Exiern (original) (raw)
Piracy is not a victimless crime.
Especially literally!
This chapter by Sean Harrington of the webcomic Spying With Lana!
Based on an outline by Scott T. Hicken
Lettering by Studio Katsumi
(I named the chapter - "Hijinks on the High Seas")
As always, we're willing to giving to give a spotlight to someone who's not only been a great help to Exiern for closing in on 10 years now but the writer of the current chapter whose first page has dropped as of the time of writing and posting this!
(And certainly not because he lent me money because I spent a bit too a long and a bit too much in about 8 or so different countries over the end of 2024 and the start of 2025! Certainly not that!)
Anyway, please consider having a look at his latest Kickstarter at the very least in the same way this post is the very least we can do for the webcomic Spying With Lana!
Only about 8 more days to go before it's over!