Exoplanet Orbit Database | Exoplanet Data Explorer (original) (raw)

A note from the maintainer:

The Exoplanet Orbit Database will not be regularly updated with planets published after June 2018

It's been a great run. From its origins as a list of "real" planets made by Paul Butler, to the Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets as a chapter of my thesis, to the two iterations of exoplanets.org with its incomparable Exoplanets Data Explorers written by the amazing Onsi Fakhouri, I've been able to watch the field explode from dozens of RV planets to a hundred times that, and the TESS planet wave has only just begun. It's been a privilege to work with so many people to try to keep up with the field, but it's no longer practical for my little team to do so, especially with so many other efforts and exoplanet lists out there.

I'm happy to report that, working with Peter Forshay over the past few months, we've mananged to get the database more-or-less complete up through June 2018, and it's now one of the sources of data forexo.mast. I may continue to make small corrections to the database going forward as a record of where things were in 2018, and I have reason to believe that some new planets will continue to be added to the database from other routes, but June 2018 marks the sunset of regular updates by me and my team.

But this site will continue to exist and improve; in fact we hope that the next several months will see some nice integration of the site with services at STScI, including potentially a much better use of the RV plot windows on the detail pages than the ubiquitous "velocity profile currently unavailable."

And fans of Onsi's Data Explorers will be happy to learn that there are plans afoot to adapt it for new databases and new uses, including potentially other lists of planets that will stay up-to-date. I can't say more now but don't be surprised if in a couple of years those great color plots start appearing in talks about not just exoplanets but other kinds of astronomical objects as well!

Thanks so much to the many many people who worked over the past 10 years at Penn State to enter and manage data on exoplanets.org, including Sharon Wang, Ming Zhao, Jacob Brown, Mcleod Brennaman, Eunkyu Han, Kat Feng, and Colin Hancock.

Finally, thanks to everyone who uses exoplanets.org for talks and for research, and who have encouraged me to try to keep it going for as long as I can. It's been gratifying to see how the hard work that goes into the site has supported so much research for so long.

—Jason T. Wright

The Exoplanet Data Explorer is an interactive table and plotter for exploring and displaying data from the Exoplanet Orbit Database. The Exoplanet Orbit Database is a carefully constructed compilation of quality, spectroscopic orbital parameters of exoplanets orbiting normal stars from the peer-reviewed literature, and updates the Catalog of nearby exoplanets.

A detailed description of the Exoplanet Orbit Database and Explorers is published here and is available on astro-ph.

In addition to the Exoplanet Data Explorer, we have also provided the entire Exoplanet Orbit Database in CSV format for a quick and convenient download here. A list of all archived CSVs is available here.

Help and documentation for the Exoplanet Data Explorer is available here. A FAQ and overview of our methodology is here, including answers to the questions "Why isn't my favorite planet/datum in the EOD?" and "Why does site X list more planets than this one?".

If you use this resource in a publication, please cite this paper and include the following acknowledgement:

"This research has made use of the Exoplanet Orbit Database
and the Exoplanet Data Explorer at exoplanets.org."

The imaging, microlensing, and Kepler planet functionalities of the EOD are powered by the Exoplanet Archive at NExScI.

The Exoplanet Orbit Database is produced and maintained by Prof. Jason Wright at Penn State University. The Exoplanet Data Explorer and website design and maintenance is by Dr. Onsi Fakhouri. Please send Database updates or corrections to datamaster@exoplanets.org, and send website or Data Explorer bug reports to webmaster@exoplanets.org.

The Exoplanet Data Explorer is best experienced on the latest version of Chrome or Safari. The latest version of Firefox is supported too. Due to a change in standards for the data: URL protocol, the "export" feature is now Firefox-only; Chrome and Safari will produce blank pages. Internet Explorer is not supported.

This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France, NASA's Astrophysics Data System, the NASA Exoplanet Archive (and, formerly, the NASA/IPAC/NExScI Star and Exoplanet Database (NStED)), the Exoplanets Encyclopedia maintained by Jean Schneider, and data products from 2MASS, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and IPAC/Caltech. This research received generous funding from NASA and the NSF.