{{PENDING PAYMENTS}} Triple Clutch by KingCandyKarp on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


with AlphaPhantomhive

BA= 16
Hatch Date= 7/21/2014
Level= 6 (full body+shading+detailed bg)


1. Male Sigilyph

50 :points: / 8 levels to Qae (Suggestion prompts: teach me Leer, or "i'm big! fear me!". Maybe a rare cuddle?)

Information;; Although he has a small body, this Sigilyph features long, bone-like wings. It's not extremely clear how he is able to fly. Not clear at all. He seems to have a habit of holding his head so that he appears to have a head like a bird's in profile. One interesting feature is that a band on his body that is normally yellow.. appears colored black! His wing markings are relatively light compared to many Siglyphs as well.

PURCHASED BY Doomfeather

2. Female Wingull/Sigilyph Cross

150 :points: only

Information;; My, my! What a cutie! I almost want to keep her! oh! Don't be alarmed by that lack of a mouth. She has one, but you cant see it so long as it's closed. So don't worry! She'll be eating you out of house and home before you know it! She's very feathery, some feathers on her crest that imitate Siglyph markings... they are quite colorful, aren't they? Her wings also share markings with Siglyphs, and have the shorter, blunt quality that is common in many species of Sigilyph. Her tail is also a little long, which speaks to her father's species but ends in the lovely tail feathers of a wingull.

purchased by ChibiChum

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with Doomfeather

BA= 13 Hatch Date= 7/25/2014
Level= 6 (full body+shading+detailed bg)


1. Male Deino/Nidoran/Swablu Cross

Information;; This handsome boy is a really lucky breeding outcome. He has the body of a deino, fluff of a puffly swablu, and the spines of toxic male nidoran. His coloration seems to be drawn from all three species. He may look cuddly now but with 40% more puff, toxic spikes all over, and DOUBLE the dragon... he might end up a force to be reckoned with. Purchased by bloodyNgore

2. Female Swablu TAKEN BY KingCandyKarp
Information;; FATTEST, CLOUDIEST, SWABLU. Her swirly wings can engulf ur whole head and its great because she smells like fresh linen oh my god. She's got faint little white patches the accentuate her FAT CHEEKS. Sorry but this one needs to stay with me. This ranch is getting, er, really dusty and i'm far to busy to clean everything myself *sob*. A healing wing will be nice.
3. Male Swablu/Deino

120 :points:/ 20 levels to Percy (Suggestion prompts; teach Bide and Protect, being judgmental, or trying to look cool but turning out a total dweeb) Information;; Can't argue with that fluff. Unlike his sister's swirly wings, his plume is like giant cotton balls all mushed together. Careful not to loose small pokemon in there, especially Joltiks and Flabebe. That fluff, however, covers his head and eyes and speaks to his Deino heritage. He has a maw and tail like a deino, but is otherwise fatbird shaped. I wonder how he'll grow up?

PURCHASED BY Sombrasaurus

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with Doomfeather

BA= 8 Hatch Date= 7/25/2014
Level= 6 (full body+shading+detailed bg)


1. Female Aerodactyl

50 :points: / 8 levels to Talee (Suggestion prompts: Teach me Will-o-wisp. Or... are those leaves flammable? or Photosynthesis) Information;; This female has dark coloration and intense green eyes. Her under bite is not too terribly prominent and her face if a little short, but that probably has to do with her Cranidos heritage. She also has two small but visible dorsal spines trialing behind the main one. Although the outside of her wings are the same color as her skin, the insides are a vibrant purple. a very mice surprise I might add~ where her skin is thinner, the purple seems to show through on the outside. Look at this majestic creature, gazing into the distance. Probably towards your ranch. I think she wants you to take her home.

PURCHASED by Kineil-Wicks

2. Female Cranidos TAKEN by KingCandyKarp

Information;; What a playful little girl! So playful with so many teeth! Her coloration is a couple shades darker than what's standard... and she's looking a little chub already. I think I might have to keep her. My Tyrunt needs another fat dinosaur to play with.... That scraggy of mine is starting to become a bad influence i'm afraid >>;
3. Male Cranidos/Aerodactyl Cross

150 :points:/ 25 levels to Marius (Suggestion prompts: Teach me Quick Guard, Ancient power, or Dragon breath. Or.. defeatist ability kicks in! attempting flight (he prolly wont make it poor bby). Being bothered by another pokemon)

Information;; This little boy really seems to be a 50/50 synthesis of Aerodactyl and Cranidos. He's got the bipedal body and long legs of a cranidos, as well as a hard head-butting ready head. He's got the horns of both species. His feet are similar to an Aerodactyl's, and of course he has the long tail and wings common in the species. Those wings will probably grow with age. Not that they need to. He's pretty speedy. His markings are sharp and triangular, and his coloring is lightish overall.


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ART RULES: 1. Art must be completed within a week of requesting
2. You may ask for more time, but you must ask BEFORE your deadline. At least three days before.
3. If you cannot complete the art by the deadline, the baby will go back on sale and I will hear NO EXCUSES 4. I'm pretty flexible, so its okay to ask for more time, but please do not abuse this.

5. The suggestions are only suggestions to help you get your creative juices flowing. Although if you want to teach a move, please teach the suggested moves.

Otherwise, please understand that these are all on a first-come first-serve basis... and of course only for pkmnation members. Keep an eye on this deviation for discounts/giveaways, it will be updated if prices change.

oooh kay *flops* finally done and... almost caught up on all my pkmation art. I get pretty psyched about "normal" babies :'D

EDIT;; WHOOOAA okay so those went fast. I'll put up waitlists for those still hoping for a shot!
