M4.1 :: Syncopated Beat by Phantom-Kat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Team Silver Lily

Mission 4

Syncopated Beat

One usually didn't eat breakfast when it was still pitch black outside, but that morning was a special occasion.

Mikko reread the missions' letter they had received by Pidove. He blindly reached for an apple and bit from it. Across the dinner table, Lanette finished her breakfast and leaned back in her chair, watching the team leader with that usual nonchalance on her face. Or maybe that was sleepiness. Mikko was still unsure whether Lanette knew why they were awake.

One clawed hand went to the Ice-type egg on her lap. Though touching it still brought shivers up her arms the scarf she had wrapped around it kept the worst at bay. Besides, after a week of carrying it around, she got used to it. Outside, the winter wind blew against the window, as though assuring her that the cold outside was still waiting for her.

Pursing her lips, the Abra leaned forward. "I take it by your silence that you still don't know what mission we're going to go on."

Startled from his reverie, Mikko turned to her. Then he put the letter down and sighed. He had been right; his partner was still too sleepy to know what was going on. "Actually, I already know what mission we're going to go on: the one with Devonshire to Prismatic Jungle. Why do you think we woke up so early? We need to be there at daybreak."

Lanette scowled slightly at that. She took the second letter that came within the envelope. Upon it one could see the broken seal of Devonshire the Sableye, the dried, blood-red wax crumbling within her hand. Lanette read it, though she had already read it once the night before. Yet something about the letter's contents made her blood boil to the point where she had to read it again just to make sense of the information.

"Really? You want to go on the main mission?" she asked, slapping the paper to show just how much the words angered her before letting it drop over their breakfast. "Devonshire has my respect, but right now I hardly trust him. Why is he being so vague if he wants the best Rogue teams for the job?"

"I don't know," Mikko admitted, "but you said you respect Devonshire, and so do I. If he's being vague, then he's being vague for a very good reason. It's not our job to question him."

It seemed Lanette was less than happy about it all, even with that bit of logic behind it. "But it's our job to be prepared for a mission. How the Hell does he want us to be prepared if we don't know what we're getting ourselves into?"

Waving a paw around, apple still in grip, Mikko explained, "Just because we don't know what to expect doesn't mean we can't be prepared. Look," and here he dragged the letter Lanette had abandoned, "here it says only teams who have done two missions or have an evolved member can go with him. Evolving seems to be the only preparation we need."

He received a glare. "You better not be thinking that I should evolve."

There was a laugh. "No, I actually think you're too young for it. I'm going to be the one to evolve."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear the first part," she muttered.

Lanette stood up from the table, the Ice-type egg balanced on her hip. As she turned to reach the top of the kitchen shelf, Mikko allowed himself a small smile. He would never admit it aloud, but Lanette seemed like a natural mother. Not once did her grip on the unborn child lessen, nor had she ever complained about getting up in the middle of the night to check on the egg's temperature. She might have been too young for the mental challenges of evolving, but there was no doubt that the egg was in good hands.

"Here's the Evolution Scroll," she announced before throwing it at him. Mikko caught it, forcing him to drop his apple onto the table. "I say you better get going and evolve. I bet a lot of teams are going over to Master Foo to meet the requirements of the main mission."

Taking the apple (breakfast was the most important meal of the day for an explorer after all), Mikko nodded and jumped from his seat. He looked out the window only to see snow being pushed this way and that by the wind. There was a grimace, but he steeled his shoulders. If he hurried then the walk to the dojo wouldn't be so long.

"You'll have to get going, too, Lanette."

The Psychic-type stopped midway from reaching for a Pecha Berry. "Why?" she bluntly asked.

"You don't expect us to carry an egg through Prismatic Jungle, do you?" he asked, pointing to the fragile being in her lap. "They'll eat it the moment we get there."

This glare had to be her most potent yet. "You're so callous," she snapped.

Mikko shrugged. So what? He wasn't good with kids, even the unborn kind. "You gotta realize, though, that I have a point."

Lanette looked down at the egg, expression softening. "I'll take it to Missy. She did say that if I needed help she'll be there."

"Then finish eating, and let's get going." Mikko took one last look at their base. Their very warm base.

Lanette ate the last Pecha Berry, wrapped the egg tighter in its scarf, and followed Mikko out the door. Snow whirled around them, bringing new chills to their bodies. As though mocking them the heavy gray clouds above their heads rumbled.

"Shouldn't we trade in our accessories for scarves?" Lanette asked from where she shielded the egg with her body. Mikko smiled at the display since his partner couldn't look up to see his face.

"We're going to Prismatic Jungle, so it's probably going to be really humid."

As they entered Tao Village, Lanette straightened to look up at him. Behind her usual frown there was a hint of concern. "Do you really want to evolve? That shouldn't be something you should do just to make a Guild Leader happy."

The leader of Team Silver Lily put his arms behind his head and took in the buildings they passed. Even though there was a giant ice dragon in the town center and everything was as white as it could be (even under the gloom of night) there was still a sense of pride that fluttered in his stomach. "I've been waiting to evolve for a long time now. Not only will I be stronger, but it basically means we'll be able to do missions they wouldn't otherwise give us."

As they past a sleeping Kyurem and the frozen Shelmet fountain he used as a bed, there was something in that declaration that didn't quite make sense to the Abra; he didn't sound quite as enthusiastic as she would have thought. Lanette scrunched her snout. "You're keeping something to yourself."

There was a slight hesitancy in the Ground-type's step. "And how would you know that, Lanette?" he asked, that strange tone she had heard from before gone. "We've only known each for two months. I doubt you know me well enough to figure out when I'm hiding something."

"True," Lanette replied. Then, she frowned. "But I'm the daughter of cops. I've grown up watching people cover up their lies."

Mikko cocked his head. "Isn't that a bit harsh? I'm not a criminal."

"How should I know?" She smirked. "I've only known you for two months."

Before Mikko could think of a comeback to that, they arrived at Missy's Hatchery. The Sandshrew had only seen it in passing, so the building didn't mean much to him other than the fact that it was the pinkest thing he had seen in existence. To Lanette, it held a completely different connotation. There was an uncharacteristic smile on her face and a bounce to her step. She knocked twice and waited patiently.

When the door opened, Missy's face greeted them. Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "Lanette," she said, confused as to why she was seeing the Abra in the first place. Then her eyes traveled to the Ice-type egg nestled in Lanette's arms. Mikko was quite surprised to see a rather worried frown overcome the Blissey's face. "I see you brought your egg. Well, come in, come in," she beckoned to them. "It's no use staying in the cold."

They were ushered into a rather colorful room. Hundreds of drawings hung on the walls, and there was even paint staining the tiles. Lanette looked a bit taken aback. When she had come in over a week ago it had been desolate and quiet. Now, there were baby Pokémon running this way and that and helpers carrying eggs to baskets on the floor or toward other parts of the Hatchery. Lanette held her own closer to her chest, as though afraid they would take it in their rush. Mikko just looked uncomfortable. He had his ears laid flat against his skull to drown out the sounds of play.

"You guys are going on a mission, right?" Missy asked them while she overlooked the room.

"Yeah," Lanette answered, though she already had a strong suspicion of what was going to happen.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have the room right now to take care of another egg." The Blissey put a small paw to her face, suddenly looking haggard. "With such important missions for all the Guilds, almost everyone with an egg left them in our care. Even with the ones we have right now we're short on helpers."

Mikko took his eyes off what he dubbed "chaos" to look up at Missy, arms crossed. "We have to leave it with someone. We can't take it to Prismatic Jungle of all places."

"Your concern is overwhelming," his partner said with near-dripping sarcasm. She faced Missy again, though the caretaker was already bustling along to help a helper and the two eggs he was carrying. Lanette trotted after her. "Missy, if we can't leave it here where can we find someone that can take care of it for us?"

Missy reached the helper (a rather nervous Machop) and took one of the Fire-type eggs he had been having trouble with. Quickly putting the searing egg into the pouch of her apron, she turned back to Lanette. "There's a team that came here offering their help. They're waiting by the fireplace for me to put them to work, but I think this would be better. They've already helped out here a couple of times."

With amazing agility Mikko hadn't expected from an Abra, Lanette maneuvered herself through helpers and children to get to the fireplace on the western side of the building. She looked up to an Aerodactyl. Lanette cleared her throat to get their attention. When the flyer and the Snivy on his head redirected their gazes to her, she put a hand to her chest.

"My name's Lanette from Team Silver Lily," she introduced herself. "I heard from Missy you're looking to help out with eggs? She said you could possibly help with taking care of our egg while we go off on a mission."

"We're Team Aero," the dinosaur said just as Mikko caught up to them. "I'm Torant, and this is Mini. And yeah, we would be happy to take care of your egg for a while."

Lanette stared back with schooled features. She knew nothing about this team, yet she had to leave her egg with them. Lanette looked back to a very busy Missy. The caretaker wouldn't send her to a team that would harm her egg, of that she was sure. Still, that didn't stop the tightening in her stomach.

"Mind if I go and check your base for myself?" she asked instead.

Torant's smile faltered. "S–Sure. We can leave right now."

"Good." Lanette turned to Mikko, who seemed more than willing to get out of the Hatchery. "Go to the Dojo by yourself, and we'll meet back at the base."

"Sounds like a plan."

Team Aero and Lanette left, the Abra forced to speak more than a handful of words to these strangers in order to explain what taking care of an Ice-type egg entailed. Mikko began to take off when a small paw landed on his shoulder. He turned to face Missy. Though she still seemed exhausted there was a small smile on her face that took away most of that tiredness.

"You must be Mikko, the leader of Lanette's team."

"Yeah, I am."

Missy kept a firm hold on his shoulder. "Are you excited to add a new member to your team?"

The shrew tilted his head, not exactly sure how to answer that. "It won't really be a member until it matures. When it hatches, we'll still have to take care of it."

"But Pokémon mature fast," the Normal-type explained. "In a week you'll have a child capable of basic attacks and the ability to follow basic commands."

Mikko frowned. "Still…"

The Blissey saw past his hesitancy. "Don't worry. Once the egg hatches, you'll learn to love kids."

There was a small glare at that. "I'm sure I will," he grumbled. Honestly, though, the only kid he could tolerate was his little sister. The ones he rescued from missions, well, they were usually too terrified of what was happening to really get on his nerves.

"You better going to the Dojo," Missy said, noting the Evolution Scroll in his paws. Mikko let himself be directed to the exit, and when a door was between him and the squealing of Pokémon children he visibly relaxed. Without another thought on the future child he and Lanette would soon have in their hands, Mikko took off towards the building he saw to the east.

Though it was a short walk through the snow it felt as though he had all the time in the world to think about the scroll in his grip. Ever since Devonshire had handed it to them for gathering those ingredients for the Doctors it was shut tight.

"I suggest you don't open it until you are in the presence of Master Foo," the Guild Leader had told them. Devonshire had tilted his head, allowing the scant light of the candle flame to illuminate his eye-gems. "Some Pokémon had been driven mad with the knowledge written in them. It's not something to take lightly."

Mikko held up the Evolution Scroll, feeling the dried paper and the silk ribbons that caught the winter breeze. Was Devonshire just pulling their legs? Or were these Evolution Scrolls really so powerful? After all, he had never heard of them before coming to Tao Village, so how could he know?

And just like that, Mikko arrived before the door of the Mienfoo Dojo.

He only had to knock once for Master Foo to come. The teacher looked him over, wise eyes lingering on the Evolution Scroll. Something flickered in his expression, but it was too fast for Mikko to notice. "Ahh, I see you're another student looking for evolution. For the main Guild missions, I presume?"

Mikko nodded in gratitude as Master Foo ushered him inside. "Is it really that obvious?"

There was a soft chuckle. "It was the best guess after seeing so many Pokémon in my gym today."

"I can see that," the Sandshrew commented.

There were certainly a lot of Pokémon on the floor, all either hitting some kind of post or bag or sparring with each other. Their expressions were contorted into something that bordered desperation. Punches were thrown a bit harder than intended. Rest periods between spars were cut short. All of these Pokémon had nothing on their minds but reaching evolution in time to take part in their missions.

"Master Foo," Mikko told the Martial Arts Pokémon, "even though my partner and I are going to take part in the main mission I really do want to evolve. It's something I've wanted for a long time now, not just something we're being forced to do."

There was that odd expression again, but this time Mikko caught it. "I know, young Sandshrew. I can tell by that shine in yours eyes that you truly seek evolution. Now," he continued, tone growing solemn, "open the scroll."

Mikko blinked; he had expected something more elaborate. Looking down, he parted the Evolution Scroll. There was a pause, a questioning squint of the eyes.

"Master Foo, it's blank."

The Mienfoo was handed the scroll. Running a paw through the pristine paper, he nodded. "Indeed it is, and do you know why?"

"Why?" was all Mikko could ask.

"Because you have met all the requirements to evolve, probably before you arrived to Tao Village." Master Foo rolled the scroll to its original form and pointed it at him. "Each scroll contains specific instructions for the evolution of a specific species of Pokémon. In your case, something is holding your evolution back."

"And what's that?" he asked as the Mienfoo went over to his desk and grabbed a quill to write with.

"That, I don't know. Only you can answer that. When you do and are able to come to terms with that problem then you will evolve." The answer was curt and simple as Master Foo wrote on the Evolution Scroll's blank paper.

Mikko fisted his paws and looked to the roof; if he had fur he would have pulled some out. "But I can't wait for my mind to think up the reason I can't evolve. If I don't evolve then we won't be able to take on the mission to Prismatic Jungle."

With a flourish Master Foo signed his name at the end of his message. Rolling up the scroll, he handed it to a confused Mikko. "Take this message to your Guild Leader. I've explained the situation. Yes, you may not have evolved, but you meet all of the requirements. My word is greatly valued here in Tao Village, so I suspect you won't have a problem with being allowed to go."

"Even Devonshire will understand?"

Master Foo grinned. "Yes, even Devonshire. As cynical as he may seen to those who are not Rogues he understands that my word is earned, not given."

Mikko nodded and made for the door, though his heart fluttered in apprehension. He hadn't expected this complication. "Thank you, Master Foo. I appreciate your time."

"You're quite welcome. Also," he added before the door was shut, "the answer to your evolution may not be that hidden. If you allow yourself an open mind then it will come to you."

There was a beat of silence. Then, "I'll keep that in mind, Master Foo. Thanks again."

The door closed. The teacher turned to the Pokémon training his gym. If no one fainted it would be nothing short of a miracle.


It had been at least two hours since they had taken the road away from Tao Village. After visiting Gunpowder for a map Mikko was sure they would get to Prismatic Jungle at the time Devonshire had vaguely described in the mission. There was no set trail to follow, but with so many missions tucked under his belt maps were the best and only guide.

With the path pretty straightforward, he soon found boredom settling in. While Lanette was content in just silently staring at the passing scenery Mikko had to have something to fill in the time. Besides, he suspected Lanette had a reason for not talking. While she was deathly quiet around strangers and crowds they always had something to talk about when alone. So why hadn't she said a word since they left the base?

"You never told me how the meeting with Team Aero went," he began.

The Psychic-type looked his way, hands behind her back. "Do you actually care about the egg now?"

Mikko sighed. Folding the map, he turned to her. "Oh come on, Lanette, you know I'm not heartless. I may not like kids, but I don't want the egg to be in the hands of some egg-eaters or lawless fiends."

"Sometimes I think you do, but that's beside the point." Lanette looked on at the passing fields of snow. "As for Team Aero, they're okay. They have a hollowed tree for a base lined with mostly moss for the cold. They aren't taking any missions, so they won't leave the egg alone for long periods of time."

"Good," Mikko said, watching as she juggled the Evolution Scroll from one clawed-hand to the other. She hadn't opened it despite the fact the seal was broken. Golden eyes would stray to it, analyzing it in a way a predator would its prey, but it remained shut.

"You know," his partner began, much to his surprise, "it doesn't do any good to avoid thinking of what's causing you to stay as a Sandshrew. You're not an idiot, so I'm sure you already figured out what's the problem."

"Once again, you don't know —"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Lanette cut him off, her words taking a harder tone. "You're a complex Pokémon that cannot be understood by anybody other than the family and friends that have known you for years." She turned to him, a no-nonsense scowl playing across her face. "How do you think cops manage to convict criminals they have never met? They read body language and take careful observation. I don't know if you're aware, Mikko, but you're an open book."

"Thanks," the Sandshew said dryly.

They kept on walking for another period of time until Lanette broke the silence.


Mikko kept on walking, the map spread out again. "So what?"

The Abra came to his side, her grip tightening on the Evolution Scroll. If she wasn't aware that Mikko's plated armor was as strong as the ground itself she would have hit him upside the head. "Are you going to keep brooding, or are you going to admit aloud what the problem is?"

"Look, I'm sorry, Lanette," he began, amber eyes on the map alone, "but there are some things that I would rather work out myself."

"But I'm your partner," she protested, the last word spit out as though it was curse. Mikko still didn't look up. "I'm not just any other Pokémon off the street."

"Yet you still have to respect the fact that I can't share everything with you," Mikko countered. He snuck a glance to her less-than-pleased face before going back to the map. "Not everything is a grand, complex puzzle that needs to be solved."

Lanette stopped walking, crossed her hands, and leaned back to observe the scene before her. "Yes, that's working out fantastically for you," she sarcastically told him. "I can see you turning into a Sandslash right before my eyes."

The Ground-type allowed himself a small growl. He wasn't usually the one to lose his temper, but the subject at hand was a sore one for him. Claws digging into the map, he gritted out, "That's right, Lanette. Respond to everything I say with that attitude of yours. I'm sure it must be so—"

His right foot suddenly fell on nothing. The world suddenly spun, throwing Mikko into cold, cold water. Adrenaline shot through his veins, and he kicked to the surface with a strangled gasp; the currents of the river threaten to sink him again. When he glimpsed the first silver of the snow clouds, a clawed hand grabbed him. Like a fish Mikko landed on the ground, not exactly knowing what happened.

When his labored breathing settled down, however, it all became clear.

"What the hell, Lanette?!" he exclaimed, on hands and knees and looking up to a smug Abra.

"Well, hey, at least you found us the river we're supposed to cross." Her smile twisted into a smirk.

"You're horrible." Mikko got to his paws and began to shake the dripping water off his body; it was harder when one didn't have fur. He looked back up at Lanette, but her eyes had been attracted to something over his shoulder. Words dying on his lips, he turned to follow her gaze.

There, in the middle of the river, was something green. It bobbed before their eyes, the small creature sitting on top enjoying the ride. Lanette leaned forward and squinted her eyes to try and see past the gloom of night. "What is that?"

"A Pokémon," Mikko answered as soon as he saw tentacles rise up all around it. "I'm guessing Grass. As for the other one, who knows. Let's go and greet them."

Lanette frowned but did not complain. Grabbing him by the arm, she fixed her sights on the opposite river bank. "I still don't why you insist on being so damn social. I thought you just got done saying that you rather figure out things alone."

"Some things." The words were silenced by Lanette's Teleport. In the blink of an eye the two Pokémon were on the other side, Mikko more than a bit dizzy on his feet. Rubbing his ears to check whether his eardrums had popped or not, he approached the swimming plant. It planted wet tentacles– no, vines – on the bank to haul itself up. Soon, a huge, gaping mouth opened in surprise.

"Oh!" The Carnivine floated before them, the young Timburr on her head staring down with childish curiosity. "Are you guys Rogues, too?"

"Yeah, we are," Mikko was quick to say, already seeing a possible alliance.

"Haven't seen you around the village before, though," came a muffled voice.

Something else scuttled onto land. A Krabby looked up, nonplussed. Lanette stared back with a similar expression.

"We're new," the Sandshrew clarified. "The only thing we've done so far is gather some ingredients for the Doctors."

"Then you should team up with us!" the Carnivine said. She was already floating north, the Timburr content on letting her carry him around. "We've been at this for a while now."

Team Silver Lily jogged to catch up. "Sure," Mikko agreed while Lanette settled for steaming in silence. At least she had stopped nagging him. "I'm Mikko. This is Lanette. We're Team Silver Lily."

"Name's Eppie," the plant continued with a wave of one of her arm-leaves, oblivious to the Abra's displeasure, "this here on my head is Alec. Over there is Splint. He's the leader of Team KC. "

Splint the Krabby let out a breath, a bit frustrated, and followed along. He caught sight of Lanette's scowl and said, "Just so you know, we've been explorers even before we joined the Rogues in Tao Village. We're more than capable of helping you."

Mikko perked up at that. Just when Lanette thought he was going to launch into one of his old stories about rescuing Pokémon and whatnot, Mikko suddenly lowered his ears and averted his gaze to the scenery in front of them. "Yeah, I used to be on one, too. I bet it'll help with missions."

That's when Lanette suddenly cracked a grin. Alec caught the shift of expression and uttered a squeak of surprise. The Abra slunk towards Mikko's side. "Isn't it time to talk about it now? Or is the subject of your Rescue partner too touchy?"

There was a beat of silence. Mikko grounded his teeth together to drown out his beating heart. "What the Hell are you talking about?" Why was she suddenly talking? Wasn't she always silent when they were with others?

Lanette leaned back; she couldn't have looked more pleased. Then, raising her voice rather uncharacteristically, she asked, "Is that why you're not evolving? Because of that partner of yours you had?"

That had the desired effect. Splint raised his head and snapped a claw their way in an accusing manner. "What? So you don't meet the requirements of the mission?" That's when he caught sight of the Evolution Scroll in Lanette's hands. "Why didn't you evolve?"

Mikko put paws up to calm the crab down. "Hey, I went to Master Foo and everything to evolve. He said I already met all the requirements but that there was just something keeping me from evolving."

Lanette nudged him, earning yet another glare. However, Mikko understood all too well that there wasn't any use in dodging the matter more. Looking over Team KC, he elaborated, "I promised Jesper, my old teammate, that we would evolve together. You know, since we were a team for a while now, it only made sense."

"And what happened?" Eppie asked.

A darker gloom settled as bigger trees began to crop up around them. Already they felt the cold of the night dissipate in favor of a chocking humidity. They were almost at the jungle.

Mikko realized he hadn't said anything yet. "We separated because we ended having different thoughts about what we should do as explorers. You know, why stick together if we couldn't work as a team anymore?"

The shrug he gave at the end was halfhearted. As much as Jesper had blown up at him for leaving there was still a part of his heart that ached at the memories. They were good times, fun times, and he would have been a fool to say he didn't miss them.

Splint saw the sad frown on his face and stepped up to give his own two Poké on the matter. "Those times are long gone, Mikko. You're in a new team now, and if you don't evolve soon you can could be heading to your death right now!"

"I know that," Mikko snapped back, gaze hardening. "I've been telling myself that since we left Tao Village. Why I haven't evolve yet is anybody's guess."

"Maybe you just haven't come to terms with it," the Carnivine ventured.

The leader of Team Silver Lily put one paw to his face. Why did Lanette have to bring this up? It wasn't like it solved anything. "If telling myself that I'm a Rogue now doesn't do it, then I don't know what else to do."

Splint clicked one claw in thought. "At least you have experience backing you up. Just don't get us killed, and we'll solve this whole evolution crisis some other time."

There was a chuckle at that. Mikko looked past the canopies of the trees and towards the horizon. The first violets of the new morning had begun to creep. "If we don't get there on time, then Devonshire will be the one killing us. Come on, let's hurry!"

Both teams took off.

Somewhere, an enraged roar tore the air.


Within the deep cover of Prismatic Jungle, Team Silver Lily and Team KC waited for their Guild Leader.


And waited.

Mikko looked around, uneasy. The humidity in the jungle was incredible. Already he felt as though water filled every crevice of his armored plates. Rubbing his eyes to try and ignore that horrible feeling, he looked over to Lanette. She didn't seem at all uncomfortable, although she was currently floating above the ground, legs crossed as she thought; the bloodied remains at their feet was not something she wanted to touch. Sidestepping over a couple of half-buried bones, he went up to her.

"I see you're thinking hard," Mikko commented.

Lanette sighed, then immediately regretted it when the smell of putrid meat flew into her nose. Splint and Alec closed in (Eppie had attached herself to a nearby tree to hunt for bugs), but the Abra didn't seem to mind too much. Team KC had gained her trust. So far. "I still think Devonshire's being too shady. First he doesn't he give us the full details of the mission, and now he's not here."

"The Merchant and Rescue leaders were pretty vague with their important missions, too," Splint grumbled. "Still, you think Devonshire would give us more info about this place, seeing how dangerous it is." He picked up a stray bone, disgust written all over his face. Alec began to back away until he stepped into the remnants of a skull; the Timburr quickly rejoined his father.

"They have to have a good reason for this," Mikko reasoned. "Besides, do any of you really think Devonshire would lead us to certain death? If that was his plan, why would he sent out for experienced Rogue teams and not some newbies?"

Eppie floated over to them, licking the remnants of bug guts from her maw. "Yeah, he wouldn't just kill us."

The Bug Catcher Pokémon leaned against one of the many trees, completely at ease. Then something began to creep across her shoulder. Ready to snatch another bug, Eppie stretched out a vine and opened her eyes. One shadowy tendril, then another, and then another snaked over her body. She yelped and flew towards the Rogues. The shadows slithered onto the ground, reaching to them with spindly fingers.

Suddenly, something stumbled from the bushes. Everybody shirked back (and Lanette fell to the floor in shock) and watched as the thing regained its footing. Devonshire stared back, bright gems almost blinding. Violet scales returned as the black shadows slunk back, though his shaky gait showed he was anything but stable.

"Arriving at dawn might have been a stupid thing to do, but what's done is done," he told them. His voice was soft, forcing them to come closer, and there was a hitch in it that made it echo. Devonshire straightened, the red gem on his cravat reflecting back their shocked faces.

"Sir…?" Eppie ventured, goose bumps still riding up her vines.

Devonshire waved a hand, the pieces of bloodied cloth he held catching everybody's attention. "There's no time for extended greetings, no, no time at all…" He trailed off, the edges of his form flickering to a translucent black. Devonshire smiled, though, continuing on. "This is a rather delicate case. Beyond this grove is a temple that hides a very precious object: the Draconicello, a one of a kind instrument that can control Dragons and those with Dragon-like characteristics. It is located in the bottommost part of the temple, and you'll be guided to it by its bittersweet melody. It is your mission to steal it and flee from the temple's depths."

There was a toothy grin and a glint in his eye-gems. "I managed to anger its owner, a Tyranitar by the name of Tivoli, while searching for it. Apparently, my presence caused his daughter, Ribbons, to fall… ill. She'll most likely be calmed by a servant playing the Draconicello, making your job that much more difficult."

That smile came back, though it seemed to waver between confident and delusional . "As the lights within the temple hurt me so…They do not like me, not at all…" There was a glaze to his gems that nobody could quite ignore. "You will go alone as I distract Tivoli. Do not hesitate. Go in, and find the instrument."

The lapse in coherence slipped away to reveal the Devonshire they all knew. "Now," the Sableye continued, bringing back the pile of cloth in his hand, "the females here are wearing ribbons; to be identified as Tivoli's property, more likely. Girls," and his eyes went over to Eppie and Lanette, "in order to blend in put one on."

Lanette took the pile off his hands. A shiver went down her spine the moment claws touched bloodied cloth, but she refused to show her disgust. Eppie floated closer, looking a deeper shade of green than normal. She made no move to grab one.

"I took these ribbons from females that passed by." Devonshire cocked his head. "The stains are harmless, so don't mind them. Put them on, and we'll get this show started."

The females complied, though Lanette kept a steady gaze on their ghostly leader. "Those lights must be strong," she murmured to Mikko. Devonshire had turned his back to them to gaze out towards the grove, hands clasped behind him. He currently seemed like the composed Sableye people either admired or feared, but there was an occasional twitch in his ears that betrayed him.

Mikko shook his head. To say he was unnerved about their leader's state would have been an understatement. "It just goes to show how careful we need to be. Now give me that scroll."

Lanette handed over the Evolution Scroll. Mikko held it in his paws. He still had no idea why it didn't work for him. Steeling himself, he went over to Devonshire's still form. "Devonshire?"

The Darkness Pokémon tilted his head, fixing Mikko with those expressionless gems. Mikko handed over the Evolution Scroll. "A message from Master Foo regarding my team's requirements for this mission."

Devonshire was already reading. Then he chuckled hollowly. "Unable to evolve? Interesting, to say the least." The scroll was rolled up and thrown aside, forgotten. "There is no reason for me to send you right back to Tao Village, yet because you lack the power of evolution I suggest you make the most of the experience you detailed in your application."

"Of course." Mikko was about to leave when claws landed on his shoulder. Biting cold seeped into his core, freezing him mid-step.

"A Rescuer," Devonshire said on a breath, words distorted. The imp's claws dug into him. "You certainly don't look like one."

With a strangled gasp, Mikko stumbled out of the grip. When he turned, Devonshire was as composed as ever. The opacity in his gems had disappeared. "Please tell me when both teams are ready to depart. Prismatic Jungle is not an ideal place to dawdle in."

All the Rogue could do was nod.