Advice on Love (Fable and Nach) by Ramala on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Published: Apr 2, 2017

Literature Text

Baseballfan2414 as Nach, Ramala as Fable
Location: The Crystal Run, Fellfang Territory


The sun was shining brightly through the clouds on this day. The days were getting longer, and the breath of spring life was in full swing now. These were the kind of days that Nach was enjoying very much. It was nothing like where Fellfang used to be. This place was where Fellfang was born, and Nach could feel the history of the place with every step he took into the land. He felt more alive than ever, and this new chapter in his life was something he was looking forward to, in more ways than one.

Something new was in his life however, something he never expected, and something that he wasn’t sure about. There have been feelings in his heart that has grown, and he did not know how to express them at all. He thought of someone to go to, and there was no better person, than the Jarl. Jarl Fable was the father he never had, and he felt honored to be known as his son now. He always seemed to have the solution for Nach when he needed guidance, and this seemed like another good time for his fatherly advice.

Nach searched for his father, and was blessed with finding him quickly. Fable was near The Crystal Run, the central river of life in Fellfang. Nach ran over to him, feeling proud, and happy to be near him once more.​”Fair winds take you, father.”​ As Nach came closer, he gave his father a happy smile, as he embraced his father in a loving hug. He wrapped in neck across his father’s, for more than just a greeting.​”And blessings on your marriage as well. I hope that Eir blesses your union for many ages.”​ Nach’s voice was stern, but one of proudness, with just saying the words that he wanted to say. He felt so proud to speak these words, blessings, marriage, and father.


The blue shadows of the forest melted away in fluttering spots across the the ground that vibrated with the new, vibrant greens of spring. Fable’s dark crimson eyes traced along the impossibly clear, rushing water of the Crystal Run. Fable made a point to often patrol certain treks of the territory himself- today was no differed. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose... there no air fresher anywhere in the world.

The thunder of heavy paws met his ears, and the Jarl turned to see Nach, his honorary son running towards him.

​“And you,”​ he chuckled as the large red wolf wrapped him in an embrace. He returned the squeeze, rustling the fur on Nach’s head with a paw as they drew apart.

​”Thank you,”​ he nodded sincerely. Sometimes his marriage to the love of his life still seemed like a dream. ​”I’ve never been happier.”​

​”To what to I owe to fortune of running into you today, Nach?”​


Nach enjoyed the returned embrace, and laughed as his father played with the fur on his head. It felt so surreal that his life was turning out like this, and everything felt like the springtime, a time of new change, and new hope for the future. His tail as moving from side to side in a fast motion, just thinking about all of this.

His mind then thought about his father’s marriage, knowing that he felt so happy about it, being with the love of his life. He felt that there might be something like that in his heart, but did not know if it was true love.​”I was actually wanting to ask you about your marriage. What do you feel when you think of Polaris?”​ Nach figured that his question was going to be blunt, but it was the only way that he was going to get his question out there for his father to answer.

Nach sat down by the river, before continuing the questions.​”Do you always think about someone when you’re in love?”​ He looked over to his father, knowing that he would understand why he was asking these questions. Nach looked up to Fable in every way, and this was no exception.


The Jarl’s head cocked with an understated, fatherly “I knew it” expression as he listened to the topic gushing from Nach’s every pore.

​”Is this about a particular, fair-pelted, green-eyed newcomer?”<​/b> he grinned softly.

He wasn’t blind- he’d seen more than flowers starting to bloom with the coming of Spring. Nach and Eydis had clearly taken a great liking to each other.

He stood up straighter and cleared his throat, thinking before he earnestly began to answer his questions, ​”Love is a funny thing to define. I suspect it’s a little different for everyone. I’m sure you know that Polaris and I knew each other for a good long while before we finally admitted our true feelings for one another. It wasn’t a fairytale beginning when we first met, she had just left her home and her family for the first time, and I was completely adrift, in search of the the life I couldn’t remember. I remember thinking there was something special about her the first time I looked into her eyes- but our love was

grown with time, forged with fire and trials... but not everyone has to go what we went through to fall in love,”​ he chuckled. ​”But what I’m trying to say is that her love became a profound thing that I could never be whole without. So I suppose you could say, yes, she is always on my mind. Our lives and souls became one, I know her, and she knows me better than anyone else in the world- and yet... I still feel like a young pup with butterflies in my stomach when I think of how beautiful she is, and that’ll never change.”​

He peered into Nach’s deep, green eyes, as if to see what he was thinking. ​”What do you feel?”​



His eyes widened at the response that was given to him by his father. Was his feelings for Eydis that obvious? He had met Eydis many times before, and each time felt a moment of happiness and joy. He should have known that others might of noticed that their friendship was more than that.

Fable then talked about how he met Polaris, and how their love came to be the way it was. Nach listened to every word, wanting to see if his father was going to say anything that Nach felt as well. He then looked straight into his father’s eyes, as Fable was as well, and was asked what he felt about Eydis.

Nach took a deep breath, before answering with his thoughts.​”When I first met her, I felt that she was something special, although I wasn’t thinking of love at the time. I thought that we would be good friends. Every time after that though, it felt like something else. I feel, happier, every time I see her. It’s like something was missing, and I never knew what it was.”​ Nach took a moment, as he thought about what he thinks now. ​”Every time I’m with her now, I feel that happiness that you speak of. I feel lighter, more energetic, and she always finds a way to brighten my day.”​ Nach spoke these words from the heart, as he looked back into his father’s eyes, without a doubt in his mind.



His smile widened as he listened. He could see the familiar warmth of young, puppy love on Nach’s deep, russet complexion. He deserved some happiness, and Fable was glad to finally see that he was finally moving on from his past to embrace a brighter, more beautiful future.

​”Well,”​ he breathed deeply. ​”It sounds like you’ve found someone special- I’m so happy for you.”​