Varrick Application by DawnFrost on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Name: Varrick
Age: Young adult (3rd season)
Gender: Male
Height: 35" Adult
Weight: 140 lb Adult
Build: Stocky | Thick fur that's well rounded | Muscular | Bear like |Small ears

Territory: Ayrn
Family: Father: Glyph | Mother: Finch | Adoptive Sister: Echo | Aunt: Athena | Uncle: Alcatraz | Adoptive Cousin: Riley | Cousin: Adrian, Alexandro, Charaka | Nephew: Huginn, Muninn, Kane, Raphael, Mavis | Niece: Teva, Lazarus, Storm
Rank: Delta Ranger

Personality: Despite his quiet recluse nature Varrick shows to be a laid back friendly soul. He enjoys the company of others, but often seeks solace among the woods making him a perfect candidate for the Ranger position. With a vast amount of patience beyond his years he is able to sit and watch the border for hours on end without his attention slipping. When he is among other wolves he is often quiet and observant, but always warm and helpful. He never shies away from aiding others, even if the task is dull or grueling. He also has a keen fondness of pups, enjoying their rambunctious energy. Whenever there is a litter in the family he can often be found watching over them in his free time. It is no secret among the den mothers that Varrick’s dream is to start a family of his own. However lacking the confidence to speak with nearly any of his pack mates has left him rather alone and isolated. However that trait does not make him any less loyal to his family. Varrick may not be the most popular or well connected to his pack, but he shows no quarter for those who threaten his family.

Pre-Group History: Varrick had a fairly normal childhood raised by his mother and the other den mothers of his time. However he was often teased and poked at by his litter mates who called him fat. This led to Varrick being very self-conscious of his image in his juvenile years. Despite knowing that at least most of it was really just his thick fur, the young pup became obsessed with becoming “trimmer”. He would often run for miles each day and try to skip meals when he could. If things weren't bad enough one day his parents decided to leave Aryn with his two brothers. They gave no explanation as to why, but Varrick has a deep pit in his stomach that says its because of him. Why else would they have left him behind. It was this point that he fell into a dark tunnel of depression. He wanted to just sulk away and bury himself in his grief, but there was a war brewing and he was of age to start his training. Not caring one way or the other he signed up to be a Warden.

Group History:
Bones: 26
Spent bones: 8
Varrick's Timeline

Varrick Pup reactions…

## Relationships:


Athena Profile
You are my leader, and I am proud to call you such. Though I will also not shy away from doing what I personally believe to be right, even if it goes against your rules.


Echo's mother died when she was at a very young vulnerable age, and essentially Varrick stepped up and became her big brother. He comforts her through her mourning and helps bring back her bouncing energetic attitude. As repayment she does the same when Varrick becomes orphaned in Aryn when his family leaves without him. Time will tell if this relationship will stay platonic or spark into something else. Though at the moment Varrick purely sees her as a little sister that needs protecting.


"Running away isn’t going to solve your problem" advice given to Varrick by the older male that the pup will keep with him through his years. The two seem comfortable with the other, even and almost especially since neither wolf likes talking first. Most of their conversations consist of silently staring at each other for long periods of times.Charaka Profile
Charaka was appointed as Varrick's mentor for Warden training. He holds a great amount of respect for her.


Varrick often tries to tag along with the Ranger. Neither speaks much, but that doesn't seem to bother Varrick as he tends to put his mind more towards keeping up along the rough terrain. Erin: Profile
You are a strange wolf full of strange customs. But you are nice enough if not a little curt.

Bloom: Profile
I know you intruded on Aryn Territory, and that is why you are our prisoner. However I believe your punishment has gone on too long, and that you deserve to go home to you family. If there is ever a peaceful opportunity to help you return home I will take it.

New// It's funny that you decided to join us after you were held as our prisoner for so long. I hope you find solace in Aryn.


Winema Profile
You have such a deep hatred for Aryn. I hope one day you can forgive us.


Crash: Profile
I wish you had been truthful for your intentions here in Aryn. Everything could have been solved if you hadn't tried to go behind our backs. I feel sorry for your family being with out you, specifically your pups, however I do believe our actions were just and that you deserved the punishment given to you.

The fact that you tried nothing to solve this war peacefully, and admit that when it comes to bloodshed you will turn tail and run both flabbergasts me and makes my blood boil

. Keeping your children safe should be a priority, but your pack is also your family, and to leave them in turmoil that you helped cause is something that I can never understand or forgive. I told you that if this war should harm Echo in any way that I will find you, and I don't make idle threats.

I ... I'm s... I'm so sorry. I didn't .... I don't .... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


I ... I'm s... I'm so sorry. I didn't .... I don't .... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.