Fanart - SkyPirate!Stuck Feferi by fictograph on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I confess: I really like Homestuck, so I ended up designing some SkyPirate!Stuck outfits for the characters.

In this universe, steam power (much like nuclear power) was invented during war that destroyed the earth's surface. Thus, people created great engines to lift islands of arable land into the sky. This resulted in two classes of people: those who live on the sky islands and those who power the steam engines that keep it afloat. Body modification with steam-powered accessories has become the norm to help people survive with their minimal resources.

Viscountess Feferi Peixes is the next in line to the throne of the floating island of Alternia. Cared for all her life, she's never had to undergo any surgeries. She just wishes everyone would get along.

Other SkyPirate!Stuck Art:

SkyPirate!Stuck AU (this one, anyhow) created by Grace Fong, :iconfictograph:
Feferi Peixes belongs to Andrew Hussie.