Audrey Kings--Slytherin by RainbowRoosta on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Applicant for :iconhogwartsacademy:

*Name: Audrey Kings

*Pet Snail's name: Kingsly

*Age: 16

*Gender: MALE

*House: Slytherin

*Year: 7

*Blood Status: Half-Blood

*Birth Year: May 16th 2032


Chinese: Rat


*Physical Description: Average body mass, creamy brown skin, hazel eyes (with more green than brown), wavy uncontrollable hair (with a dyed purple streak) and has a black scar on the back of his neck.

_Height_= 5' 11"

_Weight_= 150lb.

*Personality: Durable, skeptical, caring ,analytical, tenacious, loyal ((to who he cares about)),witty, sarcastic, immensely curious,chill, ambitious, nonchalant,and a bit of a know it all, if he takes the time to talk.

Likes= Kingsly, Warm things, Purple, Purple things, Walking, Trying new things ((on his own terms)), reading, crowns/tiara's, animals, lollipops, and fries

Dislikes= Salty things ((around Kingsly)), Cold, short sleeve/shorts, any mention of him ”being cold”, people who try to keep him down, and ignorance.

*Wand Birch wood ((charms and protective charms)), with a ashwinder ash core ((protective charms)), wood strength supple ((protective and defensive magic, kind and protective)), with a decorated shaft ((Image, beauty, usual ambitious)) One foot long exactly.


Audrey was born in a small village where he lived out his childhood. His father (Wizard) named Alvan was head of the council to the village while his mother was a stay at home Mom whose name was Adrian (witch). They were and still are a very well off to due wizarding family. He always had everything he'd ever need, clothes, food, but most of all, he had love. From a young age his parents had always taught him to strive for what ever he wanted, to reach for the stars and catch one. This motivation from his family made him try and find new things to do, everyday he was reading something new and then trying it.

However, when he was 10 Audrey had become ill with a serious flu. His mother and father first tried a muggle hospital since this seemed like a relatively average human thing, that they could cure. It was a lot worse then that, the hospital wanted to keep him there for more than a month to keep watch over him, his mother and father weren't having it though, they took him away back home. For about another month, the flu still hadn't gotten better, and although they didn't want to try to use magic to cure him they really had no other choice. The potion they had given him though had gone terribly wrong, froze his whole body over, he was rushed to St. Mungo's immediately. They were able to save him, but until they could find a full cure for the way his body mixed with that potion he would be cursed with always being cold.

However, when he came back to face his friends, all their parent’s had told them it was best not to associate themselves with Audrey, he may be contagious. That broke Audrey’s trust in people.

Even with his condition Audrey still had the ambition he had before the curse. He still wanted to be all he could be and at the time the world seemed so open to let him do that, until he had to watch it take away a dream from his mom. Maybe she just wasn't a good writer? Maybe that's why she failed to get published, either way, seeing how, even if you hope and do all you can for it, your dreams can't always be accomplished ruined the way he saw things. Ever since then he had been skeptical about people, possibility, and the world in general.

Despite all his troubles and outlook on the world, he still searches for his "dream", in hopes to prove all else wrong and succeed in what he enjoys.

*Time at Hogwarts

1st year: He went to school unsure of what was going to happen to him, after being shunned by all his childhood friends when he came back from Saint Mugos he had become fearful of others, and because of that he began to keep to himself. Being in Slytherin didn’t come as a surprise to him though, he had never really shown any other traits of the other houses.

2nd year: Still a recluse, though he had begun to realize that he enjoyed the company animals, they couldn’t judge you, they were innocent.

3rd year: Still alone, though he started walking around more rather than sitting alone in his dorm room, he never really talked to anyone though because either no one approached him or he ignored them, with the fear of getting close and getting hurt.

4th year: Not much has changed, other than his height a bit, and voice.

5th year: Still a loner, after reading so much though he decided to start writing.

6th year: Now for what ever reason, he decided to talk to some one, maybe the fact of seeing so many happy people and hearing from his parents that “your time at hogwarts is a time to make friends and start over…blah blah”. He decided it was time to do that, even if he was TOTALLY awkward and ignorant to the ‘go abouts’ of being friends with anyone.

More on his Condition:
What goes on on the inside of his body unsure, some how the flu he had at the time mixed oddly with the potion his parents had given him. He spent a month or so in St. Mungo's. When he was let out he was left with an odd chill through his lower body. The coldness seems to start at the bottom of the scar on his neck. His head is always at room temperature, but the rest of his body is in a chill most the time. Though this does not mean he can't get warm. Is just like the chill you get during winter is what he gets unless he's wrapped up in some clothes, or surrounded by something warm.


*****has a snail named Kingsly

*****His favorite colour is purple

*****Due to his condition he wears long sleeves, gloves, scarfs all the time

*****is 50% white and 50% Latino

*****he got the scar on his neck from some weird after effect of the things that occurred and St. Mungo's.

*****Gets possessive of people or things he cares about

*****LOVES warm drinks

* Middle name is Alvan, after his father.

*****Collects crowns, and always has his crown keychain on him

*****Is obsessed with myths

*****Named after his mother

*****Reads bed time stories to Kingsly.

*****Does not like flying, it is not to say however that he can't fly.

*****When he was little he played dress up, among other things, because he was alone.

*****His last best friends were twins, he doesn't like to talk about them, it leaves a sour taste in his mouth.

* More on his past Audrey's Past Wizard communities are normally tight nit, which for the longest time worked out for the Kings family. Lots of city picnics and get togethers with all the parents. Audrey loved those events. He loved people when he was young. His two favorites were the Haley twins. Abby and Alan Haley were at the time Audrey's closest and most beloved friends.While the moms talked about the local gossip and the fathers talking about things that the daily prophet had been posting, Audrey and the twins would be outside doing random activities. Among which would be searching for bugs, running around, and on occasion playing small pranks on people, however