F W Engdahl (original) (raw)

China bolsters ties with russia (RT TV, March 23, 2013)

Greece's (and Cyprus�s) hidden riches

What implications will the US counter-strategies on China have on China and the world?

China Radio International Conversation with F William Engdahl

No Wonder China is Nervous as Obama Pivots

Syria, Turkey, Israel and a Greater Middle East Energy War

Dagestan��Syria comes to Russia��

Putin�s Geopolitical Chess Game with Washington in Syria and Eurasia

Pentagon policy is to encircle Russia with ballistic missile offense

China�s Land Bridge to Turkey creates new Eurasian Geopolitical PotentialsMore on RT on Geopolitics / Is Hillary right to worry?


�Inmitten einer epochalen tektonischen Verschiebung� / Teil 2

�We are in the Midst of an Epochal Tectonic Shift�


A Surprise Boost for Euro(pe) from China

mp3_icon2The Gods of Money and the Death of the American Century Interview with Corbett Report /
Video Corbett Report: Money and Political Power

Panic at the FED or Back to Normalcy?

Geithner�s Dirty Little Secret

Geithner's Oligarchs (The Real News Network, March 30, 2009)

Taking on the Banking Cabal (The Real News Network)

US Government as Owner of AIG could dispose of Counterparties

Two years recession, or ten years of hell? (The Real News)

Death Agony of Thatcher Deregulated Financial Model

Federal Reserve sets stage for Weimar-style Hyperinflation

Financial Tsunami: The End of the World as We Knew It


Behind Oil Price Rise: Peak Oil or Wall Street Speculation ?

Why Washington Wants �Finito� with Putin

Why Moscow Doesn�t Believe Washington on Missile Defense� or on Just Almost Nuthin� ...

Egypt and Washington�s New Middle East

The International Criminal Court Indicts the wrong party. It should be NATO not Gaddafi for Crimes against Humanity. RT.

Creative Destruction Part III: Humanitarian Neo-colonialism

Creative Destruction Part II: Libya in Washington�s Greater Middle East Project

Egypt's Revolution: Creative Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'?


Wikileaks -- a Big Dangerous US Government Con Job

Study Shows Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Link to Birth Defects

GMO Crop Catastrophe in USA a lesson for World

Bill Gates talks about �vaccines to reduce population�

Gulf Oil Spill �Could Go Years� If Not Dealt With

The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize

Kyrgyzstan�s �Roza Revolution�� Cui Bono? Washington, Moscow, Beijing and the Geopolitics of Central Asia / Part I-III, Part IV

The New Geopolitical Importance of Lubmin

Bizarre Background of the �911� New York Mosque

WHO �Mr Flu� under investigation for gross conflict of interest

More on Swine Flu

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti
Strategic denial of oil in Haiti? / The Real News Network

Ukraine and a Tectonic Shift in Heartland Power

Yemen: Behind Al-Qaeda Scenarios, a Geopolitical Oil Chokepoint to Eurasia

Afghanistan and global dominance / The Real News Network

The Geopolitics behind the phoney US war in Afghanistan

Ankara, Moscow and Washington in the Eurasian Pipeline Calculus

The Geopolitical Great Game: Turkey and Russia Moving Closer

Dangerous Crossroads: Missile Defense and Washington�s Foolish Eurasia Strategy

Ukraine and Georgia: Entry into Nato Put Off Indefinitely

AFRICOM China and Congo Resource Wars


The Real Truth behind the Citigroup Bank Nationalization

Paulson Panics as UK, Germany find own solution

messeturmThe Goldman Sachs Cadre in the Middle of Conjuring up A Coup d��tat of Finance

Behind the panic: Financial Warfare over future of global bank power
Deutsch: Hinter der Panik ...

mp3_icon2Full Spectrum Dominance: Will financial collapse impact the global agenda? / (On the Alex Jones Show)

Russia, Europe and USA: Fundamental Geopolitics

The Caucasus � Washington Risks Nuclear War by Miscalculation

The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

There are far bigger stakes being played out in Georgia than a territorial dispute - In The Real News Network

"We have crossed the Rubicon" If only the Polish Prime Minister would know what he said

Henry Paulson has lost Control over US Finance, Economy

President Medvedev�s Bold Proposals

The Next Big Wave is Breaking: Fannie Mae Freddie Mac and US Mortgage Debt

Interview on the Causes of High Oil Prices
On the Global Research News Hour on RBN

Georgia, Washington and Moscow: A Nuclear Geopolitical Poker Game

World Bank Secret Report confirms Biofuel Cause of World Food Crisis

The Financial Tsunami has not reached its Climax
Credit Default Swaps: Next Phase of an Unravelling Crisis, 5 June 2008

Die n�chste Finanzkrise: Credit Default Swaps


The Seed Barons

How Big Ag, Big Oil & Big Government
Are Hijacking the World�s Food Supply
An Interview with Acres U.S.A. Magazine

Review of �Seeds of Destruction� in Teheran Times
The hidden agenda of genetic manipulation



More on the real reason behind high oil prices / Part II

(2 & 21 May, 2008 - Also published in Global Research and Financial Sense and Asia Times Online)

60 Years After Kennan: The Good Empire in Agony Russian TV Docu in 5 Parts Made Legible for English-Speakers

Titanic Shift in Global Capital Market Power

Why Bush Watergated Eliot Spitzer

The Financial Tsunami

Recent Interview on the Financial Tsunami and the Titanic Shift

The Financial Tsunami Part V: The Predators had a Ball
By F. William Engdahl, 22 February 2008

By F. William Engdahl, February 8, 2008

Part I: Sub-Prime Mortgage Debt is but the Tip of the Iceberg F William Engdahl, November 23, 2007

Part II: The Financial Foundations of the American Century F William Engdahl, January 16, 2008

Part III: Greenspan�s Grand Design
By F. William Engdahl, January 22, 2008

Part IV: Asset Securitization-- The Last Tango

Der "Tresor des j�ngsten Gerichts" in der Arktis Gates, Rockefeller und die GMO-Giganten wissen mehr als wir

Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don�t
"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic
F William Engdahl, 4 December, 2007
Talking on the Gary Null Show (Progressive Radio)

Auf Deutsch erschienen
APOKALYPSE JETZT! Washingtons Geheime Geopolitik

Kosovo and Washington�s Strategic Agenda for Europe and Eurasia

Chokepoint! The Geopolitical Stakes of the Saffron Revolution

Translation manuscript into Burmese

�The Myanmar military junta is on the hit list of the Bush administration for its repressive ways, we are told. Or does Washington have a more opaque agenda? Some not-so-publicized facts indicate that behind the latest US-orchestrated, color-coordinated effort at regime change (this one is called the "Saffron Revolution", after the marching monks' robes), a battle of major geopolitical consequence is under way. ...�

By F William Engdahl, 15 October, 2007
Previously published in Global Research, Asia Times Online, ZNet, 321 Energy, Financial Sense, Onlinejournal

Confessions of an �ex� Peak Oil Believer
By F William Engdahl, September 14, 2007
Also published in Asia Times Online, Financial Sense, Global Research, 321energy and also republished elsewhere

Deutsch: Bekenntnisse eines ehemaligen �Peak-Oil�-Gl�ubigen

livre85 PetroleP�trole Une guerre d'un si�cle
William Engdahl

Cet ouvrage remet radicalement en cause l�id�e que l�on se fait commun�ment de la politique internationale et de ses enjeux. Il d�crit les moyens extr�mes que les Anglo -Am�ricains sont pr�ts � mettre en �uvre pour conserver une supr�matie n�e en 1815 et renforc�e au prix des deux Guerres mondiales. winkel winkel winkel

L`autre histoire presente:

Chapitre 4: 1914 - 1918 - Le p�trole d�j�
Chapitre 9: Qui est � l�origine du choc p�trolier des ann�es soixante-dix?

mp3_icon2Bush`s Biofuel Scam and some Remarks on Peak Oil
Interview with Radio Ecoshock show (CFRO 102.7 FM) in Vancouver, Aug 17.

Buy Feed Corn: They�re about to stop making it�
Published in Financial Sense Online, GlobalResearch,
321 Energy, Asia Times Online and on many other sites

mp3_icon2Ein Gespr�ch �ber �Saat der Zerst�rung - Die dunkle Seite der Gen-Manipulation�

William Engdahl interviewed on TV Russia about the Putin G8 Summit and signs of a new Cold War
Darfur? It�s the Oil, Stupid� China and USA in New Cold War over Africa�s oil riches

Previously published in Financial Sense Online, GlobalResearch,
321 Energy

�I have just finished reading your outstanding article on "Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War,� (Richard C. Cooke*)

Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or what happens when Cowboys don`t shoot straight like they used to ...

By F. William Engdahl, February 18, 2007
(Previously published in Financial Sense Online, GlobalResearch,
321 Gold, Asia Times Online) / Please read also �Oops!�

Путин и геополитика Новой Холодной войны
(War and Peace, Russia)


US outflanked in Eurasia energy politicsBy F. William Engdahl, (Also published in Asia Times Online)

Ukraine Gas Dispute - Has Putin Gone Nuts?
F. William Engdahl / Also published in GlobalResearch.caChina lays down the Gauntlet in Energy War
F. William Engdahl / Previously published in Asia Times Online


gene modification

Monsanto buys �Terminator� Seeds CompanyBy F. William Engdahl, (Previously published in GlobalResearch, Financial Sense Online, 321 Gold)

WTO, GMO and Total Spectrum Dominance

WTO rules put free-trade of agribusiness above national health concerns / By F. William Engdahl, March 29, 2006 (Previously published in GlobalResearch) Is Avian Flu another Pentagon Hoax?
By F. William Engdahl, October 30, 2005 / Part I
(Also published in Global Research / Asia Times)

Tamiflu, Vistide and the Pentagon Agenda
By F. William Engdahl, November 5 , 2005 / Part II

Bird Flu and Chicken Factory Farms: Profit Bonanza for US Agribusiness
(Previously published in GlobalResearch) / Part III

Iraq and Washington�s �seeds of democracy�
(Previously published in Current Concerns)



The Hidden Agenda behind Cheney`s Speech 1999

New Release of �Century of War - Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order�, by F William Engdahl winkel02

�This is the only accurate account I have seen of what really happened with the price of oil in 1973. I strongly recommend reading it.�

Sheikh Zaki Yamani, former Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia

A CENTURY OF WAR by F. William Engdahl (Pluto Press Ltd.) is a controversial and new view of oil and great power geopolitics through today's events in Iraq and beyond. It examines the entire world history of the century past through the illuminating lens of oil.

'More thilling than the best who done it. I could not put it down.'

Andre Gunder Frank


United States Economy

Iraq and the Problem of Peak Oil
By F. William Engdahl



Oil and the origins of the �War to make the world safe for Democracy�
At first almost unnoticed after 1850, then with significant intensity after the onset of the Great Depression of 1873 in Britain, the sun began to set on the British Empire. By the end of the 19th Century, though the City of London remained undisputed financier of the world, British industrial excellence was in terminal decline.� ... winkel
By F William Engdahl, 22 June, 2007

World Finance and Monetary Designs after WW I
Montagu Norman and Benjamin Strong

By F. William Engdahl

�After 1914, under the guidance of a Morgan man, Benjamin Strong, first and, by far, the most powerful President in the history of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, U.S. monetary policy and capital flows in the critical years up to 1929-1931, were, in effect, guided by the Bank of England under its head, Montagu Norman. The banking capital flows of the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks were channeled into New York under Strong's influence.

It was a lop-sided domination by New York, opposite to the original intent of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which envisioned a division of powers among the regional Federal Reserve districts and the Washington Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 had been passed by Congress primarily to prevent the damaging effects of periodic banking panics such as in 1907, from causing broader domestic economic depressions.� more

Some unconventional reflections on the Great Depression and the New Deal

By F. William Engdahl

It was fortunate for the historical legacy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that the initial military success of the Third Reich in Europe in 1939-1940, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 took attention away from his record in dealing with America�s Great Depression. Had Roosevelt not ended his Presidency as a victorious war President, he would instead be remembered as the President whose policies all but ruined the inherent economic vitality of the American economy for decades after.

moreHalford MacKinder's Necessary War

By F. William Engdahl

"An iron-clad Swedish guarantee"

The dependence of the German steel industry on the Swedish iron ore was no small affair. By 1938, shortly before Hitler marched into Austria, German steel production had tripled in tonnage from 1913, on the eve of the First World War. Ruhr steel mills depended on imported iron ore for almost three-quarters of their steel-making needs, and Sweden provided more than 11 million tons of that in 1939 alone. After 1939, Sweden had to replace lost French iron ore as well. The economic inter-dependency between Swedish iron ore and German steel was strategic in every sense. Without sufficient steel, no tanks would roll; the Luftwaffe would be without planes; no guns, no artillery, in short, all materiel required to execute a major war would lack. more


World finance

Hunting Asian Tigers: Washington and the 1997-98 Asia Shock

F. William Engdahl

Once the East Asian Tiger economies had begun to open up to foreign capital, but well before they had adequate controls over possible abuses in place, hedge funds went on the attack. The secretive funds first targeted the weakest economy, Thailand. American speculator, George Soros, acted in secrecy and armed with an undisclosed credit line from a group of international banks including Citigroup. They bet that Thailand would be forced to devalue the baht and break from the peg to the dollar. Soros, head of Quantum Fund, Julian Robertson, head of the Tiger Fund and reportedly also the LTCM hedge fund, whose management included former Federal Reserve deputy, David Mullins, unleashed a huge speculative attack on the Thai currency and stocks. By June, Thailand had capitulated, the currency was floated, and it was forced to turn to the IMF for help. In swift succession, the same hedge funds and banks hit the Philippines, Indonesia and then South Korea. They pocketed billions as the populations sank into economic chaos and poverty. more

Linie mit Rhombus05


�What is so frightening about Engdahl's vision of the world is that it is
so real. Although our civilization has been built on humanistic ideals,
in this new age of "free markets", everything-- science, commerce, agriculture and even seeds-- have become weapons in the hands of a
few global corporation barons and their political fellow travelers. To achieve world domination, they no longer rely on bayonet-wielding soldiers. All they need is to control food production.�
(Dr. Arpad Pusztai, biochemist, formerly of the Rowett Research Institute Institute, Scotland) winkel10