The Winterthur Library (original) (raw)
New Century Club (1895)
PF 1
Emma L. Weldin; Abby W. Miller
stock certificate
Connelly, M. A. (1874)
PF 1
invoice, clothes
Johnson, William H. (1874)
PF 1
invoice, wedding cards, awnings, rugs, chairs, detective
Lander, J. M. (1874)
PF 1
music, invoice
Tiffany & Co. (1874)
PF 1
stationery, jewelry repairs, buttons, jewelry, invoice
VanRoden, C. (1874)
PF 1
Collegiate R.D. Church
sexton, opening church for wedding, invoice
Wall & Son, J. (1874)
PF 1
baker, cake
Du Pont, Pauline F. (1876)
PF 1
CatherineBarthelemia Pauline du Pont; Anna Foster Robinson; Beverley Robinson; Mrs. Hubbard; Mrs. Crozer
infant, death, social networks
Du Pont, Evelina (1895) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 1
Dr. Beverley Robinson; Duer (Irving?)
death, illness
Du Pont, Louise (n.d., 1897) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 2
H.A. du Pont; A.L. Foster; Victorine Foster
apartment, invitations
Oglesby, Margaret (1902)
PF 2
Bishop Scarborough; Louise Crowninshield; Joe Oglesby
invitation, injuries, broken bones
Rice, Annie (1901)
PF 2
thank-you notes
Robinson, Beverly (1886)
PF 2
H.F. du Pont; Louise du Pont
thank-you notes
Robinson, Herman (1901)
PF 2
H.F. du Pont
Robinson, Pauline (1901)
PF 2
Herman Robinson; Beverley Robinson; Dr. Mackay; Mr. Baldwin
travel, church services, social networks
Walcott, Julia (n.d.) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 2
Crowninshield, Louise (1901) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 3
Elaine & Louis Gallatin
social network, shopping
Du Pont, Louise (1896)
PF 3
Evelina du Pont; Mrs. Joseph Swift
football, invitations
Smith, D. D. (1880)
PF 3
Mrs. Buford; Mrs. Smith
charitable contributions, African-Americans
Foster, Margaret (n.d.)
PF 3
Lentilhon, Joseph (1834, 1839)
PF 4
genealogy [in French]
Crowninshield, Louise (1902)
PF 4
clippings, horse show
Du Pont, H. F. (n.d.)
PF 4
clippings, [in French]
Christmas (n.d.)
PF 4
Princesse Aymon de Faucigny Lucinge
calling card
Recipes (n.d., various)
PF 4
'Beauties of the Thames & Medway: �Eighty Splendid Engravings�Waterside Scenery'
PF 4
Almy Gelford
book, publication
Foster, Clara (1879, 1889)
PF 5
[see folder for names]
will, bequests, stocks, securities
Lentilhon, Eliza L. (1886, 1893)
PF 5
[see folder for names]
will, bequests
Recipes (n.d., various)
PF 5
recipes, clippings
'A Story of Doom & other poems' (1867)
PF 5
publication, poetry
Husgewahlte Marchen (1871)
PF 5
H.C. Anderson
[in German]
'Criss-Cross' (1895)
GraceDenio Litchfield
publication, book
'Days Near Rome' (1875) [2 vols.]
Augustus J.C. Hare
publications, books
'English Garden' (1825)
William Mason
publication, book
'Heroes of England: Stories of the Lives of England's Warriors' (1858)
John G. Edgar
publication, book
'Kathrina: Her Life and Mine' (1867)
EugeneLentilhon; J.G. Holland
publication, poetry
'Memorials of a Quiet Life' (1878)
Augustus J.C. Hare
publication, book
'Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart' (1866) [2 vols.]
PF 5
Lady Wallace
publications, books
'Natural Law in the Spiritual World' (1888)
PF 6
Henry Drummond
publication, book
'Poets of America' (1841)
PF 6
publication, book
'The Second Wife' (1874)
PF 6
E.Marlitt; Mrs. A.L. Wister
publication, book
'Vicar of Wakefield' (1829)
PF 6
Dr. Goldsmith
publication, book
'The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier' (1864) [2 vols.]
PF 6
publications, books
Botanical scrapbook (1871)
PF 10 (ovsz)
dried flowers in scrapbook
'Changed Cross & other Religious Poems' (1867-1868) [2]
PF 6
Anson D.F. Randolph & Co.
publications, books
'Christ is All' (1848)
PF 6
Stephen H. Tyng
publication, book
'Cross Bearer' (1861)
PF 7
J.M. Sheldon; American Tract Society
publication, book
'Discourses on common Topics of Christian Faith & Practice' (1858)
PF 6
James W. Alexander
publication, book
'Eventful Nights in Bible History' (1886)
PF 7
Alfred Lee; Sophie du Pont
publication, book
'Foster Genealogy' (1899)
PF 7
Frederick Clifton Pierce
publication, book
'Glad Tidings: Sermons' (1876)
PF 7
Lentilhon; D.L. Moody
publication, book
'The Fight at Dame Europa's School shewing how the German boy thrashed the French boy�' (1871)
PF 7
Simpkin, Marshall & Co.
publication, booklet
'Leedle Ballad about Vaterland�France' (1871)
PF 7
publication, booklet, poetry
'Our daily trials & how to bear them' (1876)
PF 7
American Tract Society; Sophie du Pont
publication, book
'Parables of Our Lord' (1880)
PF 7
Rev. Francis Bourdillon; Sophie du Pont
publication, book
'Shadow of the Rock & other religious poems' (1869)
PF 7
Anson D.F. Randolph
publication, book, poetry
'Holy Bible' (1853)
PF 8
publication, book
'Poetry of Nature illustrated & selected' (1866)
PF 8
Harrison Weir
publication, book, poetry
'Presence of Christ' (1878)
PF 8
Rev. Anthony W. Thorold; Sophie du Pont
publication, book
"Songs of Zion' (1853)
PF 8
T.E. Foster; American Tract Society
publication, book, hymnal
'Week-Day Religion' (1880)
PF 8
Rev. J.R. Miller; Sophie du Pont
publication, book,
'Holy Bible' (1850)
PF 9 (ovsz)
publication, book
Music (n.d.) [2]
74PF5, 8
PF 10 (ovsz)
publication, book, songs, composition (or copy), original theme, piano
'Holy Bible' (1869)
PF 11 (ovsz)
Anna Foster (Robinson)
publication, book
Du Pont, H.A. (1902)
PF 1
Mr. Bunting; Alexis Rencourt; Henry Lathan?; E. Budd Shurter; H.B. McCollum; H.F. du Pont; Mr. Baer; Louise Crowninshield; Keller's; Catherine Crowninshield; Misses White
illness, get well wishes, wedding gift, servants, laundry room
Robinson, Anna (Mrs. Beverley) (1879-1902)
PF 1
Herman Robinson; Henry A. du Pont; Victorine & A.L. Foster; the Bartletts; Evelina du Pont; the Bradfords; the Hills; H.F. du Pont; Louise du Pont; Mr. Rogers; the Walcutts; Col. Crofton; Anna Savage; Louise Nesbitt; Marie Lawrence; the Pinchots;
deaths, social networks, weather, children, gifts, thank-you notes, Christmas, illness, church services, strikes, travel, ships, Europe, flower show, Paris
Robinson, Anna (Mrs. Beverley) (1879-1902) cont'd
PF 1
Sen. Beveridge; Mrs. Clews; Mrs. Oelrichs; Mrs. Douglas; the Crownisnshields; Mrs. Chase; Mr. Codman; the Bidermanns; Mme. De Verdiere; Mme. Clavier Laurias; Maggie Wingate; M/M Edward Jones; Mme. Michel Cornudet; Frederic Cornudet;
Robinson, Anna (Mrs. Beverley) (1879-1902) cont'd
PF 1
M/M Harry Jones; Mme. De Jessey Cornudet; Gabrielle Vallin; Fred Rhinelander; Gennae? Boischeffre; Jimmie Draper; Mary Lamotte; Josephine Brinton; Mr. Greenough; theHaddens; Mamie Ogden
Du Pont, H.F. (1897) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 1
Groton; Louise du Pont; the Gibbs; Rodger's Peet; Billy Waddon; Polly Wharton; Putnam's; Mrs. Webster; Moncure Biddle; Mrs. Rainsford; Mrs. Coster;Victorine Foster; Capt. McKay; Bessie Swan; Mrs. Powell;
travel, homesick, weather, golf, gloves, stationery, illness, school, essay (women�s suffrage), debates, clothes, grades, deaths, rowing, confirmation, teachers,
Du Pont, H.F. (1897) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 1
Mrs. Biddle; John Alsop; George Clark; Auchincloss; Mr. Gardiner; Mrs. Simmons; Evelina du Pont; Bishop Lawrence; Herman Krumbhaar; Mrs. Wagner; Mrs. McMurray; Richard Derby; Anna Robinson; John Dix;
church services, social networks, lectures, bicycle, canoe, trains, engagements, flowers, gym class, newspapers, football, tutors,
Du Pont, H.F. (1897) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 1
Harriet Potter; Mr. Peabody; Mr. Lehman; M. Goddard; Marian Peabody; Miss Niggins; Mrs. Jack Gardiner; Mr. Spalding; Mr. Webb; John Lawrence; Gov. Bothwell; Lord & Taylor; Stearnes; Brooks; M/M Abbott; Duer Irving;
Du Pont, H.F. (1897) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 1
CollieWhitridge; P. White; G. White; Delancy Jay; Mr Billings; Joe Swan; Frank Alsop; Peter Bowditch; Billy Rogers; Mr. Coolidge; Mr. Nutter; Mr. Argault; Mr. Gladwin; Mr. Rhoades; Ned Krumbhaar; Carol Grenough;
Du Pont, H.F. (1897) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 1
Mr.Skostrum; Mrs. Oglesby; Miss Chamberlain; the de Rhams; Mr. Thayer; Biddy Birkhead; Dave Hawkins; the Bradfords; Mrs. Whitney; Mrs. Simeon Baldwin Chittenden; Suzie Howe; M/M Robeson
Du Pont, H.F. (1898) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 2
A.L. Foster; Mrs. Swan; Louise du Pont; John Alsop; Billy Wadden; Helen Lee; Arthur Swann; Brooks; Mr. Miller; Dr. Rainsford; Dago Morse; Mr. Lloyd; Mr. Billings; Fredericka Webb; M/M Lawrence; Mrs. Wilmerding;
school, tests, baseball, weather, tutors, social networks, canoe, church services, clothes, ducks, trains, golf, photographs, newspapers, football, lectures, grades,
Du Pont, H.F. (1898) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Mrs. Powell; M/M Blagden; Miss Lennig; M/M Taft; Mrs. Oglesby; M/M Lucas; M/M Peabody; Mr. Argault; Alec Craighead; Mr. Codman; Victorine Foster; Anna Robinson; the Haddens; Noyes; Mr. Sturgis; Mrs. Street;
invitations, gifts, singing, college, debates, holidays, birds, weddings, rowing, illness, homesick, teachers
Du Pont, H.F. (1898) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
theBradfords; Mr. Woods; Mr. Griswold; M/M Abbott; Groton; Carrol Greenough; C.N. Thurston; Couper Lord; Frank Alsop; Jack Waterbury; the Boarmans; Maillards; Percy Frazer; the Tolands; Pauline Robinson;
Du Pont, H.F. (1898) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Mr. Lehman; Mrs. Mc Murray; Franklin Roosevelt; Dick Derby; Peter Bowditch; Dan Draper; Herman & Frank Alsop; Charlie Brown; Mrs. Starr; Roger Derby; Harry Markoe; Miss Nesser; Mr. Wolcutt; Biddy Birkhead;
Du Pont, H.F. (1898) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Mr. Jefferson; John Alsop; Redmond Cross
Du Pont, H.F. (1899) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 2
Mr. Gladwin; Mrs. Powell; Mr. Richards; Mr. Walcutt; Mr. Higley; Pauline Robinson; the Lawrences; Mrs. Fish; Jimmy Parish; Mr. McNair; Slazengers; Prentice Sanger; Capt. Stewart; Louise du Pont; Miss Burnett;
school, weather, tests, clothes, illness, gardens, baseball, dogs, flowers, tutors, room furnishings, deaths, invitations, gifts, visits, bicycles, social networks, theater,
Du Pont, H.F. (1899) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Bertie Randolph; Billy Hadden; Brooks; Mr. Nutter; John Alsop; Herman Robinson?; Victorine Foster; Douglas Robinson; Mrs. Lowell; Bobby Woods; Anna Robinson; Udall & Ballou; Lloyd Derby; Mrs. Dix; the Biddles;
food show, engagements, horses, football, concerts, trains, flower show, opera, dances
Du Pont, H.F. (1899) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Mr. Billings; Dick Derby; the Warrens; Jack Frazer; Miss Maloney; Bishop Talbot; Moncure Biddle; John Dix; Archie Brown; Arthur Swan; Julian Peabody; Mrs. Krumbhaar; Eugene du Pont? Eugene Thayer;
Du Pont, H. F. (1890-1895)
PF 1
Anna Robinson; John Dix; Louise du Pont; Mr. Peabody; Mr. Gardiner; Mr. Griswold; Eugene du Pont; Joe Grew; Maj. Harrison; Mlle. George; Mrs. Lentilhon; Mrs. McMurray; Billy Emmons; Eugene de Rencourt;
school, homesick, nicknames, [in French], weather, marching, photographs, violets, travel, illness, trains, deaths, infirmary, visits, bronchitis, biscuits, food, clothes, football,
Du Pont, H. F. (1890-1895) cont'd.
PF 1
Mr. Sedgwick; Dan Draper; Pauline Robinson; Beverley Robinson; Fanny Smith; Mrs. Thompson; Miss Mulford; Victorine Foster; Mr. Sturgis; Mr. Mutter; Herman Robinson; Lyle Meehan; Polly Wharton; H.A. du Pont;
choirs, roses, gardens, tests, golf, social networks, canoe, elections, grades, Christmas list, chess, teachers
Du Pont, H. F. (1890-1895) cont'd.
PF 1
Brooks Bros.; the Bradford; Arthur Swan; Mrs. Stuart; Capt. Mills; St. Marks
Du Pont, H. F. (1896) [2]
PF 1
EllisPostelthewaite; Bancroft Davis; Hugh Minturn; John Dix; Louise du Pont; Anna Robinson; Demi Rogers; Mrs. Bell; Groton; Jack Waterbury; Brooks Bros.; R. Derby; Mrs. Charles S. Brown; Mrs. Derby; Anne Derby;
homesick, weather, school, travel, dancing, social networks, illness, needles, playing cards, food, clothes, grades, plants, books, stamps, flowers, tennis, photography,
Du Pont, H. F. (1896) [2] cont'd.
PF 1
Mrs. Powel; Billy Rayerson; Mr. Slatlery; Mrs. McMurray; Collins & Fairbanks; Victorine Foster; M. Reis; Billy Rogers; Joe Grew; Mrs. Blake; Mrs. Oglesby; Thanson Lenig; Maj. Brewerton; Mr. Gladwin; Mr. Argault;
canoe, bicycles, trains, tests, golf, football games, elections, parties, teachers
Du Pont, H. F. (1896) [2] cont'd.
PF 1
Beverley Robinson; Joe Oglesby; Dave Hawkins; Mrs. James Brown Potter; Pres. McKinley; Mrs. Blagden; Helen Morris; Mrs. Barlett; Miss Judd; M/M Parrish; Jack Peabody; Charlie Brown
Du Pont, H.F. (1899) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
theCroftons; Mrs. McMurray; Mrs. Oglesby; the Frazers; the Whites; Mr. Hancock; Betty Hare; Barclay Reeves; Selina Schoeder; Dr. Garret; Mrs. Tunis; Louise Gallatin; Mrs. Boles; the Brooks; Cornelia Ewing; Mr. Coolidge;
Du Pont, H.F. (1899) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Paines; Berty Goelet; Randolph Godfrey; Jimmy Roosevelt; Miss Riggs; Mr. Crane; George Franklin; Philip Brooks; Groton; M/M Bayard Cutting; Mrs. Sturgis; Roof? Raonsford; Jack Steadman; Charlie Plat; Edmund Coxe
Du Pont, H.F. (1899) [2] [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Harvard; L.B.R. Briggs; Mrs. Vaughn; Dan Draper; Prescot Walcutt; Joe Lovering; Miss Bowditch; Miss Pierce; Georgette Parks; the Crowninshields; Mrs. Sedgwick
Du Pont, H.F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 2
Louise du Pont; Billy Hadden; Archie Brown; Jimmie Roosevelt; Mrs. Vaughn; the Brooks; the Parks; Mrs. Newbold; Barbara Higginson; Georgette Parks; Perry Bigelow; Rachel Brooks; Bob Emmons; Mrs. Lennig;
school, trains, grades, tests, weather, tutors, invitations, dances, clothes, spoons, fencing, squash racquets, social networks, poultry show, illness, opera, vases,
Du Pont, H.F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Herman Robinson?; Harvard; Katherine Crowninshield; Mrs. Chase; Mrs. Russell; Eugene du Pont?; Pauline Robinson; the Hunnewells; Mrs. Oglesby; Joe Oglesby; Groton; Henri de Regnier; Julian Peabody; Polly Wharton;
horse show, rifles, shooting, room furnishings
Du Pont, H.F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Mrs. Peabody; Mrs. Abbot; Mrs. Sturgis; Mrs. Barnes; George Franklin; Mr. Amory; Twyeffort; Mrs. Fred Foster; Marion Whittaker; Marie Lawrence; Burrall Hoffman; Hartwell Ayer; Dan Draper; Arthur Swan; Shinn Wall;
Du Pont, H.F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Victorine Foster; Evelina du Pont; Pierpont Morgan; Betsie Peabody; Bishop Lawrence; Mr. Gardiner; Warrick Potter; Bob Potter; Lily Fish; Frank Appleton; Charlie Hartwell; Mrs. Griswold; Anne Payton; Nannie Gray; Nellie Smith;
Du Pont, H.F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Perry Appleton; Jimmy Ayer; Natalie Henderson; the Riggs; Julia Hoyt
Du Pont, H.F. (1901) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 2
LouiseCrowninshield; Evelina du Pont; Harvard; Julian Peabody; Victorine Foster; Helen Cutting; the Amorys; Jimmie Ayer; Bobby Hadden; Dick Derby; Brooks; Mrs. Alfred Roosevelt; Grace Sedgwick; Mrs. Wierman;
weather, room furnishings, school, tutors, tests, dances, clothes, roosters, dogs, lectures, dog show, social networks, opera, theater, travel, politics, elections, visits,
Du Pont, H.F. (1901) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Rosamond Peabody; the Grays; Maud Addison; Mrs. Hoyt; Gwendoly Burden; Julia Edgar; Pen Rogers; Hugh Minturn; Elise Melligan Bancroft; Mrs. Derby; Mrs. Cutting; Eugene du Pont; Frank Appleton; Groton;
Du Pont, H.F. (1901) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Jean de Reske; Mrs. Jordan; Jordan & Marsh; the Lincolns; Anita Peabody; Pauline Robinson; Charlie Robinson; Anna Robinson; Arthur Swan; Mina Lyman; George Robbe; Burrall Hoffman; Evan Randolph;
Du Pont, H.F. (1901) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Miss Harvey; Mrs. Pepper; Fannie Brock; Sarah Gerhard; Suzanne Adams; Habbah Stevenson; Beth Harrington; the Higginsons; Mary & Natalie Wilson; Prof. Pickering; Miss Mason; Miss Birkhead; Jimmie Jackson; Jimmie Sautter;
Du Pont, H.F. (1901) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Ralph Sanger; Ned Krumbhaar; Bertram Cruger; Rob Perrot; Mr. Winchester; Marian Coffin
Du Pont, H.F. (1902) [handwritinhard to decipher]
PF 2
Evelina du Pont; Caldwells; Hope Gray; Bussey Institute; Louise Crowninshield; Pauline Robinson; Mrs. Oglesby; Rob Perrot; Victorine Foster; Eugene du Pont; the Sargents; Josephine Atterbury; Mr. Rice; Louis Rumford;
travel, social networks, medical care, weather, architects, thesis (Development of a Country Place (HF 643), gardens, illness, theater, shooting, flowers, construction,
Du Pont, H.F. (1902) [handwritinhard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 2
Mr. Gilpin; Jantzens; H.A. du Pont; Mrs. Stewart; Meredith Bond; the Haddens; the Lennigs; the Greens; the Frazers; Mr. Barksdale; the Buntings
Du Pont, H. F. (1889-1901) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 3
MissNesser; Mr. Slattery; Mrs. Oglesby; Mr. Griswold; Pauline Robinson; Anna Robinson; Mr. Argault; Mr. Gladwin; Mr. Peabody; Mr. Billings; Mr. Gardiner; Mr. Cushing; Mr. Nutter; Mr. Sedgwick; Mr. Sturgis;
homesick, [in French], social networks, flowers, weather, clothes, sailing, school, teachers, illness, church services, golf, confirmation, books, tests, invitations,
Du Pont, H. F. (1889-1901) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Mrs. Cutting; Mrs. Steadman; Mrs. Rogers; Jack Minturn; Richard Derby; Anne Derby; Brooks; John Dix; Peter Higinson; H.A. du Pont; Egerton Winthrop; Mrs. Winslow; M/M Morris; Marion Carey; Mr. Delafield; Louise du Pont
tennis, football
Du Pont, H. F. (1897) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 3
Anna Robinson; Miss Nesser; Joe Green; Katherine Dix; Delancey Jay; Louise du Pont; Mr. Canby; H.A, du Pont; Mrs. Bradley Martin; Lyle Mahan; Moncure Biddle; Tom Bayard; Miss Goddard; Victorine Foster; Mrs. Powell;
weather, illness, school, golf, ice skating, tutors, debates, women's suffrage, flowers, deaths, invitations, homesick, social networks, football, tennis, grades
Du Pont, H. F. (1897) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
John Alsop; Anne & Mrs. Derby; Pauline Robinson; Emily Janeway; Mrs. Minturn; Mrs. McMurray; Brooks; Crawford Blagden; the Webbs; Dick Derby; Frank Alsop; Mr. Parish; Mrs. Cryder; M/M Bayard Cutting; Mrs. Smith; Yale;
Du Pont, H. F. (1897) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Harvard; Gordon Brown; Mrs. Draper; Mrs. & Miss Auchincloss; Helena Palmer; Harry Hooker; Moncure Robinson; MissStackhole; Mr. Jefferson; Mrs. Bruce; the Pauls; M/M Krumbhaar; Mr. Bowditch; Bayard Hoppin;
Du Pont, H. F. (1897) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Margaret Dix; Molly Lee; Demi Rogers
Du Pont, H. F. (1898) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 3
Dan Draper; Mrs. Star; Groton; Leveret Bradley; Pauline Robinson; Josephine Atterbury; Watson Webb; Bayard Cutting; Anna Robinson; Mr. Billings; Louise du Pont; Richard Derby; Couper Lord; Joe Grew; John Dix;
travel, weather, ice skating, school, tests, social networks, debates, photographs, teachers, illness, snow shoeing, grades, tutors, college, flowers, visits, essay,
Du Pont, H. F. (1898) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Harvard; Guy Cary; Jack Clifford; Mr. Peabody; Mr. Nutter; the Whartons; Polly Wharton; H.A. du Pont; Billy Woodward; the Derbys; Mrs. Minturn; Mr. Higley; Victorine Foster; Mrs. Webb; the Lawrences; the Mahans;
invitations, gift list, clothes, rowing, church services, golf, guns, ammo, canoe, deaths, books, football
Du Pont, H. F. (1898) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Mr. Palmer; Herman Robinson; Mr. Roosevelt; Helen Roosevelt; Mr. Greenough; Edith Greenough; Beverley Robinson; B. Hollister; the Drapers; Miss Boarman; Louis White; Mr. Argault; John Alsop; Mr. Coolidge;
Du Pont, H. F. (1898) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Jack Waterbury; Arthur Swan; Mr. Cushing; Capt. Ennis; Mr. Parks; A.L. Foster; Dr. Jack; Brooks; Mary Haddon; Collier Whitridge; Billy Haddon; Lathrop Brown; Col. Crofton; Jack Minturn; Mr. Gardiner; Mr. Carrick;
Du Pont, H. F. (1898) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Genevieve Lord; Gabrie Swift; Mrs. Oglesby; Charlie Platt; the Rainfords; Eloise Derby; Susie Howe; Mr. Lloyd; Julian Peabody; Mr. Bayard; Dick Lawrence
Du Pont, H. F. (1899) [handwriting hard to decihper]
PF 3
H.A. du Pont; Mrs. Krumbhaar; Mr. Billings; Harvard; Eugene du Pont; Couper Lord; Frank Alsop; Collie Whitridge; M/M Higley; John Dix; Mr. Nutter; Jack Waterbury; Dick Derby; Jack Clifford; Louis White;
weather, farm, deaths, teachers, tutors, plays, singing, flowers, illness, clothes, visits, stables, fire, roommates, invitations, debates, engagement, church services,
Du Pont, H. F. (1899) [handwriting hard to decihper] cont'd.
PF 3
Louise du Pont; Herman Robinson; Bishop Hall; Brooks; Mrs. Jack Gardiner; the Dauphins; Guy Carey; Victorine Foster; Pauline Robinson; the Powells; the Peabodys; Mrs. Derby; Polly Wharton; Herman Krumbhaar;
horse shows
Du Pont, H. F. (1899) [handwriting hard to decihper] cont'd.
PF 3
Peter Bowditch; Mrs. Markoe; the Browns; Billy Hadden; Anna Robinson; Mr. Jefferson; Edith Greenough; James Barnes; Ned Krumbhaar; Jack Minturn; Miss Reed; the Haddens; Mr. Cush; Alice Parks; the Howes; Mrs. Rainford
Du Pont, H. F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 3
Mrs. J.B. Russell; Mrs. Walter Hunnewell; H.A. du Pont; Harvard; Herman Robinson; Louise du Pont; Groton; Anna Robinson; Evelina du Pont; Mrs. Hadden; the Stocktons; Dave Hunter; Beverely Robinson; Mrs. Oglesby;
weather, invitations, seedlings, plants, sightseeing, school, flowers, clothes, doilies, deer hunting, social networks, football, tablecloths, tests, horse shows,
Du Pont, H. F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
MissLennig; Louise Gallatin; Eugene du Pont; Frank Crowninshield; Miss Steel; Mat Hale; Nellie Smith; Dan Draper; Ned Bowditch; Graham Boden; the Appletons; Margaret Farlow; A.J. Elliot; Julia Hoyt; Lala Paul,
dog shows
Du Pont, H. F. (1900) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Elizabeth Tuckerman; Gracie Dabney; Margaret Day; Edith Tyler;Nellie Lyman; Lydia Eustes; Helen Parish; Murial Robbins; Collie Whitridge;DeLancy Jay; Jack Waterbury; A.L. Foster; Edith Clark
Du Pont, H. F. (1901-1902) [handwriting hard to decipher]
PF 3
Frank Appleton; Louise Crowninshield; Eugene du Pont; Evelina du Pont; Pauline Robinson; Jantzens; Harry Corbett; M/M Tom Thumb; Sarah Bernhardt; Billy Burnham; Wendel Blagden; Herbert Welsh; Howard Ward;
school, tutors, weather, invitations, dogs, greenhouses, horses, clothes, tests, plays, parties, medical care, horticulture, diet, architects, illness, flowers, puppies,
Du Pont, H. F. (1901-1902) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Mrs. Sedgwick; Grace Sedgwick; Elfrida Roosevelt; Julian Peabody; H.A. du Pont; Mrs. Crowninshield (not Louise); Ned Horton; Arthur Swan; Mrs. Bartlett; Dr. Garland; Jane Harvey; Bessie Lord; Bussey Institute; Marian Coffin;
social networks
Du Pont, H. F. (1901-1902) [handwriting hard to decipher] cont'd.
PF 3
Susie Howe; Mrs. McMurray; Mrs. Peabody; Beverley Robinson; Biddy Birkhead; Rob Perrot; Miss Furness; M/M A.L. Foster; Beatrix Crosby