(original) (raw)
Because of horrific and unbearable events in our personal lives, Erfworld is permanently discontinued as a webcomic.
To those with a Date-a-mancy connection (our extended family of supporters and friends), more information is available at login.
You will know if you have a Date-a-mancy connection if your account has this badge on it:
The method we used to award this badge was crude and quick, and there's no doubt that we missed hundreds of beloved folks. (That includes a few people who never had an account on this site.)
If you feel you were overlooked, you're probably right. Please write [email protected] and remind us why your heart is entwined with ours. We could really stand to hear it right now.
For everyone else, here are the important FAQs:
- Forums, wiki, and chat will be accessible only by Date-a-mancy.
- New accounts may not be created.
- New Toolshed subscriptions may not be created.
- Archive of previously posted pages can be read here.
- Future updates (should they occur) will be accessible only by Date-a-mancy
- Future books (should they be made) will be published and sold by traditional channels
- The Erfworld store remains open. Shmuckers balances will be honored for all users. Store fulfillment is handled by a third party company, so placing orders will not cause any additional burden on us, and would actually help us deal with the aftermath. We will try to have some more merchandise available in the future, to make sure your Shmuckers can still be redeemed for something worthwhile. That includes the printed volumes, which will be offered on pre-order when we can handle that workload.
- Any site badges you earned are still associated with your account and visible on your user profile.
- Any collectibles, gems, or units associated with your user account are still in your profile, and may be sold for Shmuckers on the marketplace.
- If you are still owed a personalized backer reward for any reason, then you should have a Heartstrings badge. (If not, contact us through Kickstarter or the contact form.) Information about fulfilling those rewards will be available to you at login.
- Answers to other questions that arise may be added to this page as needed.
Thank you for spending your time with us. That is pretty precious stuff to spend.
Rob and Linda Balder
October 11, 2019