Precious stones for Curative Wear. Fernie. Full text. (original) (raw)


About the book “Precious stones for curative wear”

Another treasure from the past, this book, written by a medical doctor, was originally published in 1907. A virtual encyclopedia of precious and semi-precious stones and metals, this nearly 500-page book is loaded with lore and sprinkled liberally with anecdotes and historical information on how precious and semi-precious stones and metals were used in the past. There are many fascinating stories about the superstitions and legends that surrounded them; who owned what and how much; which diamonds were the biggest and how big they were, stories about kings, queens and potentates who owned them, how traditions surrounding precious and semi-precious stones came to be, and much more.

Although the book is encyclopedic, fortunately, it doesn’t read like an encyclopedia. Dr. Fernie is a gifted writer whose engrossing style grabs and holds the reader’s interest as he brings the history and lore of metals and precious stones to life. Of course there are sections for each stone and metal so you can go right to one you are interested in if you don’t want to read the whole book.

In his introduction the good doctor states that the purpose of the book is to vindicate our forefathers’ confidence in precious stones and metals for remedial uses either by scientific grounds or simple experience. Much of the information is anecdotal, and he freely admits that some if it is pure superstition, but not all. The metal copper is a notable exception as there is plenty of proof of its antiviral and antibacterial properties. It seems that whole villages near copper mines were infected with cholera, except for the miners. Doctors, noting this, began to experiment and found that by causing a person to wear a small copper plate over his/her stomach area, the seat of the disease, the person was protected from contracting cholera. This was proven again and again with soldiers and many others. He also adds other information about how copper was used to kill bacteria and viruses in water.

Interestingly in 2008 scientists had proven the ability of copper to kill bacteria and viruses and were doing research on uses for it, one possibility being use as touch plates in public places. There is nothing to indicate that anything was ever done.

About William Thomas Fernie MD

William Thomas Fernie MD was a physician in the late 19th and early 20th century and very little is known about him and his life that is easily discoverable. However, he left behind a lifetime’s fascination and love with exploring not just the world of all things hard, but taking a greater view – comparing his knowledge with that what has been told over the ages, collecting ideas and trying to find connections between people, plants, animals and minerals.

William T Fernie stands historically at a crossroads between the old ways, and the new ways of science; was he born just 20 years later, he would never have written these books.

William Fernie’s books include: Herbal Simples 1897; Animal Simples 1899; The Occult and Curative Power of Precious Stones 1907.
There is a curious connection with many things that interest the reader reading through William Fernie’s thoughts on these various topics, the quotes he has gathered patiently to support his views and the folklore.


There is a definite sense of time travel by entering into Fernie’s world. You only have to look at half an article and you’re off, in another world, another time, a dimension where things were very different to how they are today. Don’t measure Herbal Simples with the textbook stick of accurate up to date scientific information.

Introduction from “precious stones for curative wear”:

QUITE recently a leading Medical Journal has pertinently asked—” Is it not of timely interest to enquire,—having before our notice the results of modern investigations into radio-activity, and force-rays,—whether, after all, Precious Stones may not be capable of exerting therapeutic influences ? The astute Physician should not altogether overlook the part taken by Gems in the

kaleidoscopic variation of human sentiments, and the evolution of personal sympathies.” ” I t may be that the practice of wearing Gems in olden times as amulets, and charms, to ward off disease, and other evils, was really the origin of their after-use as remedial agents, which grew to a considerable extent in the Middle Ages.” Galen records that the Egyptian King Nechepsus wore a green Jasper cut into the shape of a dragon surrounded with rays, which being thus applied over the region of his digestive organs was found to be wonderfully strengthening to their functions.

Again, the Diamond, though long suspected of exercising poisonous properties, if taken internally, was, nevertheless, believed to endow its wearer with courage, and to make him ” more fearless than careful.”

The Ruby was worn to ward off the plague and pestilence ; having, also, according to Cardamus, the virtue of making its wearer prudent, and of banishing idle, foolish thoughts. When taken internally this gem was believed to make the body capable of resisting decay.

The Emerald was used medicinally in early times as an astringent, being warranted to cure dysentery, the plague, the falling sickness, and the bitings of venomous creatures. It was also reputed to stop haemorrhages; to strengthen the memory, and to remove acrid humours. This stone was administered in the form of fine powder, of which the dose was from six to thirty grains. Taking up his parable, we remind our readers that, as an old writer puts it, ” the Emerald takes away foolish fears, as of devils, and hobgoblins, with folly, and anger, so as to cause good conditions.”

Extraordinary virtues were likewise attributed to the Sapphire in ancient times by medical men of those days. This stone was supposed to have sexual distinctions; the pale blue being held to be the male, and the dark blue variety representing the female. Medicinally the sapphire stones ” fortified the heart, counteracted the effects of poisons, purified the blood, and dried up ulcers on the eyes.”

Similarly, powdered Rubies were given, in doses of from ten to forty grains, to ” sweeten the sharpness of the humours, to strengthen the vitals, to drive away melancholy, and to restore lost strength.”

Again, Lapis Lazuli, ” the Stone of beautiful blue,” was employed to ” purge melancholy, and fortify the heart” forming, so as to produce these salutary effects, an ingredient in many compound medicines of that date. The Jacinth too (in olden times called the ” Hyacinth “), when ground to powder, was given to stimulate the heart, and as an antidote to poisons. A certain wonderful confection thereof, which was believed to be a sovereign remedy for many bodily ills, was made in France. It was composed of Jacinth, Coral, Sapphire, Topaz, Pearls, and Emerald, together with Gold, and Silver leaf, and several herbs of power. ” This preparation,” says Pomet (1712), ” is much used in Florence and Languedoc, where you meet with but few persons not having a pot thereof.”

The Topaz, reduced to powder, was mixed with rosewater, and taken to prevent bleeding : whilst for staying bleeding at the nose the stone itself was applied within, or to the side of that organ.

The Amethyst was the stone of temperance and sobriety, being said to restrain the wearer from strong drinks, and from indulging in too much sleep. It was further believed to quicken the wits, and to drive vapours from the head.

Pearls were administered in cases of consumption, and were commended, when powdered, in ten-grain doses, for giving strength to the heart. They were further esteemed for fortifying the nerves, curing weak eyes, preserving the body sound from the decay of old age, and even resisting the plague, when taken in doses of six grains, in water sweetened with manna.

Amber was given to cure coughs; while Red Coral was ” an excellent purifier of the blood, correcting derangements of the liver.”

Jasper was adopted by the early physicians as an astringent, being curative of epilepsy, and the stone.

The Beryl helped ” defluxions of the throat: ” whilst the Sardonyx made men cheerful, averting melancholy.

The Chrysolite was reputed to ward off fevers ; the Onyx, moreover, when worn round the neck, prevented epileptic fits.

The Opal was thought to cure weak eyes; and the Bloodstone was frequently carried by warriors, that it might arrest bleeding from a wound.

By ” Precious Stones ” are meant, according to the general acceptation of this term, minerals remarkable for hardness, lustre, beauty of colour, and transparency, as well as for their rarity in nature. Rut, beyond these manifest endowments, the Gems proper, together with several other stones of less commercial value, are to be highly prized, as of yore by the ancients, on account of their so-called spiritual powers, and their subtle health restoring virtues. A main purpose of the volume now undertaken is to vindicate on sound, and even scientific, grounds the confidence reposed by our forefathers in Precious Stones for remedial uses, whether by outward wear, or by other such means as were inspired by nature and gleaned by simple experience. ”

The estimation in which these Flowers of the Mineral Kingdom have been held from the very earliest ages, alike by the most refined, and the most barbarous nations is little short of

wonderful; insomuch that Gems do really seem to exercise occult charms which cause them to have always, been widely coveted from the first.” It is noteworthy that tropical countries are far more prolific in affording Precious Stones than other parts of the globe; wherefore it would seem as if those lands on which the sun shines with most power and splendour produce Gems, the more abundantly; perhaps, too, the volcanic changes to which these lands are subject have something to do with the matter ! The said Gems are found mostly in the older formations, such as Granite, Gneiss, etc. and in the beds of rivers, whither they have been brought by torrents, and generally accompanied by some of the precious metals. Furthermore, several kinds of Gems are frequently found together. The various mineral components which enter into the formation of these Gems are plentiful throughout the globe.

In primitive English days “Christiani fidem in verbis; Judeei in lapidibus pretiosis; et Pagani in herbis ponere solebant.” Christians were wont to pin their faith on words (of Holy Writ); the Jews trusted in precious stones; the Pagans relied upon herbs of the field.

This trust in the curative virtues of certain Precious Stones was transmitted from the early ages to a comparatively late period. On the Church of Old Saint Paul’s, London, was a famous Sapphire, which had been given by Bichard de Preston, Citizen and Grocer of that city, for the cure of infirmities in the eyes of all those thus afflicted who might resort to it. So likewise had

Robert Grosseteste, a former Bishop of Lincoln, when at Oxford, invented charms for expelling diseases, with certain words for exorcising fiends, and other mysterious characters of marvellous power which were inscribed on valuable Gems.

Vincentius (A.D. 434) said, when making mention of the Jasper, ” Other, some Stones are also found figured and marked with the figure of a man bearing on his necke a bundle of hearbs and flowers ; with the estimation and value of them noted that they have in them facultie, or power restrictive, and will in an instant, or moment of time, staunch blood.” ” Such a kind of Stone (as it is reported) Galen wore on his finger.”

As far back as in the year 1320, Nostradamus (quoting Pierre de Boniface, a noted Alchemist) wrote “the Diamond renders a man invisible ; the Agate of India, or Crete, eloquent, prudent, amiable, and agreeable ; the Amethyst resists intoxication; the Carnelian appeases anger ; the Hyacinth provokes sleep, etc.” More recently, in the time of our lion-hearted Queen Elizabeth, it was said by Bishop Vaughan, in reference to her assumed power of healing scrofulous patients by the Royal touch, that she did it by virtue of some precious stone then in the possession of the English Crown, which Stone was endowed with this marvellous gift. ” But,” as Harrington drily observes, ” had Queen Elizabeth been told that the Bishop ascribed more virtue to her Jewels (though she loved them dearly) than to her person, she would never have made him Bishop of Chester ! ”

According to Dr. Rowland’s Compleat Chymical Dispensatory, as translated from the Latin of Dr. John Schroder (1669), the ” Precious Stones, or Gemms, as classified in those days, were the Amethist, Carneolus, Sarda or Sardonyx, Chrysolite, Granate, Hyacinth, Rubin Oriental, Saphyre, Sniaragde, Pearl, and Bezar Stone, East and West. ” Of which Gemms five were chiefly called Precious : the Granate, Hyacinth, Saphyre, Sardonix, Sniaragde.” ” The Less Precious Stones were the Eaglestone, Alabaster, Amiantus, or Alum Plumous, Armenian Stone, Calaminaris, Crystal, Blood-stone, Jew-stone, Lyncurius, Lapis Lyncis, Load-stone, Marble, Nephritic stone, Osteocol, or Bone-Binder, Pumex-stone, Shiverstone, Serpentine, Flint, Smirgle, Selenitis, or Specularstone, Spunge-stone, Talce, (and Stone from a Man).”

Animal Stones, so called, were likewise formerly used medicinally ; such as ” stones or eyes, of Crabs, Carps, Pearches, Trouts; also Mother-of-Pearl, Egg-Shells, and Ostridge Egg-Shells.” ” All kinds of Stones taken from the Heads of Fishes, powdered, and drunk in Wine, were found to abate the Cholick, and to break the stone in the kidneys.”

Again, other stones were found in certain creatures,and in many parts of them ; yet ” they are rare ; and, besides Bezoar stone, there are scarce any in the Apothecaries’ shops.” ” But it would be good to have some ready that break the stone in Man.” The curative virtues were held to be ” stronger in Minerals than in Vegetable remedies,” ” because they are nearer the first original, and therefore more united, and by consequence stronger ; for, strength united is stronger.” ” They are not given so that their Acrimony might be hurtful, but mixed with other things, serving the Physitian’s intention, whereby the Acrimony is abated, and amended ; so Chalcitis is put into Treacle ; and Garlick into Sauce.” ” The Operations, or Preparations by which Stones were to be made medicinal were chiefly these:

  1. Poudering
  2. Calcination ;
  3. Purification, or Edulcoration ;
  4. Liquation;
  5. Destination, or Volatilisation; and sometimes
  6. Syrupisation.”

Stones are best Poudered, first by grinding, then by Levigation, and sprinkling convenient water while you levigate, and bringing it into a pulp, and drying it in the Sun.”” Calcination is that by which Stones come to be Medicinal; and it is called rather a Solution. This is done by fire, simple, or restinct; or by Corrosion, and that with common Salt, or Sulphur, etc.” ” Solution of both Precious, and Vulgar Stones is made by divers Menstruums, where into the calcined stones are cast, and set in a hot place, so often have the Menstruum repeated till no more will be dissolved.”

” Liquation is when the Salt of the Stones is set in a Glass, in a moist place, to turn to Liquor.”

” Volatilisation is done when the Stones are dissolved, and digested with Spirits of Wine, fourteen days and nights, and destill’d often by a Retort.”” Syrwpisation is made when you bring the Solution to a Syrup (with proper Juyce, as that of Citrons, or Barberries), with Sugar, and some convenient Water.” But with respect to Minerals, and Metals, whilst these General Faculties are self-evident, their Occult Faculties are not openly declared. ” Our Ancestors were commonly busied in finding out only the Manifest Faculties.

The Moderns have studied the Occult.” Thus wrote Br. Schroder, more than two centuries ago. With what fourfold force do his arguments apply in these advanced days of progressive scientific research, and of wonderful recent discoveries ! Just one highly significant note is interposed by Schroder, which bears on our subject of Precious Stones, and the Nobler Metals.

” You may see such Simples as make vehement evacuations, to grow rather in mountains, and in stony places, or between Rocks ; where is the Natural seat of Metallick Spirits.”

A later Work, Magus ; or The Celestial Intelligencer ; by Francis Barrett, Professor of Chemistry (1801) : dwells on ” The occult Properties of Metals ; Herbs ; and Stones.” But the Author is not entitled to equal acquiescence with his teachings as is Dr. Schroder ; seeing that he claims excessive faith in Planetary Influences ; and the pursuits of Alchemy ; (e.g. by searching for the ” Philosopher’s Stone,” which should convert whatever baser metal it might touch into Gold.)

Certain Metals are alleged by this fanciful writer, ” Magus,” to exercise natural ” Antipathies.”

These are said to obtain through ” an obstinate contrariety of Nature; such as the Sapphire Stone against hot bile, feverish heats, and diseases of the eyes. The Amethyst against drunkenness ; the Jasper against the bloody flux ; the Emerald against lust; Agates against poison ; Coral against the black choler, and pains of the stomach ; the Topaz against spiritual heats, such as covetousness, and all manner of love excesses.” In this way ” a Diamond,” saith he, ” disagrees with a Loadstone, insomuch that being present it suffers no Iron to be drawn thereto.” Thus likewise, ” a Lion fears lighted torches, and is tamed by nothing sooner ; a Horse fears a Camel so much that he cannot endure a picture of that beast; a Snake is afraid of a naked man, but pursues one clothed ; Amber attracts all things to itself except Garden-Basil, and substances smeared with Oil, whereto it has a natural antipathy.”

Vindicating his special doctrines and arguments as advanced in this Book (from which we have quoted the above occult teachings), Professor Barrett has defended his allegations and beliefs in a plausible Preface, certain parts of which read as follows :— ” We have not forgot to give the most clear and rational illustration of sympathy and antipathy ; attraction and repulsion. We have proved how cures are performed by virtue of sympathetic powers, and medicines, by Seals, rings, and Amulets, even at unlimited distances. ” We know how to communicate with any person, and to give him intimation of our purpose, at a hundred, or a thousand miles distance ; but then a preparation is necessary, and the parties should have their appointed seasons, and hours for that purpose ; likewise both should be of the same firm constancy of mind. And we have given methods by which a man may receive true and certain intimation of future things (as by dreams) of whatsoever his mind has before meditated upon, himself being properly disposed. All of which matters we have collected out of the Works of the most famous Magicians, such as Zoroaster, Hermes, Apollonius, Simon of the Temple, Trithemius, Agrippa, Porta (the Neapolitan), Dee, Paracelsus, Roger Bacon, and a great many others.

” Our endeavour has been to point out the difference of these several arts, so as to free the name of Magic from any scandalous imputation : seeing this is a word originally significative, not of any evil, but of every good and laudable science, such as a man might profit by, and become both wise and happy : and the practice is so far from being offensive to God, or man, that the

very root and ground of all magic takes its rise from the Holy Scriptures ; viz., ‘ The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom’; which fear of God is the beginning of Magic ; for, Magic is wisdom; and on this account the Wise Men were called ‘ Magi.’

The Magicians were the first Christians ; they were the first to acknowledge the glory, and majesty of our Saviour; therefore let no one be offended at the venerable and sacred title of Magician, a title which every wise man merits while he pursues that path which Christ Himself trod; namely, Humility, Charity, Mercy, Fasting, Praying, etc.: for the true Magician is the truest Christian, and nearest disciple of our blessed Lord, Who set the example we ought to follow ; since He says, ‘ If ye have faith, as a grain of mustard-seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place : and it shall remove.’ ”

Concerning Metals (about which, of the nobler sort, the Second Part of the present Manual treats), Dr. Schroder’s Chymical Dispensatory goes on to say, ” They are brought into three ranks, according to their conformity, and disparity of hardness; and according to their conveniency of preparations.” ” The First are the Noblest Metals; as Gold, and Silver.” ” The Second are the more ignoble, and hard ; as Iron, and Copper.” ” The Third are the most ignoble, and soft; as Lead, and Tin.”

Metals are to be prepared by:

  1. Purgation;
  2. By Calcination ;
  3. By Volatilisation (by which the Metal is made of a spiritual nature);
  4. By Extraction (whence come Tinctures);
  5. By Sublimation (whence are Flowers) ;
  6. By Salification (whence comes Salt).”

In the fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, amongst British Professors of Physic, all their knowledge of Chemistry was very primitive. Furthermore, gross superstition prevailed, insomuch that Alchemy and Astrology occupied the minds and attention of these said Professors almost exclusively. Nevertheless, there were, even in those days, some few doctors of real learning, and repute, who found valid reasons for attributing medicinal and curative virtues to certain

Precious Stones, and Metals.

Dr. John Schroder, ” that most famous, and faithful Chymist,” produced in 1669, ” The Compleat Chymical Dispensatory ; in Five Books ; treating of All Sorts of Metals, Precious Stones, and Minerals ; How rightly to Know Them. And How they are to be used in Physick ; with their several Doses.” ” The like work being very proper for all Merchants, Druggists, Chirurgions, and Apothecaries ; also for such ingenious persons as study Physick, or Philosophy.” This learned Volume was written in Latin; and was afterwards Englished by William Rowland, Doctor of Physick, who had previously translated Hippocrates, Rivierus, Bartholinus, Platerus, Sennerius, Rulandus, Crato, and other ancient classical writers.

It was ” printed, and sold at the Sign of the ‘ Two Angels, and Crown,’ in Little Brittain.” ” To you, Noble Merchants,” wrote Dr. Rowland, ” I have presented this Work because during my long captivity in Algiers, Tunis, and Alexandria I received many favours from you, wherefore I studyed how I might in point of Gratitude do something with my Pen which might not only eternize your Names, but make you more acquainted with all things of the Creation wherein you Trade ; as Metals, Precious Stones, and other Minerals; that you might be more quick sighted therein. And that you might (when you are constrained to be your own Physicians, as Travellers are used to be) be able to cure yourselves, and preserve the health of others.”

With these remedies (by God’s assistance). I have cured many, and doubt not but they will grow more and more in request. . . . It is Medicina adepta: itaque, carpere vel noli nostra, vel ede tua. Commend it; or Come, mend it.” ” As for you, my Countrymen, that study Physick, and philosophy in your Mothr Tongue (not with intent to deceive the People by damnable fortune telling, or Witchcraft), I humbly desire your kind acceptance of this my last Work in this kind of Physick. ” The Lord bless, and preserve you in all the wayes of Health, and Happiness : and give you both inward and outward riches, according to your publick Spirits, for the Honour of our God, King, and country. So prayeth your truly loving Countryman, and ready Servant, William Rowland.” And so piously beseecheth the present author. ” The writing of ‘ Precious Stones, and Noble Metals,’ “—as Kingsley said of Westward Ho, has ” done him good.” He has been ” living among the primitive books of old Hebrew faith, Classic lore, and Elizabethan learning; among grand, devout, beautiful, silent men.”

Table of Contents


ABRAHAM’S Precious Stone 25

Adamant (Diamond), 64, 65, 66, 73, 321, 322


AEtites (Eagle Stone) – 214

AEsculapius – – 350

AGATE – – 68, 310-312

Aladdin – – – 89

Alcahest – – 178

ALCHEMY 203, 373-387

ALUMINA – – 278

AMBER 263, 322-329, 348, 352

AMETHYST (stone) 169-173

Flower – 172

Amianthus – – 46

Ammonia – – 423

AMULETS 45,50-54,180, 294, 384

Animal Stones – – 7

Antipathies – – 9

Antique Silver – 410, 411

Apostle Stones – 44, 45

AQUAMARINE 116, 128, 131, 132

Arabian Nights 88, 90, 91, 94, 95

Arehaus (of Helmont) – 265


Artificial Stones 54, 55

ASBESTOS – – 346

BACILLI – – – 436

BALAS RUBY – – 145

Bananas – – 429-432

Benjamin, tribs of – 173


BERYL 4, 116, 130-132, 204, 309, 314



Blood, to test – – 153

BLOODSTONE 4, 174, 257

BRASS – – – 439

Bread – – 117-120


PRIEST, Preface, 21-24, 45, 104, 314, 351

Brilliants – – 69

Byron (Heaven and: E a r t h ) 349

CABOCHON, E>r – 40, 158


CALCIUM – 355, 356

Cameos – – 132, 218

Cancer (Crab) in Zodiac – 46

Carat – – 71, 75

CARBUNCLE STONE 157-159, 355

CARNEL1AN – 138, 310

CAT’S EYE 126, 131, 311

Charcot, Dr. -217,416,418


CHRYSOLITE – 4, 163, 276

Chrysoprase 164, 172, 310

Cooking Utensils – 434

COPPER – 421-442, 472

CORAL 288-291, 385

Corundums 126, 140, 142

Cramp Rings 108, 109, 380

Crown Jewels – – 40

CRYSTAL ROCK 164, 200-205, 215, 222

Crystal Gazing 15, 20, 204-208, 214-217

Cullinan Diamond 76, 353


Daniel, Prophet, Statue of 474


Dee, Dr. 107, 203, 377

DIAMOND – 64-95



EAGLE-STONE (iEtites) 214, 341-345

Eastern Love of Precious Stones 23, 30-33, 91, 92

Elizabeth, Queen 6, 104, 107, 203, 312

EMERALD- 2, 43, 116, 117, 125, 127-138, 354

Ephod of High Priest 21, 24, 64, 115


FLINT-SILICA 258, 279, 283

Foxglove – – 123


GARNETS 156-158, 159-163

GEMS 1-4, 35, 36, 46, 309

Generative Powers of Diamond – – 67

GOLD – -360-399, 471

„ forms of – 382

Grosseteste, Bishop 5, 27, 28

Gyges, Ring of – 107, 108

HAEMATITIS (Bloodstone)

253, 254, 264

Haunted Houses 50, 410, 411


HELIOTROPE 180-186, 198,

199, 333

Henson, Mr., Lapidary – 317



Horace (and Maecenas) – 52


161, 311

IMITATION Stones 54-56, 144

(Jasper 174,) 264, 267,

275, 30), 310

Inherited Qualities of

Precious Stones – 49


IRON 109, 152, 168, 185, 206,

257, 468, 469, 473

Ivan the Terrible 46, 47


Jackdaw of Rheims 99, 100,


JADE – – 284-286

JARGOON – – 163

JASPER 3, 173, 199, 263

JET – – 347, 348

Jew’s Eye – – 59

Jewish Time, how reckoned 43

Amulets – 52


Kilmansegg, Legend of 388-391



Preface, 230, 243, 329, 449

Lambert, Daniel – 63

LAPIS LAZULI 2, 96, 329-332

LEAD – -442-452, 473

LIME – – – 332

LOADSTONE 206, 318-322

Lunar Caustic – 400, 404

LYCHNITES (Lamp Stone)





MAGIC – – 10, 11, 346

MAGNESIA 129, 146, 355

MALACHITE 166, 263, 422

Marbodus 173, 182, 193

Metallurgy – – 360

METALS 11, 12, 357-360,

416-419, 455, 471

Epitome of 471-473

Mind, dual – – 14

Mirfield – 122, 138

Mistletoe – 393-396

Montague, Lady Mary 91-94


STONES – 37, 44

MOONSTONE – 332-339

NESSUS, Shirt of 26, 27

November (Hood) – 44



24, 51, 239, 259, 293

Odours – 224, 227, 228

ONYX – 179, 312-316, 329

OPAL – 39, 248-253


„ AMETHYST (Sapphire)


Outward Remedies 26, 177,

280, 287

PARACELSUS, Preface 178,

279-283, 310, 376, 415

PEARLS 294-305, 307

Pepys (Precious Stones) 77, 78

PEWTER 459, 460, 461

Pewter Wort – – 460

Pigeons’ Blood Ruby 140,

141, 165

PLATINUM 373, 420, 472




21, 70



23, 29, 48

,, Multiply in E a r t h – 67

„ Epitome of Yirtues


„ List of – – 67

„ of the Months – 37

„ of the Days of Week 38

,, of the Apostles – 44

,, of the Zodiac – 45

Psychometry – 14-18

Pythagoras – – 47

QUARTZES 169, 178, 199

RADIUM 180, 254-261, 419

Rajah of Borneo’s

Diamond – 71, 77

Revised Old Testament – 351

RINGS of Cardinals 98, 99,


of Queen Elizabeth

104, 105, 106, 107

of Saint Mark – 108

Cramp 108, 109, 416

„ Occult – – 111

Poison – 340, 341

ROCK CRYSTAL 159, 164, 253

Rosary, and Scapular 53, 169

RUBY 48, 54, 87, 138-156

Balas 145, 154-156

Bohemian – 179


San Graal – – 133

SAPPHIRE 2, 5, 57, 95-103,

109-115, 353

SARD 52, 313-315

SARDONYX 4, 179, 314, 315

Sentiment, lack of, about

Precious Stones – 35



279 283

SILYER 399-420,’ 472




Sinbad the Sailor – 88


127 128



Soul Stones – – 47

SPINEL – 142, 145

Spirits in Stones 49, 50, 282





Stone Eater – 59, 60

to Lick for Cure – 63

Stone, to Dissolve 61, 97

SULPHUR 358, 444, 455

Sympathies 48, 230, 416

TALISMANS 50 51, 111, 127

Telepathy 10, 16, 17, 217, 416

TIN 452-468, 473

Tinfoil – – 466


TOADSTONE – 337-339

TOPAZ 3, 85, 163-168

Oriental – – 139

TOURMALINE 145, 146, 154

Tumours, against, Sard – 314

TURQUOISE 30, 37, 263-273


VANADIUM – – 165

VERDIGRIS 422, 423, 439

Vinegar – – 459

Virtues of Precious Stones, 19,

20, 56, 352-356

WOUNDS, to Heal—

„ „ Loadstone – 320

„ Sard – 314

„ Tinfoil – 467

ZINC 370, 371, 468-473