i love ya baby but all i can think about is kielbasa sausage (original) (raw)
I went to bed pretty early last night but I was still so sleepy. ~_~ I kept taking naps. I think it's because I had too many weird dreams, I don't feel like I was well-rested at all. At lot of things are all mushing together from the past week so now crazy dreams have come of it.
Had a dream about the house and how awesome it would be to get into it before Becky leaves for North Carolina. If she's even going now, since they're doing a lot of evacuations for the crazy weather? D: I really don't... want her to go, tbh, but I understand why she's got the strong face on either way. I'm gonna missss her.
Had a dream about the pavement work they're doing in front of the apartment right now. Mostly that they did a crappy job and somehow the apartments across the street were now right up next to us. Because in my dreamland, work on pavement = landscaping that is totally impossible by the laws of nature. I just remember going, "Oh this looks so bad, I hate it" in my dream. XD
Tabitha eats tiny little fast-dissolving baby crackers now that make her face smell like apple-cinnamon. She's 14 pounds of kickass and asskicking. Her two front bottom teeth are more noticeable now. She hasn't been a butt about it lately, which has been awesome.
Daycare work looks promising so far. Tabitha doesn't seem to mind the new environment (which I was worried about), and my hours aren't so long that she'll be out of her element for a long time either and never see anyone outside of the daycare crowd. I really lucked out that I've nabbed something that lets me stick by her, since I had big fears about having not getting to spend enough time with her after I got out and about.
Had sushi for dinner, was good, now I'm gonna go sit in front of the fan and watch tv like a potato for a while.