On the Road Again - pt1 (Seven x Lazarus) by Wildfire-Tama on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The light touched Seven's muzzle gently, spreading warmth across her face. It was early, the sun only just making an appearance, but the young courser was already full of exuberance. Yawning, she pushed her fore-paws forwards, arching her spine in a luxurious stretch. Shaking out her thick winter coat, the auburn female nudged Kane in farewell, giggling as he groaned in response, lost in dreamland. Padding across the camp, the courser shivered as a brisk wind picked up swiftly from the icy forest, but there was a hint of warmth in the air. The thaw. She smiled brightly at the prospect of the warmer months. They would be a welcome sight to the other hunters...prey had been so scarce, and hunting for the pack was difficult. But they had made it through, like always. Turning her attention back onto the task ahead, Seven's paws led her to a grey pile laying on the outskirts of camp.

Today had finally arrived! She and Lazarus had planned this trip for a while, but knew they would need to wait until winter lost its fangs. It would be a dangerous trek, from here to Vale. But it was vital. Seven needed this. Her mind fluttered back to her meeting with Codiac, that glorious miracle. His ghostly imagine imprinted forever in her mind, and she cherished his memory. But now, it was time to continue her quest, to complete her goal. And what better company then the king of adventure himself? Seven was just thankful the Silver male had agreed to come with her on such a journey! It was reckless, leaving the pack to venture into hostile territory, but she had confidence in them.

Reaching the silver mound, Seven stuck out a paw and pressed it carefully against his side. She didn't wish to make too much noise, painfully aware of her sleeping pack-mates. The last thing they needed were curious eyes. The earlier they started out the better, it would take a few days to get to the border from here as it was. Every second counted. "Lazarus” she whispered briskly, nudging his cheek with her muzzle. "Get up!"

Lazarus was quick to fade from his dream, however good a dream it was. Still, he felt no sadness as it faded away, for he knew that reality was far greater. One silver eye opened and the deep blue gaze of dream Seven quickly turned into the even bluer eyes of real Seven. The better Seven, somehow, he thought to himself as he closed his eye again, a sly smile curling on his muzzle as he ignored her initial probes. He groaned and yawned dramatically, rolling over lazily onto his back, “Why so early Seven? You sure are excited for a day just lounging around,” he opened one eye again to give her a teasing grin. Of course he knew as well as she did what today was. The beginning of their epic journey to Vale! He had been looking forward to it for weeks. And in all honesty, it was hard for him to even pretend to be lazy right now when all he wanted to do was spring to his feet and run.

Seven smiled brightly as he stirred, turning his gaze on her. His handsome face lit up with a smile, twisting onto his back. She chuckled, and rested her forepaws against his stomach. "Shh, don't wake anyone, or we will never get out of here." she whispered, winking at his good humored teasing. Casting a quick glance around the camp, her face warmed with fondness. Her pack-mates slept soundly, their fluffy winter coats bushed, muzzles hidden beneath their tails. She would miss them in the time they were gone...but hopefully it wouldn't cause them worry. "Unless you have cold paws" she added, slanting her head and grinning.

Giggling as loud as she dared, the auburn she-wolf nudged him once more. "Come on silver bum. I'm in serious need of morning sustenance." Her stomach growled at the thought of breakfast, and with the weather warming, they had a good chance of catching small game.

Lazarus tensed as she pawed his belly, stifling a giggle, and then he froze, glaring up at her playfully as she accused him of having cold paws. Ha! As if he was afraid of anything! He rolled onto his belly and pushed himself up onto his paws, not sparing a glance as he padded from the den and into the dawning light where they could finally speak normally, “I have to find a stupid nickname for you too,” he said, for not the first time, glancing back at her, “Windrunner just inflates that ego way too much!” he flicked his tail tip over her nose. As they got more comfortable with each other, Lazarus had all but lost his filter with Seven, even in his jokes.

A snort of amusement escaped the Courser's muzzle as she watched him get to his paws. The pair padded quickly across the den and out into the territory. The dawn breeze was sharp and crisp, bringing with it the scent of spring. That in itself was enough to make her smile, but Lazarus retort broadened it. "Pfft. I don't know what your talking about" she announced, raising her muzzle in mock vanity. Eyes bright, she opened her mouth slightly and let the air run across her senses. The trail of rabbit was rich in the air, and adrenaline coursed through her veins. "Oi! I smell breakfast" she announced, voice dropping to a whisper. She hoped her friend had already picked up on the scent.

They were lucky to run into prey so close to the main den. Usually game hid near the borders, where the activity wasn't so high. But with half the pack still residing in the winter den, they must have taken their chance. Perfect. With the right approach, both she and Lazarus would eat well! "Steady on thunder paws." she teased quietly, indicating for the silver prince to quieten his pace.

Lazarus glanced at Seven in alarm as she announced their breakfast. He breathed in, noticing it too. He dropped down, his tail tip twitching excitedly. “The perfect nickname,” he whispered to her with a barely suppressed snicker, “Bunnybutt.” Seven’s silky auburn tail may not fit the name but agility and speed did, same with her soft fur.

Alright, time to focus now if he wanted to eat! He followed the scent, stepping lightly through the undergrowth beside his friends. His mouth watered as finally his eyes rested on where three furry creatures nibbled at the grass. ’Only one will make it home today,’ Lazarus thought, licking his lips as he began to slide forward. Hopefully he and Seven would focus in on different ones. He himself had his eyes fixed on the one furthest to the left.

Bunnybutt? A snort sent billows of breath into the crisp air, and the female had to raise a foreleg to cover her muzzle in avoidance. She cast a teasing glance at him, blue eyes glittering with amusement. Walking paw for paw, the pair stalked through the iced underbrush, feeling soft new foliage under each step. The game had emerged from shelter to feed on the fresh grass. As they reached a safe distance, Seven trailed her gaze over to look upon her companion. She noticed his eyes fixed to the left. Turning her attention back onto the three shapes, the courser focused strategically on the rabbit to the far right. It's positioning next to the trunk of a large oak would provide little to no escape routes once the Silver prince had leaped. Lazarus had already begun to slide forwards, eyes keen, and she held her ground. The silver male proceeded with his hunt, movements sleek and admirably swift.

His attack caused the perfect reaction. The rabbits squeaked in shock, running to flee from the assault. With the left one at her silver companions' mercy, Seven honed in on her target. Herded by a large tree, the prey made the mistake of fleeing towards the huntress, who was hidden carefully amidst the brush. Launching out quickly, Seven intercepted the unsuspecting rabbit and latched her jaws into it's spine, killing it instantly. Skidding to a quick halt, the warm prey hanging from her jaws, she checked to see if her friend had been successful.

The rabbit almost escaped as Lazarus plunged after it, darting this way and that and putting up quite the chase. But in the end, Lazarus tripped it with a neat swipe of a paw and it tumbled to the ground where it was then quickly dispatched by the young male. Lazarus lifted his catch, panting through the still-warm fur, and returned back to Seven. She was standing there, ever so poised and calm, clearly she had effortlessly captured her prey while Lazarus felt as if he had burned the energy he’d get from it just chasing down the thing.

He dropped the kill to the ground, giving Seven an open mouthed-smile as he caught his breath. “Let’s eat!”

The ground was soft beneath her paws, and she could feel the tired ache gripping her muscles. The day was growing old, but daylight would hold fast for a few hours yet. And their destination was so close! The breeze brought with it an unfamiliar tang, one she was sure belonged to Vale. Excitement buzzed through her body. They had made it! The journey of course hadn't been as easy as she had expected; the distance between their home and her brother's yawning painfully wide. The days had stretched on and on, bringing a nagging ache to her pads. But her companion was wonderful company as usual, and ensured the trip was at least amusing. Hopefully they would approach a patrol that was kind enough to bring Loki to them....

Judging by the strength of the trail, they were still a good few hours from the border. Hopefully they would find suitable shelter, and make the final push in the morning. With a deep sigh, the female hummed melodiously to herself. The soft notes drifted around them as the dying sun began to envelope the world in a blanket of orange. "Can you smell it Laz?" she finally asked in between her quiet singing. "We are so close now!"

Spirits high, the female tipped her muzzle upwards slightly, bobbing along to her own personal tune, feeling her shoulder brush against her friend's. This was turning out perfectly!

Lazarus trotted beside his companion, the same eternal grin on his face as his half-lidded silver eyes surveyed the landscape carelessly, each step a comfortable bounce as they made their way forward. Lazarus was used to traveling for long periods. This was certainly one of his longest trips yet, and he couldn’t be happier that Seven was with him. After all, sometimes being alone could be boring! But being with Seven always made him happier. If he got bored he could just tackle her and see what happens! It was harder to take play breaks when it was alone.

He glanced over as she asked and he breathed in the scents, catching that faint tinge associated with Vale. “Sure can!” he agreed, looking at her as their shoulders brushed. The deep orange light fell over them both, resting softly against Seven’s light brown fur and making it glow. He smiled “Better find somewhere to rest. Tomorrow maybe even by the afternoon we’ll be there, if we keep a good pace!”

There was the sound of a twig snapping nearby and a low growl suddenly reverberated through the peaceful evening and Lazarus turned to see a huge she-wolf step from the undergrowth, long fangs bared and thick brown fur bristling. He jumped, startled, knocking into Seven as he turned to face her. “What do you think you are doing here?” she snarled.

Lazarus was quick to recoup his easy smile, his heartbeat slowing as he got over the surprise of seeing her. She was just a loner girl, probably around their age, so he was pretty confident he could talk their way out of this one!

“Take it easy, we’re just passing through. Unclaimed land after all,” he said with an amiable wink. Well amiable to some perhaps, but not to this angry wolf.

“I know who you are, and where you are from, and I suggest you run. Now.” she snapped.

Seven barely noticed the change in scent until it was too late. The strange female erupted from the bushes, aggression clear in every raised hackle. The courser widened her eyes and halted instantly, muscles tensing at the new threat. She recognised nothing from the loner's pelt, but the burning rage in her eyes was enough to send her heart racing.

She opened her mouth to respond to the stranger's sharp snarl but Lazarus beat her to it, his amused drawl spiking panic through Seven's chest. It was clear that the other was in no mood for pleasantries.

Swallowing the rising fear, the light-footed courser approached the brown stranger. Lowering her head, she pressed her ears tightly against her skull in a show of submission. Despite the unnecessary aggression, Seven would not antagonize her further. She pressed a shoulder against Lazarus's side, warning him that this was no time for games. They were in real danger here.

"Please, we don't mean any harm." she sounded softly, auburn fur bushing nervously.

Lazarus was confused at the loner’s words. But before he could reply Seven stepped up to stand beside him. The she-wolf’s snarl grew louder as Seven’s approach. Lazarus gave her a sideways look. She should probably stay back, just in case this girl went crazy! She bowed politely, assuring the female that they meant no harm. That was good, how could anyone be mad with Seven?

The she-wolf’s green eyes were locked on Seven, angry but still she remained stationary. Lazarus looked back up, “Yeah,” he agreed, “and how could you know us when we don’t know you?” he said with a faint laugh, taking a friendly step forward. But that was all the she-wolf could handle. She was larger than Lazarus, and so when she lunged forward with her solid bulk it was only too easy to knock over the spindly black male.

Silver eyes wide with shock Lazarus struggled on the ground against this powerful foe, but she easily had him pinned. She wasted no time as she clamped her jaws around his ear, sharp cushing teeth slicing skin as Lazarus let out involuntary yelps of pain and fear. He swiped with his forepaws frantically and pulled his head away in vain to try and escape. This is NOT good!!

The courser felt a stab of terror as Lazarus took a quick step forwards. She could see the rage flare in the stranger's lime gaze, but had no chance to warn her friend. In a blur of brown, the loner had thrown herself at the silver male, iron jaws clamping harshly over the foolish prince's ear. The pair fell to the ground, and the salty tang of blood stung her nose. Seven's face was hollow with fear, but determination burned in her muscles. She could not watch her best friend get mauled and do nothing.

The yelp that escaped her companion's muzzle was enough. No!! "Lazarus!!" Blood thumping in her ears, Seven snarled loudly and catapulted into the brown she-wolf's side. Using all the strength she could muster, Seven grunted as her chest connected hard against the giant female's ribs. But to her relief, she felt her sudden attack pay off, as the brute was thrown side-ways. Spinning away on lithe paws, Seven twisted and shoved her forehead into Lazarus's hindquarters, limbs shaking. "GO!!" she half-cried, half-snarled. Before she regains her paws! Seven didn't want to comprehend what this female was capable of, but from the state of Lazarus's ear, she could take a guess.

And she knew they needed to run.

Lazarus could hear Seven cry his name, and suddenly through his pain he remembered that she was still there, “Seven!” he yelped pleadingly, his voice breaking in fear as he tugged away again.

And then he was tumbling, free of the beast’s grasp and trying to heave himself up onto shaking paws. He shook his head, in a complete daze, seeing the big brown female slowly recovering in his peripheral vision, but it didn’t process. All he knew was that his ear felt really weird… “Woah…”

But then a muzzle shoved into his rump and a familiar voice, though with a very unfamiliar tone, snarled an order. This wolf didn’t need to be told twice!! A heartbeat later Lazarus was on his paws, looking over his shoulder as they fled. The she-wolf chased after them briefly, but being quickly outpaced, she was quick to give up. “Heh, slow poke!” he laughed, looking around for Seven as he sprinted along.

She felt the ground surge past, throwing chunks of dirt and moss out from behind her as she fled. But she was feeling relief thrum hard against her chest as Lazarus's silver form appeared behind her. However, it was short lived, as the prince quickly threw an insult over his shoulder. Casting a narrowed glance at him, Seven's blue eyes burned with terror. "Don't antagonize her further you fool!" she cried, breath burning in her throat. The two hared along for a few more moments, until the huntress was certain they were no longer being pursued.

Slowing her pace, the cream and ginger female slowed pulled herself to a halt, ears flat against her skull. She opened her jaws to scorn her companion, shocked that he dared to push the situation to breaking point. They could have negotiated! But no. Laz had to jump in and insult the devil wolf.

But before she could breath a word, the courser caught a glimpse of his crushed ear, which was thick with drying blood. Her eyes widened and all anger vaporized in a heart-beat. "Your ear!" the female wailed, stepping forward quickly to sniff the wound. Suddenly the realisation of how lucky they were crashed with a vengeance, and the Arynian found her limbs begin to tremble. She closed her eyes tight, breathing deep to prevent the panic was intensifying. The last thing they needed now was further distress. Breathe. It's ok. Just...breathe.

Lazarus flattened hear ears a bit at Seven’s scolding, but covered his discomfort by an forced amused roll of his eyes. As they slowed to a stop he looked at her, panting for breath, the same dumb smile he always had, “That was close,” he said with a small laugh, pretending he didn’t notice how she was just about to explode on him.… he didn’t know if he’d ever made her this angry… It’ll be fine, he thought. After all, it wasn’t like she got hurt! This is supposed to be fun, remember? He wanted to say to her.

He flinched back, startled, at Seven’s sharp cry, but it made him remember his ear as well. And as he remembered it, the pain began to arrive. He swiped a paw over it, to assess the situation. The soft black tufts were crusted with blood and it felt weird and numb and painful. When he pulled his paw back, some blood was on his pad too. “Oh…” He winced… wow… this really hurt.

Seven was visibly very distressed now. He really had to do something to brush this off… they were too far from home for this. “Hey, hey…” he nuzzled into her, brushing past her cheek with his nose then face and then chest as he embraced her with his head, “It’s fine, no big deal. She’s gone, and I can still hear fine! No harm done.” he said, looking down at her with a calm smile, though his teeth were gritted slightly as the adrenaline faded, leaving him with nothing but the pain of a sensitive ear that was freshly torn up. ’Freaking hurts, though,’ But he wouldn’t say that. He would deal with that on his own. As long as they could go back to normal, that’s all he cared about right now.

The she-wolf melted against the contact, falling silent. She held his embrace for a moment, allowing the familiar scent to ease her anxiety. After a moment, Seven slanted her head upwards, locking gaze with the silver prince. Her eyes trailed to his wounded ear, and she shook her head ever so slightly. He always brushed these matters off....did he not comprehend how much danger they had been in? Seven knew how lucky they were, to escape as easily as they did. But if her attack had been unsuccessful, who knows what that brute could have done!

Sighing, she suppressed her thoughts. "That looks harmful." the huntress whispered, reaching up and rasping her tongue gently across his cheek.

"Perhaps if we reach Vale via another path, their medics can help..." she added, lowering her head once more and pressing the side of her face against her friend's chest. "For now though, I think we could both do with a good night's rest."