Apocynoideae (original) (raw)

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Subfamily of flowering plants

Apocynum venetum
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Subfamily: ApocynoideaeBurnett[1]
Apocyneae Echiteae Baisseeae Malouetieae Mesechiteae Wrightieae

Apocynoideae is a subfamily of the flowering plant family Apocynaceae (order Gentianales), also called the 'dogbane' or milkweed family, containing about 860 species across 78 genera. Several are of pharmacological interest; Strophanthus has furnished highly effective arrow poisons, due to their cardiac glycoside content.[3] Apocynoideae also includes many popular landscaping and ornamental species, one of the best-known, and most infamous, being the oleander (Nerium oleander); the subfamily also contains remarkable pachycaul genera like Adenium and Pachypodium.

Strophanthus speciosus

Nerium oleander

Chonemorpha fragrans

Pentalinon luteum

Tribe Apocyneae (24 genera) Beaumontia Wall. (5 species) - Indomalayan Parepigynum Tsiang & P.T.Li - S China Vallaris Burm.f. - Indomalayan Anodendron A.DC. - Indomalayan, Oceanian Ixodonerium Pit. - Vietnam Papuechites Markgr. - Oceanian Amphineurion (A.DC.) Pichon - Indomalayan Sindechites Oliv. - S China, Indochina Streptoechites D.J. Middleton & Livsh. - S China, Indochina Apocynum L. - Holarctic Cleghornia Wight - Indomalayan Aganonerion Pierre ex Spire - Indochina Parameria Benth. - China, Indochina Urceola Roxb. - Indomalayan, Oceanian Chonemorpha G.Don - Indomalayan Trachelospermum Lem. - Indomalayan Vallariopsis Woodson - Malesia Aganosma (Blume) G.Don - Indomalayan Amalocalyx Pierre - S China, Indochina Baharuia D.J.Middleton - Malesia Epigynum Wight - Indomalayan Ichnocarpus R.Br. - Indomalayan Micrechites Miq. - Indomalayan, Oceanian Pottsia Hook. & Arn.[4] - Indomalayan Tribe Baisseeae (4 genera) Baissea A.DC. (18 species) - Afrotropical Dewevrella De Wild. - W Africa Motandra A.DC. - Afrotropical Oncinotis Benth. (7 species) - Afrotropical Tribe Echiteae (23 genera) Angadenia Miers - Caribbean Pentalinon Voigt - Neotropical Salpinctes Woodson Asketanthera Woodson - Caribbean Macropharynx Rusby - S America Peltastes Woodson - S America Temnadenia Miers - S America Bahiella J.F.Morales - Brazil Echites P.Browne - Neotropical Fernaldia Woodson - C America Hylaea J.F.Morales - S America Laubertia A.DC. - Neotropical Prestonia R.Br. (63 species) - Neotropical Artia Guillaumin (5 species) - New Caledonia Ecua D.J.Middleton (1 species) - Indonesia Parsonsia R.Br. (120 species; could belong to Periplocoideae) - Indomalayan, Oceanian Thenardia Kunth (3 species) - C America Thoreauea J.K.Williams[5] (3 species) - S Mexico Tribe Malouetieae (13 genera) Allowoodsonia Markgr. (1 species) - Solomon Islands Carruthersia Seem. (4 species) - Philippines, Oceania Eucorymbia Stapf (1 species) - Sundaland Funtumia Stapf (2 species) - Afrotropical Galactophora Woodson (6 species) - S America Holarrhena R.Br. (5 species) - Indomalayan Kibatalia G.Don (15 species) - Indomalayan, Sulawesi Malouetia A.DC. (31 species) - Pantropical Mascarenhasia A.DC. (8 species) - Madagascar Neobracea Britton (8 species) - Caribbean Pachypodium Lindl. (18 to 25 species) - Afrotropical Spirolobium Baill.[6] (1 species) - Sundaland Tribe Mesechiteae (5 genera) Allomarkgrafia Woodson (9 species) - Neotropical Forsteronia G.Mey. (45 species) - Neotropical Mandevilla Lindl. (115 species) - Neotropical Mesechites Müll.Arg. (8 species) - Neotropical Tintinnabularia Woodson[7] (3 species) - C America Tribe Nerieae (6 genera) Adenium Roem. & Schult. (5 species) - Afrotropical Alafia Thouars (26 species) - Afrotropical Farquharia Stapf (1 species) - Afrotropical Isonema R.Br. (3 species) - W Africa Nerium L. (1 species) - Mediterranean Strophanthus DC. (39 species) - Paleotropical Tribe Odontadenieae (7 genera) Cycladenia Benth. (1 species) - Southwestern North America Elytropus Müll.Arg. (1 species) - Chile, Argentina Odontadenia Benth. (20 species) - Neotropical Pinochia B.F.Hansen & M.E.Endress (4 species) - Neotropical Secondatia A.DC. (5 species) - Neotropical Stipecoma Müll.Arg. (1 species) - Bolivia, Brazil Thyrsanthella (Baill.) Pichon (1 species) - Eastern North America Tribe Rhabdadenieae (1 genus) Rhabdadenia Müll.Arg. (3 species) - Nearctic Tribe Wrightieae (3 genera) Pleioceras Baill. (5 species) - Afrotropical Stephanostema K.Schum. (1 species) - Tanzania Wrightia R.Br. (23 species)[8] - Paleotropical
  1. ^ Reveal, J.L. (2012). "Newly required infrafamilial names mandated by changes in the Code of Nomenclature For Algae, Fungi, and Plants". Phytoneuron. 33: 1–32. ISSN 2153-733X.
  2. ^ "Family: Apocynaceae Juss., nom. cons. subfam. Apocynoideae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2007-04-12. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  3. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Strophanthus" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 25 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 1041–1042.
  4. ^ "GRIN Genera of Apocynaceae tribe Apocyneae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  5. ^ "GRIN Genera of Apocynaceae tribe Echiteae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  6. ^ "GRIN Genera of Apocynaceae tribe Malouetieae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  7. ^ "GRIN Genera of Apocynaceae tribe Mesechiteae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
  8. ^ "GRIN Genera of Apocynaceae tribe Wrightieae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2010-11-26.