CC App - Nicolae/Hexley by Coffeere on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Nicolae Mavers / Hexley

(Huxley with an E - An Old-English Name meaning 'An inhospitable place' )

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Weight/Height: 115 lbs / 5'9"

D.O.B: May 1st (Taurus)

Blood Type: A+

Pokemon: Haunter (shiny)

The Gas Pokemon. Ghost/Poison

Ability: Levitate

Levitate renders the user immune to Ground-type moves. Levitate has no effect outside of battle.

Division: Reinforcements

Rank: N/A


Slightly smaller than the average human palm. Unusually light to hold

Weapon: Throwing Knives

:bulletred: Lazer Throwing Knives stored in Hexley's wrist containers on both arms.

:bulletred: He has 3 handles in each wrist, 6 in each groove of his pants pockets, and 1 in each shoe. A total of 20 throwing knives.

:bulletred: The handle comes out first, the the blade forms (for safety reasons)

:bulletred: They come in 3 glowing colors (nothing special other than pretty colors!)

:bulletred: The laser energy used works just like any other blade only cooler looking~


:bulletred: Hooded Jumper - It's Hooded, the fabric is slightly thin so he can remain cool. The Pocket parts are made of a stronger stretchy fabric and less likely to tear.

:bulletred: Bodysuit - His under suit is light, and durable, it's no bullet proof vest but can withstand most blade cuts and extreme heat/cold/etc. (it doesn't completely stop them but it can keep him from getting TOO injured for the most part). The backside of it has an armored spine like plating to protect his......spine.

:bulletred: Armored Claw Gloves - Sharp shiny glowing blue claws on gloves! These can break a bit too easily but they were made more for show than weapons. Using attacks with them can cause him to 'break a nail' (OH NOE!!) It has metal plates (also a shiny glowy blue) just below the elbow and shoulder. On the wrist area are shiny blue holster containers built into the fabric that hold a few blade handles. ((They simply slide out with little movement, much like how a hidden blade retracts))

:bulletred: Boots - Knee protectors! There's not much to these glowing steel toe boots other than feet protecting, which is slightly redundant since he's usually floating. The boots give off an Anti-Gravity force that makes his floating more bouncy and keeps his hair up.



:bulletblue: Generous

Nicolae has always been a generous and caring guy having grown up with such a large family. Both to people and pokemon.

:bulletblue: Quiet

Due to his past Nicolae usually is the quietest in a group. He's not shy, he just doesn't really have much to say. But if you ask him to he'll speak his mind.

:bulletblue: Melancholic

Again do to his past Nicolae doesn't get around too much. And if he does he's usually sitting and not putting much effort into active activities. He can tire out pretty easily and thinking about these things and his past can make him slower and seem slightly disconnected.

:bulletblue: Spiteful

Nicolae has a bad habit of holding grudges for long periods of time. Though he's silent about it you can still feel it if he's upset with you. It's easily triggered by feelings of ENVY, and leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

:bulletblue: Envious

It's easy for him to become envious of most other people, but he tries not to bring it or let it bring him down. It most often fails though.


:bulletpurple: Melodramatic

Hexley is a childish guy who over exaggerates situations a lot. He seems to have a hard time realizing his actions and jokes can actually hurt people. He won't understand WHY you're mad but if he likes keeping you around he'll try to make it up somehow. This only happens if you react by CRYING.

:bulletpurple: Bewildered

It's easy to impress him and put him in awe. He usually finds most things very exciting, especially if it's fun.

:bulletpurple: Fiesty

If you react through ANGER and it feels like a fight will break out, you can bet he's more than ready. Really it just feels like a game still. (he STILL won't understand WHY you're upset.)

:bulletpurple: Amicable

Friendly, especially regarding an agreement.

:bulletpurple: Docile

He's usually an active guy, but sometimes he can be mellowed out, similar to Nicolae's melancholic state. Only he seems more peacful and less of a handful. Enjoy these moments as they come and go.


Nicolae would love to say he grew up like every other normal kid. But he didn't. He was born with a heart condition, one that made him weak, frail, and sickly. Though the doctor's said he'd never live past his first Winter, he miraculously did just that and many more Winters beyond.

However the condition was still there. It made it difficult for Nicolae to even just play outside. He spent most days either in home or in the hospital. Rarely ever attending any sort of public schooling. He did most of it online once his homeschooling was through, and he usually breezed by it being the smart kid he was. His days were filled with family, and tons of bonding. There was never a moment that went by where he wasn't told he was loved. But he knew why.

He was dying. Right in front of them.

The medication as he got older wasn't working as well. Upping the dosage often led him hospital bound over and over, sick out of his mind. The amount of money his family pulled through was only enough to keep his room in the hospital and medication. Surgery was out of the question. As risky as it was, Nicolae would rather push through for as long as he could than risk taking a blade to his chest.

By college he was practically living in the hospital, but his work could be easily done over the internet as a Pokemon Consultant / Counselor while studying. But it was also around this time the pain was becoming unbearable, and through careful examination learned his condition had far worsened. His low immune system had allowed several tumors to take root, and they were slowly suffocating his heart out. He became depressed. There was no telling how much longer he had. When he seemed to have given up, a nurse walked in with a Pokemon. A Haunter whom she said constantly wandered around the old Wing, she brought the quirky Pokemon to him in the hopes it would keep him company when he was alone.

Haunter did much more than that. The funny, clumsy ghost Pokemon literally breathed new life into him. When his family couldn't visit, Haunter was there. He seemed shy around Nicolae's family and preferred to only spend time with him alone at night or midday. Nicolae seemed to do better with his new friend around, though Haunter wasn't officially his Pokemon, the Haunter seemed to have adopted HIM. It was only a few months after his birthday he passed in his sleep without anyone even noticing. They all simply thought he was just too tired to wake up, unaware that at some point his heart just slowed to a stop.

He wandered in the strange whiteness, this oddly formed room with a man standing before him. For a moment he thought he was looking at Death. But something felt off. He wasn't dead was he? The man explained things about making a contract. A second chance at life. It wasn't much considering Nicolae's life wasn't much to begin with. He wasn't even sure if this was what he wanted. The stranger said that 'He understood.' After all it was Nicolae's choice. It was only when the man talked of 'corrupted Pokemon' and 'Guardians' that Nicolae saw something worth a shot.

Most of his life was already gone, but having a new start sounded much more worth it than simply walking into the light. He took his chance and signed it, simply waking up the next day with doctor's cheering about some sort of miracle. His illness was gone. Just like that. He simply woke up as if nothing was wrong saying that once a strange figure walked in and spoke to him, he woke up a few hours later.

Hexley wasn't around for a long time. Not feeling comfortable around all these strangers in Nicolae's life, and after telling him to 'wake up' He simply waiting and stalked him till finally confronting him days later. A week later both of them receiving the letters many like them had gotten.

Random Facts

:bulletblue: Nicolae is not 100% healthy but he is by far feeling better than he'd ever had in his life. He uses an inhaler and sometimes in stressful situations seriously needs it and a few other medications for headache and whatever his body may be lacking.

:bulletpurple: Hexley is a shopaholic, after Nicolae taught him how to work the laptop properly. He buys useless random things.

:bulletblue: Nicolae code locks his computer and websites, and his bank account locked to keep Hexley from over spending. To appease him he takes out 50$ and buys him anything he wants (preferably something he'll USE)

:bulletpurple: Hexley is more active than Nicolae and is usually the one to drag him to places.

:bulletblack: Both of them enjoy calm areas where they can relax or feed wildlife. (Till Hexley starts chasing them off for fun)

:bulletpurple: Hexley's hair isn't naturally upright.

:bulletblue: Nicolae can't cook and relies on Hexley for that who is surprisingly good at it.

:bulletblack: Both enjoy hand held games and are pretty matched up, but Nicolae is still better. He had A LOT of time on his hands after all.

:bulletpurple: Hexley isn't half bad at impersonations. It's fun for tons of pranks and jokes.

:bulletpurple: Is not interested in romantic relationships (As far as we can tell)

:bulletblack: Both tinker and toy with bits of machinery. Nicolae never thought this was a useful skill.

:bulletpurple: Hexley has a pair of simple goggles that are all black. They have no special features other than to look cool and protect his eyes should he need them

:bulletpurple: In extreme darkness Hexley's eyes turn white to see (Spooky)

:bulletblack: Both take a long time in the bathroom ((Hexley a little more))

Song of Choice: Flush - Home…

Hexley's voice: Personally the best fit I got is Danny Cooksey (( Jack Spicer/Hotstreak ))


Original Set-:bulletblack: Item-:bulletpink: Event-:bulletorange:

STR :bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack:

LUK :bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletorange:

DEX :bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletorange:

INT :bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack:

DEF :bulletblack::bulletblack:

SPD :bulletblack::bulletblack:



:bulletblue: 11/16/13 - App re-drawn, Font Change