Earl of East Anglia (original) (raw)

Earl of East Anglia(Earls of Norfolk and Suffolk)(1st creation), before 1069
Ralph the Staller(c. 1011–1068)1st Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, or of the East Angles c. 1066/67–1068
Ralph de Gael(c. 1040 – c. 1096)2nd Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, or of the East Angles until 1074
Earldom forfeit, 1074 Earl of Norfolk (2nd creation), 1141
Hugh Bigod(1095–1177)1st Earl of Norfolk 1141–1177
Roger Bigod(c. 1144/1150–1221)2nd Earl of Norfolk 1189–1221 (disputed 1177–1189)
Hugh Bigod(1186–1225)3rd Earl of Norfolk 1221–1225
Baron Segrave of Se(a)grave, 1283
Nicholas Segrave(c. 1238–bef. 1295)1st Baron Segrave Roger Bigod(c. 1209–1270)4th Earl of Norfolk 1233–1270 Hugh Bigod(c. 1211–1266)
Baron Mowbray, 1283
John Segrave(c. 1256–1325)2nd Baron Segrave King Edward I(1239–1307) Roger de Mowbray(1254–1297)1st Baron Mowbray Roger Bigod(c. 1245–1306)5th Earl of Norfolk 1270–1306
Earldom extinct, 1270
Earl of Norfolk (3rd creation), 1312
Stephen Segrave(d. 1325)3rd Baron Segrave Thomas of Brotherton(1300–1338)1st Earl of Norfolk 1312–1338 John Mowbray(1286–1322)2nd Baron Mowbray
John Segrave(1315–1353)4th Baron Segrave Margaret of Brotherton(1320–1399)2nd Countess of Norfolk 1338–1399, Duchess of Norfolk "for life" 1397–1399 John Mowbray(1310–1361)3rd Baron Mowbray
Elizabeth de Segrave(1338–1368)5th Baroness Segrave John de Mowbray(1340–1368)4th Baron Mowbray
Earl of Nottingham (1st creation), 1377 Earl of Nottingham (2nd creation), 1383Duke of Norfolk (1st creation), 1397
John de Mowbray(1365–1383)1st Earl of Nottingham, 6th Baron Segrave, 5th Baron Mowbray Thomas de Mowbray(1366–1399)1st Duke of Norfolk 1397–1399, 3rd Earl of Norfolk 1399, 7th Baron Segrave, 6th Baron Mowbray
Earldom of Nottingham extinct, 1383 Titles forfeit, 1399
Baron Stourton, 1448 Duke of Norfolk (1st creation restored), 1425
John Stourton(1400–1462)1st Baron Stourton, 1448–1462 Thomas de Mowbray(1385–1405)4th Earl of Norfolk, 8th Baron Segrave, 7th Baron Mowbray 1399–1405 John de Mowbray(1392–1432)2nd Duke of Norfolk 1425–1432, 5th Earl of Norfolk, 9th Baron Segrave, 8th Baron Mowbray 1405–1432 Margaret de Mowbray(c. 1388–1459) Robert Howard(1385–1436) Isabel de Mowbray(c. 1400–1452) James Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley(c. 1394–1463)
Duke of Norfolk (4th creation), 1483
William Stourton(before 1426–1478)2nd Baron Stourton, 1462–1478 John de Mowbray(1415–1461)3rd Duke of Norfolk, 6th Earl of Norfolk, 10th Baron Segrave, 9th Baron Mowbray 1432–1461 John Howard(1425–1485)1st Duke of Norfolk, 13th Baron Segrave, 12th Baron Mowbray 1483–1485
Titles forfeit, 1485
Earl of Surrey (2nd creation), 1451 Duke of Norfolk (4th creation) restored and Earl of Surrey, 1514
John Stourton(c. 1454–1485)3rd Baron Stourton, 1479–1485 William Stourton(c. 1457–1524)5th Baron Stourton, 1487–1524 John de Mowbray(1444–1476)4th Duke of Norfolk, 7th Earl of Norfolk, Earl of Surrey, 11th Baron Segrave, 10th Baron Mowbray 1461–1476 King Edward IV(1442–1483) Thomas Howard(1443–1524)2nd Duke of Norfolk, 1st Earl of Surrey 1514–1524
Dukedom of Norfolk, Earldom of Nottingham, Earldom of Surrey extinct, 1476
Duke of Norfolk (3rd creation), Earl of Nottingham (3rd creation), and Earl of Surrey, 1477
Francis Stourton(1485–1487)4th Baron Stourton, 1485–1487 Edward Stourton(1463–1535)6th Baron Stourton, 1524–1535 Anne de Mowbray(1472–1481)8th Countess of Norfolk, 12th Baroness Segrave, 11th Baroness Mowbray 1476–1481 Richard of Shrewsbury(1473–1483)Duke of York, Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Nottingham, Earl of Warenne 1477–1483 Anne of York(1475–1511) Thomas Howard(1473–1554)3rd Duke of Norfolk, 2nd Earl of Surrey 1524–1554 Edmund Howard(c. 1478–1539) Elizabeth Boleyn(c. 1480–1538)
Earldom of Norfolk extinct and Baronies Segrave and Mowbray in abeyance, 1481 Dukedom of Norfolk, Earldom of Nottingham, Earldom of Surrey extinct, 1483 Attainted, 1547Restored, 1553
William Stourton(c. 1505–1548)7th Baron Stourton Earl of Nottingham (5th creation), 1525 King Henry VIII(1491–1547) Anne Boleyn(c. 1501 or 1507–1536)
Charles Stourton(c. 1520–1557)8th Baron Stourton Henry Howard(1517–1547)styled Earl of Surrey Thomas Howard(c. 1520–1582)Viscount Howard of Bindon Mary FitzRoy(1519–1557) Henry FitzRoy(1519–1536)Duke of Richmond and Somerset, Earl of Nottingham Catherine Howard(c. 1524–1542)
Earldom of Nottingham extinct, 1536
Thomas Howard(1536–1572)4th Duke of Norfolk, 3rd Earl of Surrey, 13th Baron Mowbray 1554–1572 Henry Howard(1540–1614)Earl of Northampton Queen Elizabeth I(1533–1603)
Dukedom (3rd creation) forfeit, 1572
Earl of Arundel (3rd creation), 1580 Earl of Suffolk (4th creation), 1603
John Stourton(1553–1588)9th Baron Stourton Edward Stourton(c. 1555–1633)10th Baron Stourton Philip Howard(1557–1595)20th/13th/1st Earl of Arundel, styled Earl of Surrey Thomas Howard(1561–1626)Earl of Suffolk Lord William Howard(1563–1640)
Earldom of Arundel and Barony of Mowbray attainted, 1589 see Earls, Marquesses, and Dukes of Suffolk family tree
Earl of Arundel (3rd creation) and Barony of Mowbray restored, 1604Earl of Norfolk (5th creation), 1644
William Stourton(c. 1594–1672)11th Baron Stourton Thomas Howard(1585–1646)21st/14th/2nd Earl of Arundel, 2nd/4th Earl of Surrey, 1st Earl of Norfolk, 14th Baron Mowbray 1644–1646
see Earls of Shrewsbury family tree
Edward Stourton(1617–1644) Henry Frederick Howard(1608–1652)22nd/15th/3rd Earl of Arundel, 3rd/5th Earl of Surrey, 2nd Earl of Norfolk, 15th Baron Mowbray 1646–1652 Alethea Howard1585–165417th Baroness Strange of Blackmere, 14th Baroness Talbot, 13th Baroness Furnivall
Duke of Norfolk (4th creation restored), 1660 Baron Howard of Castle Rising, 1669Earl of Norwich (3rd creation), 1672
William Stourton(d. 1685)12th Baron Stourton Thomas Howard(1627–1677)5th Duke of Norfolk, 21st/14th/2nd Earl of Arundel, 4th/6th Earl of Surrey, 16th Baron Mowbray 1660–167718th Baron Strange of Blackmere, 15th Baron Talbot, 14th Baron Furnivall 1654–1677 Henry Howard(1628–1684)6th Duke of Norfolk, 22nd/15th/3rd Earl of Arundel, 5th/7th Earl of Surrey, 1st Earl of Norwich and Baron Howard of Castle Rising, 18th Baron Strange of Blackmere, 17th Baron Mowbray, 15th Baron Talbot, 14th Baron Furnivall 1672–1684 Hon. Charles Howard(1630–1713) Col. Bernard Howard(1641–1717)
Edward Stourton(1665–1720)13th Baron Stourton Thomas Stourton(1667–1744)14th Baron Stourton Charles Stourton(1669–1739) Henry Howard(1655–1701)7th Duke of Norfolk, 22nd/15th/3rd Earl of Arundel, 5th/7th Earl of Surrey, 2nd Earl of Norwich and Baron Howard of Castle Rising, 18th Baron Mowbray, 19th Baron Strange of Blackmere, 15th Baron Talbot, 14th Baron Furnivall, 1684–1701 Lord Thomas Howard(1662–1689) Henry Charles Howard(d. 1720)
Thomas Howard(1683–1732)8th Duke of Norfolk, 23rd/16th/4th Earl of Arundel, 6th/8th Earl of Surrey, 3rd Earl of Norwich and Baron Howard of Castle Rising, 18th Baron Strange of Blackmere, 15th Baron Talbot, 14th Baron Furnivall, 19th Baron Mowbray 1701–1732 Edward Howard(1685–1777)9th Duke of Norfolk, 24th/17th/5th Earl of Arundel, 7th/9th Earl of Surrey, 4th Earl of Norwich and Baron Howard of Castle Rising, 20th Baron Mowbray, 20th Baron Strange of Blackmere, 15th Baron Talbot, 14th Baron Furnivall 1732–1777 Philip Howard(1688–1750) Bernard Howard(1674–1735)
Earldom of Norwich (3rd creation) and Barony of Howard of Castle Rising extinct and Baronies of Furnivall, Mowbray, Segrave, Strange of Blackmere, and Talbot abeyant, 1777
Charles Stourton(1702–1753)15th Baron Stourton William Stourton(1704–1781)16th Baron Stourton Winifred Howard(1726–1753) Anne Howard(1742–1787) Charles Howard(1720–1786)10th Duke of Norfolk, 25th/18th/6th Earl of Arundel, 8th/10th Earl of Surrey 1777–1786 Henry Howard(1713–1787)
Charles Philip Stourton(1752–1816)17th Baron Stourton Charles Howard(1746–1815)11th Duke of Norfolk, 26th/19th/7th Earl of Arundel, 9th/11th Earl of Surrey 1786–1815
William Stourton(1776–1846)18th Baron Stourton Bernard Howard(1765–1842)12th Duke of Norfolk, 27th/20th/8th Earl of Arundel, 10th/12th Earl of Surrey 1815–1842
Charles Stourton(1802–1872)19th Baron Stourton Henry Howard(1791–1856)13th Duke of Norfolk, 28th/21st/9th Earl of Arundel, 11th/13th Earl of Surrey 1842–1856
Baron Mowbray and Baron Segrave abeayance restored, 1878 Baron Howard of Glossop
Alfred Joseph Stourton(1829–1893)24th Baron Segrave, 21st/23rd Baron Mowbray, 20th Baron Stourton Henry Granville Fitzalan-Howard(1815–1860)14th Duke of Norfolk, 29th/22nd/10th Earl of Arundel, 12th/14th Earl of Surrey 1856–1860 Edward George Fitzalan-Howard(1818–1883)1st Baron Howard of Glossop
Charles Botolph Joseph Stourton(1867–1936)25th Baron Segrave, 22nd/24th Baron Mowbray, 21st Baron Stourton Henry Fitzalan-Howard(1847–1917)15th Duke of Norfolk, 30th/23rd/11th Earl of Arundel, 13th/15th Earl of Surrey, Lord Maltravers, Earl of Arundel and Surrey 1860–1917 Francis Fitzalan-Howard(1859–1924)2nd Baron Howard of Glossop
William Marmaduke Stourton(1895–1965)26th Baron Segrave, 23rd/25th Baron Mowbray, 22nd Baron Stourton Bernard Fitzalan-Howard(1908–1975)16th Duke of Norfolk, 31st/24th/12th Earl of Arundel, 14th/16th Earl of Surrey 1917–1975 Bernard Fitzalan-Howard(1885–1972)3rd Baron Howard of Glossop
Charles Edward Stourton(1923–2006)27th Baron Segrave, 24th/26th Baron Mowbray, 23rd Baron Stourton Miles Fitzalan-Howard(1915–2002)17th Duke of Norfolk, 32nd/25th/13th Earl of Arundel, 15th/17th Earl of Surrey, 4th Baron Howard of Glossop 1975–2002
Edward William Stephen Stourton(1953–2021)28th Baron Segrave, 25th/27th Baron Mowbray, 24th Baron Stourton Edward Fitzalan-Howard(b. 1956)18th Duke of Norfolk, 33rd/26th/14th Earl of Arundel, 16th/18th Earl of Surrey, 5th Baron Howard of Glossop from 2002
James Charles Peter Stourton(b. 1991)29th Baron Segrave, 26th/28th Baron Mowbray, 25th Baron Stourton Henry Fitzalan-Howard(b. 1987)styled Earl of Arundel and Surrey