Wandering Camera - Notes about St.Petersburg and it's suburbs (original) (raw)

Wandering Camera

Album 112 _(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)

Continuing travelling around steam-engine museum in Shushary I'll mention again that when this album was under make up museum had already moved into the city - to the Varshavsky station.

That's how steam-engines look now at the new place. Painted and well-groomed :)But let's come back to where they stayed so recently - to Shushary..

This good natured creature is

"Industrial unfired steam-engine N9305:

Vacant weight is 36 tons
Weight of the engine at work - 90 tons
Maximum steam pressure in the boiler is 25 physical atmosphere

Built by Shwarzkopf factory(Germany) for USSR in 1928. Worked at Tuapsinsky petroleum refinery. Arrived to museum in 1993."

It's fuel is boiling water, they fill up with it and engine is on for 4 hours. It was used at the gun powder factories and other places where open fire and spangles are not welcome.

"Cargo steam-engine ��-2201

Weight of the engine at work is 100tons
Rated weight of engine with tender is 170tons
Constructive speed is 70km/hour
Maximum power on the wheel rim is 2200 horsepower

Built by Baldwin factory in 1944 for USSR according to land-lease. Worked at the experimental ring of Central scientific-research institute of People's Commissariat of communications in the environs of Moscow since 1944, since 1955 it worked at the Fareast railway.
Arrived to museum from depot Vyazemskaya of Fareast railway in 1992. "

Some exhibits have put down roots already and rustle with leaves..It's forbidden to climb onto exhibits, and this is care for visitors as well as for engines.
And these are more modern locomotives..
"Cargo electric locomative VL22-1729Direct current - 3 kilovolt Weight at work is 132 tons Constructive speed is 90 km/hour Power is 2320 kilowatt Built by Novocherkassky electric locomatives building factory in 1957. Worked at Kuibyshevskaya railway. Arrived to museum from depot Ruzaevka in 1996."
Carriages of Nikolaevskaya railway (now it's October railway). The nearest carriage is "Sleeper, 12 berths, 1st class".Internal decor is entirely missing in all carriages where I could glance at (through the windows). At best wall-paper remains.
This gun (made in 1911) is RF Ministry of Defense gift to the museum. Once it was placed on the battleship "Empress Maria". In 1916 when the ship sunk in the Black sea, cannon was lifted up and was used in soviet-finnish war (1939) on wheels. During Great Patriotic war guns were sunk at the Hanko island (during retreat in order not to leave it to the enemy). After war finns lifted up the guns, restored them and delivered them to us. Source of information is here and on TV.Caliber is 305mm. Shot distance is 35-40 km.
40 people or 8 horses.. Now they don't mention horses for some reason. This sign could look so well in the lift - "320 kg, 4 people or 1 horse" :)
"�37-013"I quite liked this diesel locomotive for some reason. It is so purposeful in appearance in comparison to all other exhibits.

That's all. You looked through the last spring album. Further we are planing summer.