The Escape (Seven x Lazarus) by Wildfire-Tama on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This was bad.

This was all bad.

So much was happening and there was literally no escape.

Some time had passed since the incident with Seven and the elk. And despite having realized his mistake, Lazarus hadn’t said anything to Seven. He hardly spoke to her at all. In fact, he avoided her at all costs. That was the best way to handle this. Avoid her and just try to live the normal, happy life he was used to.

But that normal, happy life had always included her.

Luckily Seven hadn’t shared any details about the situation, except maybe with Raph, but he didn’t know. And he surely didn’t say anything either. The pack had noticed, though, when the inseparable pair suddenly didn’t spend any time together at all. But no one knew why. And so he just ignored it, giving vague and dismissive answers before quickly changing the subject. And if anyone pressed too hard they were put on the avoid at all costs list and he did everything he could not to see them. Being a ranger, it wasn’t too hard to do, a bit lonely though.

His little sister Daphne had stepped up to become a bit of a light in his life of confusion and uncertainty. They had always been close, frequently going on fun adventures together, and now without Seven to hang out with Lazarus had even more time devoted to the young she-wolf. He liked that, honestly. It really helped him cope to have such a friend.

But then… it happened. The attack of the refugees, the kidnapping of Merrill, and the furious declaration of war. The pack was plunged into promises of violence and change, and it shook Lazarus to the bone. Everything was different now, everyone was all freaked out. Nothing could be fun anymore! Even Daphne was consumed by this new thing, asking if he wanted to go out and look themselves. Was she crazy?? He didn’t want to go look for those evil wolves, he wanted to get away from all this mess! His mind went back to his inklings on the night of the elk-riding disaster. I can find a new life…

He had told his mother he was going to Fellfang on a mission, by himself. They wouldn’t suspect a thing until he was long gone.

It would kill him to leave Daphne and Seven and his parents and siblings and all the rest. But… it would kill him to stay here too. He felt all alone, and afraid, this was no life. He had to go.

He knew Daphne’s schedule and had planned so that he would leave while she was away. But he didn’t expect to see Seven’s lovely auburn fur loitering in the clearing as he walked toward the entrance. He felt a rush of grief and nostalgia and longing and suddenly his paws were taking him toward her.

“Hey Seven…” he said to get her attention, plastering a relaxed smile on his face (a thin veil to the near-panic in his pale silver eyes). He had no idea what he would say next.

The heat was thick...sticky. Seven huffed quietly, shaking her auburn fur in an attempt to relieve herself. Usually, the courser minded the summer months little. But as of late, she had become seemingly irritable and touchy. However, most of the pack seldom noticed.

She felt exhausted.

The moment she had returned to Aryn after her and Lazarus's argument was a blur...Raph had been there; he had tended to her wounds. And she had remained in close proximity to the prince since. But her heart felt hollow. Of course, she had never breathed a word of the falling out, but the pack was certainly speculating. After all, it was odd to have a pair once inseparable, suddenly completely avoid one another. But she didn't wish to explain herself. Mostly because she had no idea what she would say. And besides, the pack had more pressing problems to address. Merrill was still missing, Aivar and some other Arynians had gone to Vale for help and spirits were low.

She jerked from her thoughts as an agonizingly familiar voice sounded. Straightening, Seven's eyes fell on Lazarus's face. But she could see behind the mask he so cleverly held. The discomfort was obvious. Shifting awkwardly, she averted her gaze. "Hi." she murmured, voice soft. She felt a rush of longing. In the past, these times of trial had been testing, but she always had another to turn too. But alas, that had been snatched from her as well.

A lump rose in her throat as memories flooded back, but she convinced herself to stay calm. Maybe he wanted to apologize? A flutter of hope blossomed in her chest, and the huntress raised her head once more. "What is it?" The question was simple and somewhat emotionless. A part of her wanted to mirror his attitude. Cover up the pain and get on with life. But Seven knew deep down that was no solution. What was done was done, and if he wanted it to return to the way things were? Then he needed to say something. Fix this she silently pleaded. Please.

Lazarus paused at her less-than-optimistic greeting. What did he do now? What was he going to say again? Why was he here? Oh yeah… he had no idea. Her blue eyes lifted to meet his and she prodded him further. He let out a laugh in response, moving forward a bit to bump her with his shoulder, “Geez, Seven, don’t be too excited!” he exclaimed, then stopped yet again. He couldn’t say the easy and empty pleasantries that his mind naturally lead him to next, ‘How’s it going, how’ve you been?’ whatever else. With Seven’s blue eyes piercing into him, with the weight of a mountain behind their gaze, he didn’t dare waste another moment of her attention. She was not happy.

“Seven, I…” he paused. What was he saying? What was he about to do? “I have to go-” he broke off again, his gaze dropping in confusion. There was no facade left now. Only his utter confusion, and fear. Why had he come to her? Why couldn’t he have just left? He looked back up at her, meeting her beautiful eyes. He felt that he would do anything to put the light back into them, to see them narrowed with laughter or shining affectionately in the dim light of dusk… he could almost see it again even as he looked into them. He and Seven could have what they once had again… if only they were away from all this, if only they were somewhere else, where he could make things right and show her that he’s still a wolf worth while, and a wolf who cares about her. Without all these distractions, all this pain and grief and confusion and fear. They just had to escape. “You should.. You should come. It’ll be fun.” He finished his ridiculous proposition, delivered so casually, with a painfully forced smile.

She waited, somewhat impatiently as the male worked through what he would say. She could practically see the cogs turning in his brain. She felt a jolt through her body at the sudden contact, and instinctively took a step backwards, thoroughly confused now. Not long ago, their relationship had been why was he acting as if nothing was wrong? It baffled her!

She took a deep breath. At least he was trying to make conversation...surely that was better than leaving it unsaid? She steadied her gaze and watched him silently. Seven could tell by his jittery demeanor that he knew she was unhappy. Now all that was left was seeing how he dealt with it.

I have to go. A frown creased her forehead, and she slanted her muzzle. "Go?" she echoed. There was a strange depth to his proposition, as though he wasn't just offering her another temporary escape. There was something different about him this time. And it scared her.

"What do you mean, go?" she probed quietly, tail twitching nervously.

Lazarus winced when Seven pulled away. A new wave of hopelessness washed over him. Why didn’t he remember that this isn’t Seven? Not the one he knows anyway. Not his best friend. Why am I even doing this? He would have just turned and walked away right then, if it wasn’t for the look she was giving him. She wasn’t angry, she looked concerned, scared… she looked like she cared. She looked like she was hurting too. Maybe... she was hoping that he could fix this. I can… just listen.

“I mean…” he paused. It was a huge thing, what he was planning to do. Outright lying to his mother, stealing away from his unsuspecting pack in their time of most need. A betrayal on all levels to everything he had ever known. But Lazarus didn’t see that, not through the suffocating fear and anxiety that was pushing on his lungs near constantly. Everything was different, everything was scary now, and dark, there was no light anymore.

He still felt the magnitude of what he was saying, even if he didn’t understand or acknowledge it. It was difficult to continue but he forced himself, dragging each word out. “Go _away_… from here. I messed up, Seven. I did, but we can start over. We can find a new place, without all… _this._” he gestured with his muzzle toward the general clearing beside them. “I’ll be better now. And we’ll have fun again like we always did. We just have to get away from here.” It was difficult to imagine the laid-back young wolf Lazarus usually was in the anxious, lanky black shell that stood before the lovely brown female. He looked at her, his eyes pleading, and full of fear. And not just fear of rejection, but fear of everything. He felt so alone, so confused, so overwhelmed. He needed her now. He needed her to understand.

She remained quiet, working hard to keep her face as still as possible. The female tilted her head ever so slightly as he spoke, ears pushing forward attentively. Her face scrunched in confusion, eyes growing wide as he continued. She felt the dread begin to crawl up her spine, tingling down her legs until her face was hollow with horror. "You away?" she murmured, ears falling against her skull. She couldn't comprehend what her pack-mate was saying, she simply couldn't wrap her head around such a testimony.

Aryn was going through hell...their family was going through hell. They weren't the only ones struggling! How could he think to walk away from them when they needed him most? "How..." Seven began, her voice breaking. What could she say? What did he want to hear? Did he really believe she would simply up and leave, right when the pack was at it's most vulnerable?

"How, can you run away?" She breathed, raising her eyes to meet the prince's. "How can you think to abandon Aryn now? This is your home! Your family. You mother and father; your brothers and sisters! Do they mean so little to you?" she cried, quickly lowering her voice, not wishing to draw unnecessary attention to them.

She steadied herself, looking down at her paws and taking a moment. Finally, the courser brought her sky-blue gaze back up, a deeply sorrowful look across her face. "How dare you ask me to leave them" she finally breathed, voice nothing more than a pained whisper.

His heart sank worse than ever before, lower and lower, as she continued to speak. She was outraged, upset, ashamed. That…. did not feel good. He regretted with all his heart and soul approaching her in the first place. He should have just walked right by and left. I should have known… I should have known better…

His ears flattened, and there were a hundred rebukes he may have said to her. Of course he loved his family and friends!! How could she ever think that he didn’t? Well… you are leaving them… But It’s not like I won’t miss them! In truth he hadn’t really thought of it like Seven said, as if what he was doing was a betrayal. But his mind was made up, and it was quick to tamp down such thinking. Even in the presence of Seven’s heart-wrenching blue eyes. I am no use to them anyway. I can’t do anything here. Plus, Aryn is huge, they’ll never miss me.

Something much more urgent than Seven’s opinion suddenly hit him. Seven certainly was not coming with him. But she seemed visibly distressed at this decision clearly, so would she tell someone? He hadn’t really thought about what everyone else would think of his leaving, he never planned to tell anyone in fact, and he planned to be long gone way before they would find out, but if they reacted anything like how Seven was reacting… well, that wasn’t good. And what’s worse, what if she tells someone before he gets far enough away, and Aryn comes and gets him? He bristled suddenly, “Seven…” He looked deep into her eyes, searching them in alarm, “You can’t tell anyone about this… Seven,” he pleaded.

The courser narrowed her eyes as the male suddenly turned his gaze on her. There was a desperation in his face that scared her. She took a few steps backward, her own neck fur bristling with unease. You can't tell anyone about this. She couldn't help her mouth falling open in shock. He was still going to leave? Seven could feel her breath begin to come in short spurts. Anxiety wormed it's way through her chest. He wanted her to lie for him. To tell his family he hadn't abandoned them...he hadn't run away. He wouldn't do that would he?

But he would.

She closed her eyes tightly, feeling tears sting her face. The words she wanted to say caught in her throat. She wanted to plead with him to stay. To forget this madness and realise what he had here. But it would be of no use. Seven knew that now....

Without opening her eyes, the young huntress nodded.

Lazarus could see her shock and anguish at what he was doing, and it felt like a kick in the gut. But still, it just made him more sure that he was doing the best thing. He had never wanted to run more than he did in this moment, but not if he would be chased down and dragged back. So he stood his ground, his gaze boring into her. She started to cry, he could see her tears, but still he didn’t budge… he… he couldn’t leave. He couldn’t go anywhere until she promised that he wouldn’t be followed. Or else everything he was planning, all of this, would be ruined. Did he regret anything more than approaching her those several moments ago? No, not anything he could imagine, not at the moment anyway.

Finally she nodded. He paused for another moment, frozen to the spot, his eyes fixed on her. Okay… I guess… I can go… His expression changed into a grimace as he looked at the she-wolf that he once loved… that he still did love… suffering like this. Is this how he would remember her for the rest of his life? Why can’t you just come with me…? Finally he had to look away, and then he turned, pausing for a heartbeat before finally starting again toward the den site entrance. This felt absolutely terrible…. But it would get better once he was away, once he was free…right?