DotW | Tying Our Ends by DrunkPelican on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Embla Embla’s body was tense; whether due to the stress of pregnancy or anticipation she couldn’t say. It’d been so long that the tawny female couldn’t remember how it’d felt before. She was taking extra care to avoid moving when possible, but this had to be done; if their pups were born, she wanted to provide them a stable family. They needed their father—and she needed him too.

Pushing the memories of her past pregnancies from her mind, she refused to let the past destroy her hope. Not when they’d come this far. Leaning her weight against Enzo, she looked ahead, searching for the Jarl. She sought his blessing for their union. Though pregnancy before marriage wasn’t exactly the best order to go about things, Embla knew that if any understood her circumstances, it would be Fable.

“Enzo, do, do you see him?” she huffed, attempting to catch her breath.

Enzo He could feel how tense she was. He wanted so badly to help, but he didn’t know how. This was a battle with her own personal demons, and though he would be there to support her, always, he couldn’t do much more than offer his shoulder for her to lean on. He could offer her different forms of support, which he would gladly have on hand for whenever she needed it. She was pregnant, and he still couldn’t believe it. He had never been in this situation before; a father. It sounded weird to say; Enzo, a dad? He had never, ever pictured this. But, he couldn’t have been happier.

He had been gently nuzzling her neck until she had asked if Enzo could see the Jarl. He turned his head outward toward the crowd of wolves, searching for the dark one named Fable. He squinted,

“Yes. I see him. Over there, near his den.” He stated, looking up toward where Fable usually resided. He was sitting not far from the mouth of the large cave. He gave her a reassuring look, though inside he was nervous. He nudged her gently, before continuing on, making his way up to where the Jarl sat.

Fable Fable caught two forms approaching him out of the corner of his eye, one tawny and the other dark. He turned his head and immediately recognized one to be Embla, and the large, dusky male at her side to be the newcomer, Enzo. Fable was mildly aware that Enzo had come to Fellfang from Vale largely because of his relationship with Embla. He had no problem with this, and always wanted whatever would make Embla happy. The two of them had always been very understated together, it wasn’t quite clear to him or anyone what exactly their relationship was. Fable wasn’t one to push it.

"Fair winds, you two,” he nodded, standing with a swish of his tail as they approached.

Embla The sight of their alpha brought the situation into focus; Embla stepped forward, her stance was submissive and tense, very much uncharacteristic for the Rhapsode. A sideways glance toward Enzo beseeched him to wait while she spoke privately with the Jarl.

“Fair winds to you, Jarl Fable.” Though her greeting came naturally what followed faltered as she dredged through all that must be said. “Might I have a word with you, sir?”

Drawing several wolf-lengths away from Enzo, the tawny she-wolf focused completely on Fable. She took a deep breath, not sure what how he might react to her words.

“Fable, I’m…” she paused, unsure how else to begin, “I’m pregnant with Enzo’s pups.”

Embla broke away from Enzo and approached Fable alone, he got the impression that she wanted to talk to him about something of consequence.

He listened with soft eyes, his brows twitching at the news. He didn’t react right away, as it was not a black and white matter.

”While… I’m sure you know this is an unorthodox order to go about things in Fellfang,” he finally replied, searching for the words. ”I couldn’t be happier for you,” he smiled.

He beckoned her to walk a few steps further with a swish of his tail, the two of them turning to a more private angle to speak.

”After all that life has dealt you- you deserve every happiness, and I wish that for you with all my heart. Because of that wish, and as the Jarl who must care for you and the rest of this Skuld, I just want to know- do you love and trust Enzo? Do you want to wed him?”

Embla The Jarl’s kind words brought tears to Embla’s eyes. Yes, she knew how it was far from traditional, but it was all she had. Moving to embrace him, he called her further away from Enzo, and she followed. What he asked her reawakened that uneasiness in the pit of her stomach, if only for a moment.

“I do, Fable.”she responded, resolute and composed. “And, perhaps,” Embla continued, “this can help us all move on.”

The tawny female wrapped her neck around the Jarl’s back and whispered her thanks; stepping back to rejoin Enzo, she touched noses with him before continuing on alone.

Fable He nodded as she replied, the soft smile on his lips widening. He returned her embrace, feeling hot moisture in his eyes that he blinked back to maintain his composure. He had become a paternal soul as Jarl of Fellfang, and a Skuldmember’s happiness meant his happiness.

His expression changed slightly as they parted and Embla turned to Enzo. As happy as he was for Embla, there were still questions in his mind. He did not know Enzo well, and felt uneasy placing Embla’s life and happiness in his paws. He had no reason to doubt that he was an honorable wolf- he trusted Embla’s instincts… but still wanted pull him aside and give him the talk that a father would give to a daughter’s suitor.

“Enzo,” he called to him, his expression kind but sober. “Can I have a word with you?”

Enzo With a patience coursing through him that rarely showed, he sat at the mouth of the den, a little to the side as to give Embla and the Jarl some privacy. He dug his claws nervously into the soil, biting the inside of his lip with anticipation. He could only guess what they were saying, and he hoped it was not negative, that Embla hadn't suddenly changed her mind about him and was informing Fable of that fact. That was what scared Enzo the most.

He had tried his best to fit in, to soak in all the culture and rituals. He had managed a rank, taught numerous wolves by this stage how to hunt, and he'd offered his services wherever he could, using his brawns and brains to try and fix problems that others may have been having. He had tried his best to be a good Fellfangir.

When Embla left him and Fable called his name, he began to doubt that anything he had done in Fellfang was noteworthy.

He carried on anyways, with as much confidence- but a hint of humbleness- he could muster.
“Of course, Jarl Fable.” He replied, stepping forward. Nervous, and growing slightly- unnoticeably- impatient to know what his Jarl wanted to say.

He could sense the questions and uneasiness as Enzo came forward, but he appreciated Enzo’s composure and tact.

”Shall we walk a bit?” he invited amiably, leaving the mouth of the cave. His brows furrowed slightly as they began to walk, he searched his mind for the right words.

”I want to congratulate you, you’re a lucky wolf, Enzo. There are few wolves as special as Embla, he began. ”Ever since you’ve come into the Skuld, you’ve been a priceless member of the pack, but I can’t say that you and I have gotten a chance to know each other very well. Embla is head over heels for you, and I just wanted to make sure that it was mutual. You know that she was once the mate of my brother; the relationship and the miscarriages she experienced were nothing but profound heartbreak for her. She has known a lot of misfortune, she only deserves every happiness from now on, and I want to know that I can entrust that to you.”

Enzo The dark wolf nodded in response to the invitation, and began forward beside Fable, giving a short side ways glance to Embla who was headed the other way. He felt as though he was helplessly drifting from her now, and a small wave of panic overcame him, until he reassured himself she would still be here when he returned.

With tentative eyes, he looked to Fable as he spoke; he had been aware of Embla’s past mate, but it had never really clicked to have mattered until now. Though Enzo didn’t see what that had to do with his and Embla’s own future, he still took it into consideration. It was clear to that new Fellfangir that Fable cared deeply for his love, which he respected greatly. He could do nothing but agree with what the Jarl had to say.

“I am so glad she has someone like you, Jarl Fable. I have never been good at expressing my emotions through word, but I can confide in you with full confidence that Embla is and always will be the love of my life. She has brought me so much profound happiness and no matter what happens I will be there for her through anything, I would- no doubt- give my life for her. That is all I know, and that is as much as I can tell you, I hope this gives you confidence enough to bless our marriage, because I have never longed for anything more.”

Fable They walked slowly, paws leisurely brushing frosty leaves into their wake as they passed. Fable listened quietly as Enzo spoke. He knew Enzo enough to know that he was not one to wax on poetically. Because of this, he knew for the dark newcomer to expound so thoroughly that his feelings for Embla must be truly sincere.

”Thank you for reassuring me, Enzo,” his smile warmed. “I can tell you truly care for her, and I know the devotion is mutual. It’d be my honor to bless your marriage.”

He stopped his long-legged pace to look the large wolf in the eye, then back in Embla’s direction.

“Congratulations on your child or children, and I hope you two live happily ever after.”