Pieces of Silver by WynBird on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hera x Janus

HeraMedallion by SilverPocky

What are you doing? Hera asked herself repeatedly with each step she took farther and farther away from her family. She had only recently been freed of the weight of Loki’s rule and she was already taking risks. But even as she scolded herself such actions were part of her nature, but she would not be so foolish as to expose who she was to anyone she encountered. But by the gods she prayed she ran into someone...specifically a Vektreni.

The scent she’d memorized that fateful day was here, and her face marred with malice as the scent filled her nostrils “Vektren.” The exact location of the pack was unknown to her, but Quinn, the talkative fool, had told her tales of a time he’d saved a female from crossing their borders. His directions were vague, as he had happened upon it by accident, but as the plains began to turn into bog, Hera had a feeling she had headed to the right place. With enough searching the she wolf had been confident she’d find them.

And then what? Her mind asked, throwing her confidence off. There was nowhere else that Silvanus could be, her father was here she felt it, but there was nothing she could do on her own. Nothing but gather allies. She had swayed Crane, and already the male had proved his worth, but the two of them would not be enough she needed more, someone on the inside she could leech Information from. No loyal wolf would be so foolish as to trust a loner, but still something compelled her to wait as a new scent hit the air. Hera went still and kept her ears open, she had not crossed their borders but that didn’t mean she would be safe from hostility. “**I can hear you, it would do us both well for you to come out.**”

Janus Medallion 3 by WynBird

A hiss of a laugh betrayed Janus’s place in the reeds, as he stepped out into the open with a reptilian smirk. “I am certainly fond of confident females. But you might be better served speaking with respect to those who’s territories you encroach on.”

He’d been following her for some time, half hoping she would make the mistake of crossing the border and giving him a bit of sport. She hadn’t though. Which meant she may be a potential client and would have to be treated as such.

Internally he groaned, finding the need to treat with this rapscallion distasteful in the highest degree. Such was the curse of a viper. He would bide it for his Mistress’s sake.

Allowing the strange girl to scent him was only the first step in a carefully rehearsed dance. Next would be the exchange of names, and the consideration of business. If she proved too belligerent, he supposed he could kill her anyways. Such were the perks of vipers. And especially Lord Cobras.

“My name is Osiris. I should very much like to know what to call _you._” He prompted.

HeraMedallion by SilverPocky

Hera’s fur bristled as a wolf emerged from the darkness at her call, she hadn’t quite expected one such as he, rather some simple loner but he...he seems like someone Vektren would accept. The male’s words only affirmed her assumption and she turned around fully to face him. He was unsettling to look at but she had already made it here and there was no going back, she would have to feign respect and put her skills to the test.

“Apologies. Osiris.”

This could be her only chance, if she was not careful and upset a member of Vektren everything would be ruined, but even still she felt unwilling to give...Osiris her true name, or any information really. But there was no point in putting up unnecessary airs besides her father did not leave her mother's side to talk about her or her siblings, she would wager that none of Vektren or even Hekate knew her name or appearance.

“I am Hera, I do not linger here on your lands without a purpose. I have reason to believe there is a particular male among your ranks, he has a light pelt and goes by the name Silvanus.”

She stopped there naturally and waited, Osiris’ reaction to her words would determine how she choose to precede next.

Janus Medallion 3 by WynBird

He accepted her apology with a curt nod. “Thank you, Hera.”

Janus’s red eye narrowed even as his ears coiled forward. “Indeed?” A wicked, gleeful curiosity prickled his nose. He was fairly certain this was a Valerian brat. Her interest in Silvanus might be purely of a political nature, and yet… Oh! The gods were indeed pleased with Janus, if they’d seen fit to present him with such a delicious opportunity!

Making a half circle around her, Janus chose a dry patch of bog to seat himself on and wrapped his tail against his feet. “Well my dear, names are a valuable currency. Particularly the names of my fellows.” Fellows! Pah! As if Silvanus could ever truly count among the esteemed Shunned Ones. He was a two-faced cad and only ruin would come of him.

Still… Janus was bound by Hekate to do his duty. Without hard evidence to convict the bastard, maintaining protocol was a necessary evil. This was a chance to learn more about the slimey worm’s illicit past. “What need of this, ah, Silvanus? Would you have?” Janus probed, “And what payment could you offer?”

HeraMedallion by SilverPocky

His excitement even if it had been slight was a good sign for her. She had yet to face her father’s possessed self, but Dahlia had told her enough to know he likely wouldn’t have friends here besides Hekate. Perhaps she had stumbled upon someone who would rather her father be gone...all the better for her cause. “Yes.”

Hera’s muscles tensed slightly as he rounded her, having him pass by her back and side even at a distance was uncomfortable something about him screamed disturbed and she refused to let her guard down regardless of her suspicions that he shared her motive. At the very least she could now face him evenly and nodded at his inquiry.

“I understand your customs and have not come empty-pawed. I’m sure you, and the Mistress of Vektren are aware that Silvanus came from Vale...rather he ran from Vale. The pack has since moved on as I’m sure you're also keen to, but there are those who have stayed, who still seek revenge on him.” It was not a completely lie, but rather a good portion of what she spoke was truth despite how she weaved certain exaggerations along with it. She had to convince this wolf that her father was a threat to them, a wolf to expel right into her mother’s waiting arms.

“He is a traitorous wolf, one who can not be trusted with pack secrets. He enters groups for fun, usually at the expense of a female or two along the way, but once he becomes bored he flees taking the information he’s learned with him to spread as he wishes or use as leverage to join others.”

She paused and looked to Osiris with a pained, but determined expression instilling the belief that she had been a personal victim of her father, though even that was not entirely untrue. “I wish for him to be chased from your ranks so that those he has ruined can put an end to him. I offer not only freedom from his web and his disposal without you lifting a paw..but information. It’s rumored that you are at war with Aryn...I know them well for we were once allies, they trust me foolishly so. Any information you seek about them is yours.”

A gamble, for she had yet to even travel to Aryn to join their ranks, there was no guarantee that they would even accept her and Crane but somehow she had confidence. Something told her the gods were on her side, she had meant just who she needed to.

Janus Medallion 3 by WynBird

How delightful! Outwardly Janus scowled. Pondered.

Inside his demons were shrieking. A chance to out a rival without putting his own neck on the line? And better yet, payment that could help Hekate win her holy war against the arrogant mountain dwellers to the West. The gods were good and just indeed.

Moreover - if the girl was to be believed, and Janus dearly wished to believe her, so it was not difficult - Silvanus might pose a very particular threat to Hekate. It was in Janus’s best interest - his responsibility even! - to rescue her from it. She was no fool, not at all, and he could not out Silvanus to her openly without more proof than the word of a heretical brat. However…

“Are you implying that we are unable to divine traitors in our own midst?” Janus challenged, a faux displeasure but necessary to maintain his ruse. “You must understand that I cannot simply take your word for such… treacherous accusations. IF this Silvanus indeed dwells among us at all.” Though he did, and they both knew it. “Vengeance is well and good, but when done poorly often entangles its keeper in a spider’s-web of collateral. It’s messy. And I despise messes.”

Janus stood and turned, as if intending to dismiss her. “Not to mention, the risk to me would be - well, considerable. If my participation should be uncovered, and my testimony found _lacking._”

“Unless…” He hesitated, again all part of a practiced routine, “What you offer is generous, but I would require collateral for a gamble such as this. Would you stake your life on it, girl? Is your hatred sure enough of its mark? Offer your own heart in his place if you fail… that, well, that would assure me of your commitment.”

Janus, of course, could endeavor after her heart regardless, but that was hardly the point. He could not enter such a delicate allegiance without knowing Hera was resolute.

HeraMedallion by SilverPocky

Shit. She wanted to step back but couldn’t, she had to remain unwavering and determined even in the face of failure. He seemed insulted, believing she thought his people weak, hm it would do her well to not imply such in the future, even if she did believe it. “Of course not. But he attaches himself to those in power, he keeps himself intriguing to them to protect his own skin. I am sure your people and whomever he is flaunting around will feel suspicion as well. But before he can catch on and harm them, I can be rid of him for you, the risk would be very minimal compared to the benefit.”

Hera had no viable proof for her words that she was willing to expose, so she could say nothing as the male pointed it out, but she had to back it up and give Osiris the confidence that this job would be clean, nearly effortless on his part if he choose to trust her. But when he turned to leave she’d thought she lost her chance and rose to her feet as if to call and ask the stranger to wait, however he stopped himself, turning back with a particularly ominous aura.

Would you stake your life on it, girl?

Her heart stuttered for just a second, perhaps it to felt a glimpse of fear at the idea of being ripped from her chest. Her fear quickly erupted to anger however, she was no sacrifice! No meager prey animal they could throw to their murderous gods! Her face remained impassive despite the roars from within, she did not wish to bargain with these monsters but aiding her mother was all that truly mattered.

“Yes. Without a doubt. I’d even do you one better, should I fail I will bring as many hearts as you desire, the service of my being, and in the end my own life if you so choose. I have zero doubt in this cause and my ability to complete it.”

Janus Medallion 3 by WynBird

If the girl spoke truly, she was right. This was the perfect opportunity to remove Silvanus from the equation without dirtying Janus’s own paws. The music of it sent a thrill up his spine. Let the heathens have their vengeance, and keep blessed Vektren free of such dangerous mortal trivialities.

At the very least, under Janus’s guidance, he was sure he could deliver the wretch her priceless chance at Silvanus. He could divine a plan only a terrible fool could hope to squander - and young Hera was not a terrible fool.

Now Janus allowed himself to smile, wide and with the promise of looming violence. “Miss Hera… in that case, I do believe we have an accord.”

He glanced behind him, sniffing the air cautiously. “Our meeting must not continue here. There are too many eyes.”

Straightening himself, Janus licked at his lips. “There is a stream of black water, a quarter mile past. It feeds into a cavern of limestone. Leave an offering along the border when you are ready to speak again, and I will find you there the following night. Do not leave a heart in the same place twice, and speak of this to no one else.” Teeth bared, his words took on a predatory tilt, “This scheme of yours will cost us both our lives if you are careless even an inch. Understood?”

HeraMedallion by SilverPocky

Hera didn’t smile, especially not in front of those she didn’t know, but her expression was clearly one of satisfaction as the male agreed to her request. She bowed her head slightly in response as for now the Vektreni held some minor respect, clearly the gods had approved of her path as things were finally clicking into place now that the looming presence of Vale was gone. “I look forward to working with you.” She mused with a small sway of her tail, this wolf was the stepping stone she needed to get to Silvanus and she truly could not wait... to see father again.

Her heart quieted and her ears perked as the dark wolf spoke again, she quietly agreed for she was sure Hekate had not tired of Silvanus yet, and if word got to her Hera worried her father would be forever out of reach. She would take Osiris’ caution to heart and would make sure to be on the lookout the next time she ventured near here.

Hera listened carefully to his instructions, immediately committing his every word to her memory, even the mention of bringing a heart didn't phase her, she knew he meant a wolf’s heart and despite never having ended a life the idea of such to achieve what was necessary did not phase her, besides she was sure Crane would not hesitate to help her handle a sinner or two.

“I will commune with no one else but you. Even my allies will not be privy to what is passed between us. I understand and I assure you, I will not fail.”