FUSE Corp - Dewrovile by SuperSonicGX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Dewrovile (Weavile/Dewgong/Crobat)

Classification: Siren FUSEmon

Client: :iconmizuaurora3500:

Special Ability: Siren Call
"Sharply lowers opponent's Evasion and Accuracy upon entering the battlefield."
(Note: Think Intimidate, but for evasion and accuracy instead of attack.)
(Note 2: Pokemon with the Soundproof ability are unaffected.)

Signature Move: Riptide
Category: Physical
Type: Water
Power: 90
Accuracy: 95
PP: 15
"Cloaked in rushing water, the user rams into the opponent with ferocious speed and power. Critical Hits lands more easily." ----------------------------------------------------- "Hello again, everyone! I assume you all had a banner holiday. Mine was...relatively quiet, as usual..not much friends or family for me to spend time with anyways, save for Miyumi...(ahem) but that's besides the point. The point is: I'm back, and I'm ready to do some fusing! So, without further delay, allow me to introduce my latest concoction: Dewrovile, the Siren FUSEmon!"

"Design-wise, Dewrovile is relatively straight-forward. To bluntly summarize, the design is essentially the upper-half of Weavile's body fused with the lower half of Dewgong's body. Slap on some Crobat wings, turn them into fins, and viola! There's your fusion! Those fins, by the way, on top of her sleek physique, makes her incredibly fast while moving underwater. The same can NOT be said when she's OUT of the water. Similar to another mermaid-esque fusion of mine, Voettic, her movement while land-locked is really cumbersome. And even though those giant fins of hers were literally made from wings, she ain't getting off the ground any time soon...Pokemon anatomy is weird sometimes..."

"As for her personality, Dewrovile has been proving to be...quite troublesome. You know those old sailor stories that depict mermaid-like creatures luring nearby ships into rocks and sinking them? Well, Dewrovile fits that description to a 'T'. Using her surprisingly beautiful voice, she lures nearby employees and FUSEmon nearby the water tank where she lives, serenading them with her soothing song...before quickly dragging them into the water and having her way with them. What she does specifically is unclear, but I've heard rumors from her victims that range from attacking them, toying with them, and...significantly naughtier things. That last one, I find hard to believe, but given her mannerisms sometimes...maybe I should send a Sursketa-Z to keep an eye on her..."

"In battle, her bread and butter is incapacitation. Using those memorizing melodies of hers, she can put any nearby opponent into a standstill, completely captivated by her singing and completely helpless to her attacks. (Her particular favorite is her Riptide attack, which I'd liken to a combination of Liquidation and Slash.) It's a pretty powerful technique...depending on who her opponent is. The more simple-minded opponents are pretty much dead in the water, but the more intelligent or powerful ones tend to hold enough willpower to block out her singing. And since said singing is Dewrovile's greatest "defense", having no actual defense of her own, that's usually enough to seal her fate."

"The best way I could describe Dewrovile is that she's essentially an inverse to Voettic. While Voettic's disposition is very gentle and soothing, using her singing to heal and entertain, Dewrovile's is very mischievous and sinister, and aims to hurt when she starts belting out her music. If nothing else, this served as a very interesting case study. Anyways, with that said, I must be off. Work and such. See you all next time, everybody!"


Another day, another fusion marked off my list! This one actually came together surprisingly quickly. I came up with the basic concept very shortly after I got the request, and the rest flowed together super smoothly. Needless to say, I really like how this one came out! Definitely the simplest of these special fusions I've made so far.

Anyways, I hope you all like this, and I hope you're looking forward whatever comes next! See you guys then! ^_^