The Expo 67 Symbol - page 1 (original) (raw)


The Theme of Expo 67 was inspired by the philosophy of French airman and author Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry as developed in a book widely read across the world of which the English title is - Man and his World.

A group of distinguished Canadian scholars and scientists brought the concept into relationship with plans for the exhibition at a conference in the spring of 1963.

The International Bureau of Exhibitions enthusiastically approved the title Man and his World.

Thus the pattern was set for Expo 67. Every pavilion, in its fashion, relates its presentation to the overall concept of Man and his ideological, cultural and scientific relationship to his environment.

As graphic symbol for this concept, Expo 67 adopted a design that drew its inspiration from one of the oldest known drawings of Man. Eight identical groups of twin figures represent Mankind in unity encircling the world.

Basic unit of the Expo 67 symbol (above) is an ancient sign representing Man -- vertical line with outstretched arms -- linked in pairs to represent friendship with the circle (right) to suggest friendship, around the world. Designed by Montr�al artist Julien H�bert.

At the heart of the Theme concept -- which at Expo 67 is more consistently observed and more consistently far-reaching than was the theme of any previous universal and international exhibition -- is a chain of Theme Pavilions. These have been planned by Expo 67 to contain exhibits which explore aspects of the Theme which are of particular importance and interest to all men.

While these Theme pavilions have been directly promoted by the Expo authorities, many nations and organizations have co-operated giving their support, achieving a unity entirely within the spirit of the Theme.

The sub-themes are:

Man the Explorer. The subject developments are Man and Life; Man, his Planet and Space; Man and the Oceans; Man and the Polar Regions; Man and his Health.

Man the Producer. Resources for Man, Progress, Man in Control.

Man the Creator. Fine Arts; Photography; Contemporary Sculpture; Industrial Design.

Man in the Community.

Man the Provider. Agriculture.

Labyrinth. A pavilion of functional architecture designed for presentation of new film concept.

Habitat 67. A novel construction project related to Man's housing needs.

Lectures and conferences relating to Theme were held at the DuPont of Canada Theme Auditorium.

The thinking that determined Theme treatment is that whether we look upon an artistic creation, delve into literature, consider pure or applied research in the sciences, engage in philosophic speculation, or study the social order of Man's way of life, we are fundamentally concerned with Man's activities in exploration, production or creation.

"To be a Man is to have the conviction that when one lays a brick, one is taking a hand in building the world" said Saint-Exup�y.