III, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 161, Issue 2, October 2009, Pages 128–131,

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The publication of the third Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) classification (APG III. 2009. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society161: 128–131) has resulted in the need for a revised systematic listing of the accepted families. This linear APG III (LAPG III) sequence of families is presented here.

Linear sequences of families are required for herbarium curators who wish to arrange collections systematically rather than alphabetically, and there are currently a wide range of systems in use. Over time, in most herbaria, as the understanding of relationships changed, these classifications have become outdated and no longer represent the best estimate of relationships. Curators have updated these systems, usually by adding suffixes or making composite numbers such as ‘145a’ or ‘145.01’ to incorporate changes in an existing sequence. In many cases, however, these modifications have not been published and have often been herbarium-specific, resulting in herbaria that originally used the same system diverging over time.

The linear sequence of families based on the Angiosperm Phylogengy Group (APG) II classification system (LAPG II; Haston et al., 2007) was founded on the best estimate of family relationships at that time. In revising the linear sequence of families to the new APG III classification (APG III, 2009), we provide a clear and explicit update according to the current best estimate of relationships. In LAPG II, we decided to allocate a family number to each of the families listed in the APG II classification, including the ‘bracketed’ families that were presented as ‘acceptable monophyletic alternatives to the broader circumscription favoured here’ (APG II, 2003). In doing this, we felt that we would be giving herbaria the greatest flexibility in accepting or rejecting the ‘bracketed’ families. The APG III classification has tended to accept the broader circumscription of families and does not allow the option of ‘bracketed’ families. The number of accepted families has therefore significantly declined. In addition, our understanding of relationships in several parts of the phylogenetic tree has improved and these changes have been incorporated here.

In considering linear sequences derived from phylogenetic trees, it is important to remember that the sequence is dependent on the methodology used and that loss of phylogenetic information in the conversion is unavoidable. The choice of methodology is controversial (Hawthorne et al., 2008), and the linear sequence can be misleading if not understood in the context of a tree. Linear sequences systematically ordered are, however, used to arrange most of the large herbaria worldwide and therefore merit some attention. This paper provides, for herbarium curators, a simple linear numbered sequence to the families recognised in APG III (Table 1).

Table 1.

The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (LAPG III) sequence of families

Amborellaceae 1
Hydatellaceae 2
Cabombaceae 3
Nymphaeaceae 4
Austrobaileyaceae 5
Trimeniaceae 6
Schisandraceae 7
Chloranthaceae 8
Canellaceae 9
Winteraceae 10
Saururaceae 11
Piperaceae 12
Lactoridaceae 13
Hydnoraceae 14
Aristolochiaceae 15
Myristicaceae 16
Magnoliaceae 17
Degeneriaceae 18
Himantandraceae 19
Eupomatiaceae 20
Annonaceae 21
Calycanthaceae 22
Siparunaceae 23
Gomortegaceae 24
Atherospermataceae 25
Hernandiaceae 26
Monimiaceae 27
Lauraceae 28
Acoraceae 29
Araceae 30
Tofieldiaceae 31
Alismataceae 32
Butomaceae 33
Hydrocharitaceae 34
Scheuchzeriaceae 35
Aponogetonaceae 36
Juncaginaceae 37
Zosteraceae 38
Potamogetonaceae 39
Posidoniaceae 40
Ruppiaceae 41
Cymodoceaceae 42
Petrosaviaceae 43
Nartheciaceae 44
Burmanniaceae 45
Dioscoreaceae 46
Triuridaceae 47
Velloziaceae 48
Stemonaceae 49
Cyclanthaceae 50
Pandanaceae 51
Campynemataceae 52
Melanthiaceae 53
Petermanniaceae 54
Alstroemeriaceae 55
Colchicaceae 56
Philesiaceae 57
Ripogonaceae 58
Smilacaceae 59
Corsiaceae 60
Liliaceae 61
Orchidaceae 62
Boryaceae 63
Blandfordiaceae 64
Asteliaceae 65
Lanariaceae 66
Hypoxidaceae 67
Tecophilaeaceae 68
Doryanthaceae 69
Ixioliriaceae 70
Iridaceae 71
Xeronemataceae 72
Xanthorrhoeaceae 73
Amaryllidaceae* 74
Asparagaceae 75
Arecaceae/Palmae 76
Hanguanaceae 77
Commelinaceae 78
Philydraceae 79
Pontederiaceae 80
Haemodoraceae 81
Strelitziaceae 82
Lowiaceae 83
Heliconiaceae 84
Musaceae 85
Cannaceae 86
Marantaceae 87
Costaceae 88
Zingiberaceae 89
Dasypogonaceae 90
Typhaceae 91
Bromeliaceae 92
Rapateaceae 93
Xyridaceae 94
Eriocaulaceae 95
Mayacaceae 96
Thurniaceae 97
Juncaceae 98
Cyperaceae 99
Anarthriaceae 100
Centrolepidaceae 101
Restionaceae 102
Flagellariaceae 103
Joinvilleaceae 104
Ecdeiocoleaceae 105
Poaceae/Gramineae 106
Ceratophyllaceae 107
Eupteleaceae 108
Papaveraceae 109
Circaeasteraceae 110
Lardizabalaceae 111
Menispermaceae 112
Berberidaceae 113
Ranunculaceae 114
Sabiaceae 115
Nelumbonaceae 116
Platanaceae 117
Proteaceae 118
Trochodendraceae 119
Haptanthaceae 120
Buxaceae 121
Myrothamnaceae 122
Gunneraceae 123
Dilleniaceae 124
Peridiscaceae 125
Paeoniaceae 126
Altingiaceae 127
Hamamelidaceae 128
Cercidiphyllaceae 129
Daphniphyllaceae 130
Iteaceae 131
Grossulariaceae 132
Saxifragaceae 133
Crassulaceae 134
Aphanopetalaceae 135
Tetracarpaeaceae 136
Penthoraceae 137
Haloragaceae 138
Cynomoriaceae 139
Vitaceae 140
Krameriaceae 141
Zygophyllaceae 142
Quillajaceae 143
Fabaceae/Leguminosae 144
Surianaceae 145
Polygalaceae 146
Rosaceae 147
Barbeyaceae 148
Dirachmaceae 149
Elaeagnaceae 150
Rhamnaceae 151
Ulmaceae 152
Cannabaceae 153
Moraceae 154
Urticaceae 155
Nothofagaceae 156
Fagaceae 157
Myricaceae 158
Juglandaceae 159
Casuarinaceae 160
Ticodendraceae 161
Betulaceae 162
Apodanthaceae 163
Anisophylleaceae 164
Corynocarpaceae 165
Coriariaceae 166
Cucurbitaceae 167
Tetramelaceae 168
Datiscaceae 169
Begoniaceae 170
Lepidobotryaceae 171
Celastraceae 172
Huaceae 173
Connaraceae 174
Oxalidaceae 175
Cunoniaceae 176
Elaeocarpaceae 177
Cephalotaceae 178
Brunelliaceae 179
Pandaceae 180
Rhizophoraceae 181
Erythroxylaceae 182
Rafflesiaceae 183
Euphorbiaceae 184
Centroplacaceae 185
Ctenolophonaceae 186
Ochnaceae 187
Picrodendraceae 188
Phyllanthaceae 189
Elatinaceae 190
Malpighiaceae 191
Balanopaceae 192
Trigoniaceae 193
Dichapetalaceae 194
Euphroniaceae 195
Chrysobalanaceae 196
Lophopyxidaceae 197
Putranjivaceae 198
Passifloraceae 199
Lacistemataceae 200
Salicaceae 201
Violaceae 202
Goupiaceae 203
Achariaceae 204
Caryocaraceae 205
Humiriaceae 206
Irvingiaceae 207
Linaceae 208
Ixonanthaceae 209
Calophyllaceae 210
Clusiaceae/Guttiferae 211
Bonnetiaceae 212
Podostemaceae 213
Hypericaceae 214
Geraniaceae 215
Vivianiaceae 216
Melianthaceae 217
Combretaceae 218
Lythraceae 219
Onagraceae 220
Vochysiaceae 221
Myrtaceae 222
Melastomataceae 223
Crypteroniaceae 224
Alzateaceae 225
Penaeaceae 226
Aphloiaceae 227
Geissolomataceae 228
Strasburgeriaceae 229
Staphyleaceae 230
Guametalaceae 231
Stachyuraceae 232
Crossosomataceae 233
Picramniaceae 234
Biebersteiniaceae 235
Nitrariaceae 236
Kirkiaceae 237
Burseraceae 238
Anacardiaceae 239
Sapindaceae 240
Rutaceae 241
Simaroubaceae 242
Meliaceae 243
Gerrardinaceae 244
Tapisciaceae 245
Dipentodontaceae 246
Cytinaceae 247
Muntingiaceae 248
Neuradaceae 249
Malvaceae 250
Sphaerosepalaceae 251
Thymelaeaceae 252
Bixaceae 253
Sarcolaenaceae 254
Cistaceae 255
Dipterocarpaceae 256
Akaniaceae 257
Tropaeolaceae 258
Moringaceae 259
Caricaceae 260
Limnanthaceae 261
Setchellanthaceae 262
Koeberliniaceae 263
Bataceae 264
Salvadoraceae 265
Emblingiaceae 266
Tovariaceae 267
Pentadiplandraceae 268
Gyrostemonaceae 269
Resedaceae 270
Capparaceae 271
Cleomaceae 272
Brassicaceae/Cruciferae 273
Aextoxicaceae 274
Berberidopsidaceae 275
Balanophoraceae 276
Olacaceae 277
Opiliaceae 278
Santalaceae 279
Loranthaceae 280
Misodendraceae 281
Schoepfiaceae 282
Frankeniaceae 283
Tamaricaceae 284
Plumbaginaceae 285
Polygonaceae 286
Droseraceae 287
Nepenthaceae 288
Drosophyllaceae 289
Dioncophyllaceae 290
Ancistrocladaceae 291
Rhabdodendraceae 292
Simmondsiaceae 293
Physenaceae 294
Asteropeiaceae 295
Caryophyllaceae 296
Achatocarpaceae 297
Amaranthaceae 298
Stegnospermataceae 299
Limeaceae 300
Lophiocarpaceae 301
Barbeuiaceae 302
Gisekiaceae 303
Aizoaceae 304
Phytolaccaceae 305
Sarcobataceae 306
Nyctaginaceae 307
Molluginaceae 308
Montiaceae 309
Didiereaceae 310
Basellaceae 311
Halophytaceae 312
Talinaceae 313
Portulacaceae 314
Anacampserotaceae 315
Cactaceae 316
Hydrostachyaceae 317
Curtisiaceae 318
Grubbiaceae 319
Cornaceae 320
Hydrangeaceae 321
Loasaceae 322
Balsaminaceae 323
Marcgraviaceae 324
Tetrameristaceae 325
Fouquieriaceae 326
Polemoniaceae 327
Lecythidaceae 328
Sladeniaceae 329
Pentaphylacaceae 330
Sapotaceae 331
Ebenaceae 332
Primulaceae 333
Theaceae 334
Symplocaceae 335
Diapensiaceae 336
Styracaceae 337
Sarraceniaceae 338
Roridulaceae 339
Actinidiaceae 340
Clethraceae 341
Cyrillaceae 342
Mitrastemonaceae 343
Ericaceae 344
Oncothecaceae 345
Metteniusaceae 346
Icacinaceae 347
Eucommiaceae 348
Garryaceae 349
Rubiaceae 350
Gentianaceae 351
Loganiaceae 352
Gelsemiaceae 353
Apocynaceae 354
Vahliaceae 355
Boraginaceae 356
Convolvulaceae 357
Solanaceae 358
Montiniaceae 359
Sphenocleaceae 360
Hydroleaceae 361
Plocospermataceae 362
Carlemanniaceae 363
Oleaceae 364
Tetrachondraceae 365
Calceolariaceae 366
Gesneriaceae 367
Plantaginaceae 368
Scrophulariaceae 369
Stilbaceae 370
Linderniaceae 371
Pedaliaceae 372
Lamiaceae/Labiatae 373
Phrymaceae 374
Paulowniaceae 375
Orobanchaceae 376
Lentibulariaceae 377
Acanthaceae 378
Bignoniaceae 379
Thomandersiaceae 380
Schlegeliaceae 381
Verbenaceae 382
Byblidaceae 383
Martyniaceae 384
Stemonuraceae 385
Cardiopteridaceae 386
Phyllonomaceae 387
Helwingiaceae 388
Aquifoliaceae 389
Rousseaceae 390
Campanulaceae 391
Pentaphragmataceae 392
Stylidiaceae 393
Alseuosmiaceae 394
Phellinaceae 395
Argophyllaceae 396
Menyanthaceae 397
Goodeniaceae 398
Calyceraceae 399
Asteraceae/Compositae 400
Escalloniaceae 401
Columelliaceae 402
Bruniaceae 403
Paracryphiaceae 404
Adoxaceae 405
Caprifoliaceae 406
Pennantiaceae 407
Torricelliaceae 408
Griseliniaceae 409
Pittosporaceae 410
Araliaceae 411
Myodocarpaceae 412
Apiaceae/Umbelliferae 413
Amborellaceae 1
Hydatellaceae 2
Cabombaceae 3
Nymphaeaceae 4
Austrobaileyaceae 5
Trimeniaceae 6
Schisandraceae 7
Chloranthaceae 8
Canellaceae 9
Winteraceae 10
Saururaceae 11
Piperaceae 12
Lactoridaceae 13
Hydnoraceae 14
Aristolochiaceae 15
Myristicaceae 16
Magnoliaceae 17
Degeneriaceae 18
Himantandraceae 19
Eupomatiaceae 20
Annonaceae 21
Calycanthaceae 22
Siparunaceae 23
Gomortegaceae 24
Atherospermataceae 25
Hernandiaceae 26
Monimiaceae 27
Lauraceae 28
Acoraceae 29
Araceae 30
Tofieldiaceae 31
Alismataceae 32
Butomaceae 33
Hydrocharitaceae 34
Scheuchzeriaceae 35
Aponogetonaceae 36
Juncaginaceae 37
Zosteraceae 38
Potamogetonaceae 39
Posidoniaceae 40
Ruppiaceae 41
Cymodoceaceae 42
Petrosaviaceae 43
Nartheciaceae 44
Burmanniaceae 45
Dioscoreaceae 46
Triuridaceae 47
Velloziaceae 48
Stemonaceae 49
Cyclanthaceae 50
Pandanaceae 51
Campynemataceae 52
Melanthiaceae 53
Petermanniaceae 54
Alstroemeriaceae 55
Colchicaceae 56
Philesiaceae 57
Ripogonaceae 58
Smilacaceae 59
Corsiaceae 60
Liliaceae 61
Orchidaceae 62
Boryaceae 63
Blandfordiaceae 64
Asteliaceae 65
Lanariaceae 66
Hypoxidaceae 67
Tecophilaeaceae 68
Doryanthaceae 69
Ixioliriaceae 70
Iridaceae 71
Xeronemataceae 72
Xanthorrhoeaceae 73
Amaryllidaceae* 74
Asparagaceae 75
Arecaceae/Palmae 76
Hanguanaceae 77
Commelinaceae 78
Philydraceae 79
Pontederiaceae 80
Haemodoraceae 81
Strelitziaceae 82
Lowiaceae 83
Heliconiaceae 84
Musaceae 85
Cannaceae 86
Marantaceae 87
Costaceae 88
Zingiberaceae 89
Dasypogonaceae 90
Typhaceae 91
Bromeliaceae 92
Rapateaceae 93
Xyridaceae 94
Eriocaulaceae 95
Mayacaceae 96
Thurniaceae 97
Juncaceae 98
Cyperaceae 99
Anarthriaceae 100
Centrolepidaceae 101
Restionaceae 102
Flagellariaceae 103
Joinvilleaceae 104
Ecdeiocoleaceae 105
Poaceae/Gramineae 106
Ceratophyllaceae 107
Eupteleaceae 108
Papaveraceae 109
Circaeasteraceae 110
Lardizabalaceae 111
Menispermaceae 112
Berberidaceae 113
Ranunculaceae 114
Sabiaceae 115
Nelumbonaceae 116
Platanaceae 117
Proteaceae 118
Trochodendraceae 119
Haptanthaceae 120
Buxaceae 121
Myrothamnaceae 122
Gunneraceae 123
Dilleniaceae 124
Peridiscaceae 125
Paeoniaceae 126
Altingiaceae 127
Hamamelidaceae 128
Cercidiphyllaceae 129
Daphniphyllaceae 130
Iteaceae 131
Grossulariaceae 132
Saxifragaceae 133
Crassulaceae 134
Aphanopetalaceae 135
Tetracarpaeaceae 136
Penthoraceae 137
Haloragaceae 138
Cynomoriaceae 139
Vitaceae 140
Krameriaceae 141
Zygophyllaceae 142
Quillajaceae 143
Fabaceae/Leguminosae 144
Surianaceae 145
Polygalaceae 146
Rosaceae 147
Barbeyaceae 148
Dirachmaceae 149
Elaeagnaceae 150
Rhamnaceae 151
Ulmaceae 152
Cannabaceae 153
Moraceae 154
Urticaceae 155
Nothofagaceae 156
Fagaceae 157
Myricaceae 158
Juglandaceae 159
Casuarinaceae 160
Ticodendraceae 161
Betulaceae 162
Apodanthaceae 163
Anisophylleaceae 164
Corynocarpaceae 165
Coriariaceae 166
Cucurbitaceae 167
Tetramelaceae 168
Datiscaceae 169
Begoniaceae 170
Lepidobotryaceae 171
Celastraceae 172
Huaceae 173
Connaraceae 174
Oxalidaceae 175
Cunoniaceae 176
Elaeocarpaceae 177
Cephalotaceae 178
Brunelliaceae 179
Pandaceae 180
Rhizophoraceae 181
Erythroxylaceae 182
Rafflesiaceae 183
Euphorbiaceae 184
Centroplacaceae 185
Ctenolophonaceae 186
Ochnaceae 187
Picrodendraceae 188
Phyllanthaceae 189
Elatinaceae 190
Malpighiaceae 191
Balanopaceae 192
Trigoniaceae 193
Dichapetalaceae 194
Euphroniaceae 195
Chrysobalanaceae 196
Lophopyxidaceae 197
Putranjivaceae 198
Passifloraceae 199
Lacistemataceae 200
Salicaceae 201
Violaceae 202
Goupiaceae 203
Achariaceae 204
Caryocaraceae 205
Humiriaceae 206
Irvingiaceae 207
Linaceae 208
Ixonanthaceae 209
Calophyllaceae 210
Clusiaceae/Guttiferae 211
Bonnetiaceae 212
Podostemaceae 213
Hypericaceae 214
Geraniaceae 215
Vivianiaceae 216
Melianthaceae 217
Combretaceae 218
Lythraceae 219
Onagraceae 220
Vochysiaceae 221
Myrtaceae 222
Melastomataceae 223
Crypteroniaceae 224
Alzateaceae 225
Penaeaceae 226
Aphloiaceae 227
Geissolomataceae 228
Strasburgeriaceae 229
Staphyleaceae 230
Guametalaceae 231
Stachyuraceae 232
Crossosomataceae 233
Picramniaceae 234
Biebersteiniaceae 235
Nitrariaceae 236
Kirkiaceae 237
Burseraceae 238
Anacardiaceae 239
Sapindaceae 240
Rutaceae 241
Simaroubaceae 242
Meliaceae 243
Gerrardinaceae 244
Tapisciaceae 245
Dipentodontaceae 246
Cytinaceae 247
Muntingiaceae 248
Neuradaceae 249
Malvaceae 250
Sphaerosepalaceae 251
Thymelaeaceae 252
Bixaceae 253
Sarcolaenaceae 254
Cistaceae 255
Dipterocarpaceae 256
Akaniaceae 257
Tropaeolaceae 258
Moringaceae 259
Caricaceae 260
Limnanthaceae 261
Setchellanthaceae 262
Koeberliniaceae 263
Bataceae 264
Salvadoraceae 265
Emblingiaceae 266
Tovariaceae 267
Pentadiplandraceae 268
Gyrostemonaceae 269
Resedaceae 270
Capparaceae 271
Cleomaceae 272
Brassicaceae/Cruciferae 273
Aextoxicaceae 274
Berberidopsidaceae 275
Balanophoraceae 276
Olacaceae 277
Opiliaceae 278
Santalaceae 279
Loranthaceae 280
Misodendraceae 281
Schoepfiaceae 282
Frankeniaceae 283
Tamaricaceae 284
Plumbaginaceae 285
Polygonaceae 286
Droseraceae 287
Nepenthaceae 288
Drosophyllaceae 289
Dioncophyllaceae 290
Ancistrocladaceae 291
Rhabdodendraceae 292
Simmondsiaceae 293
Physenaceae 294
Asteropeiaceae 295
Caryophyllaceae 296
Achatocarpaceae 297
Amaranthaceae 298
Stegnospermataceae 299
Limeaceae 300
Lophiocarpaceae 301
Barbeuiaceae 302
Gisekiaceae 303
Aizoaceae 304
Phytolaccaceae 305
Sarcobataceae 306
Nyctaginaceae 307
Molluginaceae 308
Montiaceae 309
Didiereaceae 310
Basellaceae 311
Halophytaceae 312
Talinaceae 313
Portulacaceae 314
Anacampserotaceae 315
Cactaceae 316
Hydrostachyaceae 317
Curtisiaceae 318
Grubbiaceae 319
Cornaceae 320
Hydrangeaceae 321
Loasaceae 322
Balsaminaceae 323
Marcgraviaceae 324
Tetrameristaceae 325
Fouquieriaceae 326
Polemoniaceae 327
Lecythidaceae 328
Sladeniaceae 329
Pentaphylacaceae 330
Sapotaceae 331
Ebenaceae 332
Primulaceae 333
Theaceae 334
Symplocaceae 335
Diapensiaceae 336
Styracaceae 337
Sarraceniaceae 338
Roridulaceae 339
Actinidiaceae 340
Clethraceae 341
Cyrillaceae 342
Mitrastemonaceae 343
Ericaceae 344
Oncothecaceae 345
Metteniusaceae 346
Icacinaceae 347
Eucommiaceae 348
Garryaceae 349
Rubiaceae 350
Gentianaceae 351
Loganiaceae 352
Gelsemiaceae 353
Apocynaceae 354
Vahliaceae 355
Boraginaceae 356
Convolvulaceae 357
Solanaceae 358
Montiniaceae 359
Sphenocleaceae 360
Hydroleaceae 361
Plocospermataceae 362
Carlemanniaceae 363
Oleaceae 364
Tetrachondraceae 365
Calceolariaceae 366
Gesneriaceae 367
Plantaginaceae 368
Scrophulariaceae 369
Stilbaceae 370
Linderniaceae 371
Pedaliaceae 372
Lamiaceae/Labiatae 373
Phrymaceae 374
Paulowniaceae 375
Orobanchaceae 376
Lentibulariaceae 377
Acanthaceae 378
Bignoniaceae 379
Thomandersiaceae 380
Schlegeliaceae 381
Verbenaceae 382
Byblidaceae 383
Martyniaceae 384
Stemonuraceae 385
Cardiopteridaceae 386
Phyllonomaceae 387
Helwingiaceae 388
Aquifoliaceae 389
Rousseaceae 390
Campanulaceae 391
Pentaphragmataceae 392
Stylidiaceae 393
Alseuosmiaceae 394
Phellinaceae 395
Argophyllaceae 396
Menyanthaceae 397
Goodeniaceae 398
Calyceraceae 399
Asteraceae/Compositae 400
Escalloniaceae 401
Columelliaceae 402
Bruniaceae 403
Paracryphiaceae 404
Adoxaceae 405
Caprifoliaceae 406
Pennantiaceae 407
Torricelliaceae 408
Griseliniaceae 409
Pittosporaceae 410
Araliaceae 411
Myodocarpaceae 412
Apiaceae/Umbelliferae 413


[Correction added after online publication, 14 October 2009: ‘Alliaceae’ corrected to ‘Amaryllidaceae’]

Table 1.

The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (LAPG III) sequence of families

Amborellaceae 1
Hydatellaceae 2
Cabombaceae 3
Nymphaeaceae 4
Austrobaileyaceae 5
Trimeniaceae 6
Schisandraceae 7
Chloranthaceae 8
Canellaceae 9
Winteraceae 10
Saururaceae 11
Piperaceae 12
Lactoridaceae 13
Hydnoraceae 14
Aristolochiaceae 15
Myristicaceae 16
Magnoliaceae 17
Degeneriaceae 18
Himantandraceae 19
Eupomatiaceae 20
Annonaceae 21
Calycanthaceae 22
Siparunaceae 23
Gomortegaceae 24
Atherospermataceae 25
Hernandiaceae 26
Monimiaceae 27
Lauraceae 28
Acoraceae 29
Araceae 30
Tofieldiaceae 31
Alismataceae 32
Butomaceae 33
Hydrocharitaceae 34
Scheuchzeriaceae 35
Aponogetonaceae 36
Juncaginaceae 37
Zosteraceae 38
Potamogetonaceae 39
Posidoniaceae 40
Ruppiaceae 41
Cymodoceaceae 42
Petrosaviaceae 43
Nartheciaceae 44
Burmanniaceae 45
Dioscoreaceae 46
Triuridaceae 47
Velloziaceae 48
Stemonaceae 49
Cyclanthaceae 50
Pandanaceae 51
Campynemataceae 52
Melanthiaceae 53
Petermanniaceae 54
Alstroemeriaceae 55
Colchicaceae 56
Philesiaceae 57
Ripogonaceae 58
Smilacaceae 59
Corsiaceae 60
Liliaceae 61
Orchidaceae 62
Boryaceae 63
Blandfordiaceae 64
Asteliaceae 65
Lanariaceae 66
Hypoxidaceae 67
Tecophilaeaceae 68
Doryanthaceae 69
Ixioliriaceae 70
Iridaceae 71
Xeronemataceae 72
Xanthorrhoeaceae 73
Amaryllidaceae* 74
Asparagaceae 75
Arecaceae/Palmae 76
Hanguanaceae 77
Commelinaceae 78
Philydraceae 79
Pontederiaceae 80
Haemodoraceae 81
Strelitziaceae 82
Lowiaceae 83
Heliconiaceae 84
Musaceae 85
Cannaceae 86
Marantaceae 87
Costaceae 88
Zingiberaceae 89
Dasypogonaceae 90
Typhaceae 91
Bromeliaceae 92
Rapateaceae 93
Xyridaceae 94
Eriocaulaceae 95
Mayacaceae 96
Thurniaceae 97
Juncaceae 98
Cyperaceae 99
Anarthriaceae 100
Centrolepidaceae 101
Restionaceae 102
Flagellariaceae 103
Joinvilleaceae 104
Ecdeiocoleaceae 105
Poaceae/Gramineae 106
Ceratophyllaceae 107
Eupteleaceae 108
Papaveraceae 109
Circaeasteraceae 110
Lardizabalaceae 111
Menispermaceae 112
Berberidaceae 113
Ranunculaceae 114
Sabiaceae 115
Nelumbonaceae 116
Platanaceae 117
Proteaceae 118
Trochodendraceae 119
Haptanthaceae 120
Buxaceae 121
Myrothamnaceae 122
Gunneraceae 123
Dilleniaceae 124
Peridiscaceae 125
Paeoniaceae 126
Altingiaceae 127
Hamamelidaceae 128
Cercidiphyllaceae 129
Daphniphyllaceae 130
Iteaceae 131
Grossulariaceae 132
Saxifragaceae 133
Crassulaceae 134
Aphanopetalaceae 135
Tetracarpaeaceae 136
Penthoraceae 137
Haloragaceae 138
Cynomoriaceae 139
Vitaceae 140
Krameriaceae 141
Zygophyllaceae 142
Quillajaceae 143
Fabaceae/Leguminosae 144
Surianaceae 145
Polygalaceae 146
Rosaceae 147
Barbeyaceae 148
Dirachmaceae 149
Elaeagnaceae 150
Rhamnaceae 151
Ulmaceae 152
Cannabaceae 153
Moraceae 154
Urticaceae 155
Nothofagaceae 156
Fagaceae 157
Myricaceae 158
Juglandaceae 159
Casuarinaceae 160
Ticodendraceae 161
Betulaceae 162
Apodanthaceae 163
Anisophylleaceae 164
Corynocarpaceae 165
Coriariaceae 166
Cucurbitaceae 167
Tetramelaceae 168
Datiscaceae 169
Begoniaceae 170
Lepidobotryaceae 171
Celastraceae 172
Huaceae 173
Connaraceae 174
Oxalidaceae 175
Cunoniaceae 176
Elaeocarpaceae 177
Cephalotaceae 178
Brunelliaceae 179
Pandaceae 180
Rhizophoraceae 181
Erythroxylaceae 182
Rafflesiaceae 183
Euphorbiaceae 184
Centroplacaceae 185
Ctenolophonaceae 186
Ochnaceae 187
Picrodendraceae 188
Phyllanthaceae 189
Elatinaceae 190
Malpighiaceae 191
Balanopaceae 192
Trigoniaceae 193
Dichapetalaceae 194
Euphroniaceae 195
Chrysobalanaceae 196
Lophopyxidaceae 197
Putranjivaceae 198
Passifloraceae 199
Lacistemataceae 200
Salicaceae 201
Violaceae 202
Goupiaceae 203
Achariaceae 204
Caryocaraceae 205
Humiriaceae 206
Irvingiaceae 207
Linaceae 208
Ixonanthaceae 209
Calophyllaceae 210
Clusiaceae/Guttiferae 211
Bonnetiaceae 212
Podostemaceae 213
Hypericaceae 214
Geraniaceae 215
Vivianiaceae 216
Melianthaceae 217
Combretaceae 218
Lythraceae 219
Onagraceae 220
Vochysiaceae 221
Myrtaceae 222
Melastomataceae 223
Crypteroniaceae 224
Alzateaceae 225
Penaeaceae 226
Aphloiaceae 227
Geissolomataceae 228
Strasburgeriaceae 229
Staphyleaceae 230
Guametalaceae 231
Stachyuraceae 232
Crossosomataceae 233
Picramniaceae 234
Biebersteiniaceae 235
Nitrariaceae 236
Kirkiaceae 237
Burseraceae 238
Anacardiaceae 239
Sapindaceae 240
Rutaceae 241
Simaroubaceae 242
Meliaceae 243
Gerrardinaceae 244
Tapisciaceae 245
Dipentodontaceae 246
Cytinaceae 247
Muntingiaceae 248
Neuradaceae 249
Malvaceae 250
Sphaerosepalaceae 251
Thymelaeaceae 252
Bixaceae 253
Sarcolaenaceae 254
Cistaceae 255
Dipterocarpaceae 256
Akaniaceae 257
Tropaeolaceae 258
Moringaceae 259
Caricaceae 260
Limnanthaceae 261
Setchellanthaceae 262
Koeberliniaceae 263
Bataceae 264
Salvadoraceae 265
Emblingiaceae 266
Tovariaceae 267
Pentadiplandraceae 268
Gyrostemonaceae 269
Resedaceae 270
Capparaceae 271
Cleomaceae 272
Brassicaceae/Cruciferae 273
Aextoxicaceae 274
Berberidopsidaceae 275
Balanophoraceae 276
Olacaceae 277
Opiliaceae 278
Santalaceae 279
Loranthaceae 280
Misodendraceae 281
Schoepfiaceae 282
Frankeniaceae 283
Tamaricaceae 284
Plumbaginaceae 285
Polygonaceae 286
Droseraceae 287
Nepenthaceae 288
Drosophyllaceae 289
Dioncophyllaceae 290
Ancistrocladaceae 291
Rhabdodendraceae 292
Simmondsiaceae 293
Physenaceae 294
Asteropeiaceae 295
Caryophyllaceae 296
Achatocarpaceae 297
Amaranthaceae 298
Stegnospermataceae 299
Limeaceae 300
Lophiocarpaceae 301
Barbeuiaceae 302
Gisekiaceae 303
Aizoaceae 304
Phytolaccaceae 305
Sarcobataceae 306
Nyctaginaceae 307
Molluginaceae 308
Montiaceae 309
Didiereaceae 310
Basellaceae 311
Halophytaceae 312
Talinaceae 313
Portulacaceae 314
Anacampserotaceae 315
Cactaceae 316
Hydrostachyaceae 317
Curtisiaceae 318
Grubbiaceae 319
Cornaceae 320
Hydrangeaceae 321
Loasaceae 322
Balsaminaceae 323
Marcgraviaceae 324
Tetrameristaceae 325
Fouquieriaceae 326
Polemoniaceae 327
Lecythidaceae 328
Sladeniaceae 329
Pentaphylacaceae 330
Sapotaceae 331
Ebenaceae 332
Primulaceae 333
Theaceae 334
Symplocaceae 335
Diapensiaceae 336
Styracaceae 337
Sarraceniaceae 338
Roridulaceae 339
Actinidiaceae 340
Clethraceae 341
Cyrillaceae 342
Mitrastemonaceae 343
Ericaceae 344
Oncothecaceae 345
Metteniusaceae 346
Icacinaceae 347
Eucommiaceae 348
Garryaceae 349
Rubiaceae 350
Gentianaceae 351
Loganiaceae 352
Gelsemiaceae 353
Apocynaceae 354
Vahliaceae 355
Boraginaceae 356
Convolvulaceae 357
Solanaceae 358
Montiniaceae 359
Sphenocleaceae 360
Hydroleaceae 361
Plocospermataceae 362
Carlemanniaceae 363
Oleaceae 364
Tetrachondraceae 365
Calceolariaceae 366
Gesneriaceae 367
Plantaginaceae 368
Scrophulariaceae 369
Stilbaceae 370
Linderniaceae 371
Pedaliaceae 372
Lamiaceae/Labiatae 373
Phrymaceae 374
Paulowniaceae 375
Orobanchaceae 376
Lentibulariaceae 377
Acanthaceae 378
Bignoniaceae 379
Thomandersiaceae 380
Schlegeliaceae 381
Verbenaceae 382
Byblidaceae 383
Martyniaceae 384
Stemonuraceae 385
Cardiopteridaceae 386
Phyllonomaceae 387
Helwingiaceae 388
Aquifoliaceae 389
Rousseaceae 390
Campanulaceae 391
Pentaphragmataceae 392
Stylidiaceae 393
Alseuosmiaceae 394
Phellinaceae 395
Argophyllaceae 396
Menyanthaceae 397
Goodeniaceae 398
Calyceraceae 399
Asteraceae/Compositae 400
Escalloniaceae 401
Columelliaceae 402
Bruniaceae 403
Paracryphiaceae 404
Adoxaceae 405
Caprifoliaceae 406
Pennantiaceae 407
Torricelliaceae 408
Griseliniaceae 409
Pittosporaceae 410
Araliaceae 411
Myodocarpaceae 412
Apiaceae/Umbelliferae 413
Amborellaceae 1
Hydatellaceae 2
Cabombaceae 3
Nymphaeaceae 4
Austrobaileyaceae 5
Trimeniaceae 6
Schisandraceae 7
Chloranthaceae 8
Canellaceae 9
Winteraceae 10
Saururaceae 11
Piperaceae 12
Lactoridaceae 13
Hydnoraceae 14
Aristolochiaceae 15
Myristicaceae 16
Magnoliaceae 17
Degeneriaceae 18
Himantandraceae 19
Eupomatiaceae 20
Annonaceae 21
Calycanthaceae 22
Siparunaceae 23
Gomortegaceae 24
Atherospermataceae 25
Hernandiaceae 26
Monimiaceae 27
Lauraceae 28
Acoraceae 29
Araceae 30
Tofieldiaceae 31
Alismataceae 32
Butomaceae 33
Hydrocharitaceae 34
Scheuchzeriaceae 35
Aponogetonaceae 36
Juncaginaceae 37
Zosteraceae 38
Potamogetonaceae 39
Posidoniaceae 40
Ruppiaceae 41
Cymodoceaceae 42
Petrosaviaceae 43
Nartheciaceae 44
Burmanniaceae 45
Dioscoreaceae 46
Triuridaceae 47
Velloziaceae 48
Stemonaceae 49
Cyclanthaceae 50
Pandanaceae 51
Campynemataceae 52
Melanthiaceae 53
Petermanniaceae 54
Alstroemeriaceae 55
Colchicaceae 56
Philesiaceae 57
Ripogonaceae 58
Smilacaceae 59
Corsiaceae 60
Liliaceae 61
Orchidaceae 62
Boryaceae 63
Blandfordiaceae 64
Asteliaceae 65
Lanariaceae 66
Hypoxidaceae 67
Tecophilaeaceae 68
Doryanthaceae 69
Ixioliriaceae 70
Iridaceae 71
Xeronemataceae 72
Xanthorrhoeaceae 73
Amaryllidaceae* 74
Asparagaceae 75
Arecaceae/Palmae 76
Hanguanaceae 77
Commelinaceae 78
Philydraceae 79
Pontederiaceae 80
Haemodoraceae 81
Strelitziaceae 82
Lowiaceae 83
Heliconiaceae 84
Musaceae 85
Cannaceae 86
Marantaceae 87
Costaceae 88
Zingiberaceae 89
Dasypogonaceae 90
Typhaceae 91
Bromeliaceae 92
Rapateaceae 93
Xyridaceae 94
Eriocaulaceae 95
Mayacaceae 96
Thurniaceae 97
Juncaceae 98
Cyperaceae 99
Anarthriaceae 100
Centrolepidaceae 101
Restionaceae 102
Flagellariaceae 103
Joinvilleaceae 104
Ecdeiocoleaceae 105
Poaceae/Gramineae 106
Ceratophyllaceae 107
Eupteleaceae 108
Papaveraceae 109
Circaeasteraceae 110
Lardizabalaceae 111
Menispermaceae 112
Berberidaceae 113
Ranunculaceae 114
Sabiaceae 115
Nelumbonaceae 116
Platanaceae 117
Proteaceae 118
Trochodendraceae 119
Haptanthaceae 120
Buxaceae 121
Myrothamnaceae 122
Gunneraceae 123
Dilleniaceae 124
Peridiscaceae 125
Paeoniaceae 126
Altingiaceae 127
Hamamelidaceae 128
Cercidiphyllaceae 129
Daphniphyllaceae 130
Iteaceae 131
Grossulariaceae 132
Saxifragaceae 133
Crassulaceae 134
Aphanopetalaceae 135
Tetracarpaeaceae 136
Penthoraceae 137
Haloragaceae 138
Cynomoriaceae 139
Vitaceae 140
Krameriaceae 141
Zygophyllaceae 142
Quillajaceae 143
Fabaceae/Leguminosae 144
Surianaceae 145
Polygalaceae 146
Rosaceae 147
Barbeyaceae 148
Dirachmaceae 149
Elaeagnaceae 150
Rhamnaceae 151
Ulmaceae 152
Cannabaceae 153
Moraceae 154
Urticaceae 155
Nothofagaceae 156
Fagaceae 157
Myricaceae 158
Juglandaceae 159
Casuarinaceae 160
Ticodendraceae 161
Betulaceae 162
Apodanthaceae 163
Anisophylleaceae 164
Corynocarpaceae 165
Coriariaceae 166
Cucurbitaceae 167
Tetramelaceae 168
Datiscaceae 169
Begoniaceae 170
Lepidobotryaceae 171
Celastraceae 172
Huaceae 173
Connaraceae 174
Oxalidaceae 175
Cunoniaceae 176
Elaeocarpaceae 177
Cephalotaceae 178
Brunelliaceae 179
Pandaceae 180
Rhizophoraceae 181
Erythroxylaceae 182
Rafflesiaceae 183
Euphorbiaceae 184
Centroplacaceae 185
Ctenolophonaceae 186
Ochnaceae 187
Picrodendraceae 188
Phyllanthaceae 189
Elatinaceae 190
Malpighiaceae 191
Balanopaceae 192
Trigoniaceae 193
Dichapetalaceae 194
Euphroniaceae 195
Chrysobalanaceae 196
Lophopyxidaceae 197
Putranjivaceae 198
Passifloraceae 199
Lacistemataceae 200
Salicaceae 201
Violaceae 202
Goupiaceae 203
Achariaceae 204
Caryocaraceae 205
Humiriaceae 206
Irvingiaceae 207
Linaceae 208
Ixonanthaceae 209
Calophyllaceae 210
Clusiaceae/Guttiferae 211
Bonnetiaceae 212
Podostemaceae 213
Hypericaceae 214
Geraniaceae 215
Vivianiaceae 216
Melianthaceae 217
Combretaceae 218
Lythraceae 219
Onagraceae 220
Vochysiaceae 221
Myrtaceae 222
Melastomataceae 223
Crypteroniaceae 224
Alzateaceae 225
Penaeaceae 226
Aphloiaceae 227
Geissolomataceae 228
Strasburgeriaceae 229
Staphyleaceae 230
Guametalaceae 231
Stachyuraceae 232
Crossosomataceae 233
Picramniaceae 234
Biebersteiniaceae 235
Nitrariaceae 236
Kirkiaceae 237
Burseraceae 238
Anacardiaceae 239
Sapindaceae 240
Rutaceae 241
Simaroubaceae 242
Meliaceae 243
Gerrardinaceae 244
Tapisciaceae 245
Dipentodontaceae 246
Cytinaceae 247
Muntingiaceae 248
Neuradaceae 249
Malvaceae 250
Sphaerosepalaceae 251
Thymelaeaceae 252
Bixaceae 253
Sarcolaenaceae 254
Cistaceae 255
Dipterocarpaceae 256
Akaniaceae 257
Tropaeolaceae 258
Moringaceae 259
Caricaceae 260
Limnanthaceae 261
Setchellanthaceae 262
Koeberliniaceae 263
Bataceae 264
Salvadoraceae 265
Emblingiaceae 266
Tovariaceae 267
Pentadiplandraceae 268
Gyrostemonaceae 269
Resedaceae 270
Capparaceae 271
Cleomaceae 272
Brassicaceae/Cruciferae 273
Aextoxicaceae 274
Berberidopsidaceae 275
Balanophoraceae 276
Olacaceae 277
Opiliaceae 278
Santalaceae 279
Loranthaceae 280
Misodendraceae 281
Schoepfiaceae 282
Frankeniaceae 283
Tamaricaceae 284
Plumbaginaceae 285
Polygonaceae 286
Droseraceae 287
Nepenthaceae 288
Drosophyllaceae 289
Dioncophyllaceae 290
Ancistrocladaceae 291
Rhabdodendraceae 292
Simmondsiaceae 293
Physenaceae 294
Asteropeiaceae 295
Caryophyllaceae 296
Achatocarpaceae 297
Amaranthaceae 298
Stegnospermataceae 299
Limeaceae 300
Lophiocarpaceae 301
Barbeuiaceae 302
Gisekiaceae 303
Aizoaceae 304
Phytolaccaceae 305
Sarcobataceae 306
Nyctaginaceae 307
Molluginaceae 308
Montiaceae 309
Didiereaceae 310
Basellaceae 311
Halophytaceae 312
Talinaceae 313
Portulacaceae 314
Anacampserotaceae 315
Cactaceae 316
Hydrostachyaceae 317
Curtisiaceae 318
Grubbiaceae 319
Cornaceae 320
Hydrangeaceae 321
Loasaceae 322
Balsaminaceae 323
Marcgraviaceae 324
Tetrameristaceae 325
Fouquieriaceae 326
Polemoniaceae 327
Lecythidaceae 328
Sladeniaceae 329
Pentaphylacaceae 330
Sapotaceae 331
Ebenaceae 332
Primulaceae 333
Theaceae 334
Symplocaceae 335
Diapensiaceae 336
Styracaceae 337
Sarraceniaceae 338
Roridulaceae 339
Actinidiaceae 340
Clethraceae 341
Cyrillaceae 342
Mitrastemonaceae 343
Ericaceae 344
Oncothecaceae 345
Metteniusaceae 346
Icacinaceae 347
Eucommiaceae 348
Garryaceae 349
Rubiaceae 350
Gentianaceae 351
Loganiaceae 352
Gelsemiaceae 353
Apocynaceae 354
Vahliaceae 355
Boraginaceae 356
Convolvulaceae 357
Solanaceae 358
Montiniaceae 359
Sphenocleaceae 360
Hydroleaceae 361
Plocospermataceae 362
Carlemanniaceae 363
Oleaceae 364
Tetrachondraceae 365
Calceolariaceae 366
Gesneriaceae 367
Plantaginaceae 368
Scrophulariaceae 369
Stilbaceae 370
Linderniaceae 371
Pedaliaceae 372
Lamiaceae/Labiatae 373
Phrymaceae 374
Paulowniaceae 375
Orobanchaceae 376
Lentibulariaceae 377
Acanthaceae 378
Bignoniaceae 379
Thomandersiaceae 380
Schlegeliaceae 381
Verbenaceae 382
Byblidaceae 383
Martyniaceae 384
Stemonuraceae 385
Cardiopteridaceae 386
Phyllonomaceae 387
Helwingiaceae 388
Aquifoliaceae 389
Rousseaceae 390
Campanulaceae 391
Pentaphragmataceae 392
Stylidiaceae 393
Alseuosmiaceae 394
Phellinaceae 395
Argophyllaceae 396
Menyanthaceae 397
Goodeniaceae 398
Calyceraceae 399
Asteraceae/Compositae 400
Escalloniaceae 401
Columelliaceae 402
Bruniaceae 403
Paracryphiaceae 404
Adoxaceae 405
Caprifoliaceae 406
Pennantiaceae 407
Torricelliaceae 408
Griseliniaceae 409
Pittosporaceae 410
Araliaceae 411
Myodocarpaceae 412
Apiaceae/Umbelliferae 413


[Correction added after online publication, 14 October 2009: ‘Alliaceae’ corrected to ‘Amaryllidaceae’]

The methodology used to translate the phylogenetic tree into a linear sequence was described in detail in Haston et al. (2007). This methodology was questioned by Hawthorne et al. (2008), but in the absence of any obviously better way of generating a linear sequence from a phylogenetic tree we have retained the same method. We agree that there is potential to modify this method in the future, especially to ensure stability.

The main changes in the order of families in the sequence are within the rosid clade. Additional resolution has clarified the circumscription of the fabid (rosid I) and malvid (rosid II) clades. Of these changes, the following have had the greatest impact on the linear sequence: Geraniales are now sister to Myrtales in the malvid clade; Crossosomatales are sister to the remaining malvid families; Malvales are now sister to Brassicales (Wang et al., 2009); and Huerteales are now sister to the Malvales/Brassicales clade (Worberg et al., 2009).

Elsewhere in the sequence there have been more minor changes, the more significant of which are listed here. Ceratophyllaceae have moved from within magnoliids and are now sister to the eudicots (Jansen et al., 2007; Moore et al., 2007). Aextoxicaceae and Berberidopsidaceae are now sister to the Santalales/Caryophyllales/asterid clade (Moore et al., 2009). Dilleniaceae are probably now sister to the Saxifragales/rosids clade (Moore et al., 2009), but this is not well supported at present. In addition, there were changes to the sequence when clades were rotated as a result of changes in the number of terminals caused by the sinking of families or, more rarely, the recognition of new families.

The individual trees on which this sequence is based are mostly published (Stevens, 2001; Jansen et al., 2007; Moore et al., 2007 onwards; and papers referenced in Haston et al., 2007), but see also Wang et al. (2009), Tank & Donoghue (in press), Moore et al. (2008, 2009); Refulio-Rodriguez & Olmstead (2008); Wurdack & Davis (2009) and papers in Stevens (2001 onwards). For justification of family limits adopted, see APG III (2009).

In LAPG III, we suggested that composite numbers be used for minor changes such as new families (Haston et al., 2007). We would continue to recommend the use of composite numbers for families that are added or moved and would add that they may be useful to enable herbaria to change systems in a more gradual process. We would also reiterate that amendments that involve major changes in relationships will require a revised linear sequence. However, we anticipate that changes in the future will be infrequent and less disruptive to the linear sequence.






An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II


Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society










An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III


Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society






















A linear sequence of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II families















Optimising linear taxon sequences derived from phylogenetic trees – a reply to Haston et al.
























































Analysis of 81 genes from 64 plastid genomes resolves relationships in angiosperms and identifies genome-scale evolutionary patterns


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America



















Analysis of an 83-gene, 86-taxon plastid genome data set resolves relationships among several deep-level eudicot lineages. Botany 2008. Botany without borders

















Using plastid genome-scale data to resolve enigmatic relationships among basal angiosperms


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America






















Phylogenetic analysis of 83 plastid genes resolves relationships among major clades of eudicot angiosperms and reveals multiple rapid radiations


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

. In press.








Lamiales phylogeny. Botany 2008. Botany without borders









In press.

Phylogeny and phylogenetic nomenclature of the Campanulidae based on an expanded sample of genes and taxa


Systematic Botany

































Rosid radiation and the rapid rise of angiosperm-dominated forests


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America



















Huerteales sister to Brassicales plus Malvales, and newly circumscribed to include Dipentodon, Gerrardina, Huertea, Perrottetia, and Tapiscia















Malpighiales phylogenetics: gaining ground on one of the most recalcitrant clades in the angiosperm tree of life


American Journal of Botany






© 2009 The Linnean Society of London





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