About Free Software Foundation Europe - Team - FSFE (original) (raw)
The Executive Council is responsible for larger budgeting questions and the implementation of strategic guidelines.
Here you can find people working on day to day tasks of the organisation on a voluntary or paid basis around core issues, as well as the members of the legal association. You can either see everyone working in these groups, or see a selection.
Marta Andreolimarta@fsfe.orgDeputy Coordinator ItalyContractor
Luca Bonissilucabon@fsfe.orgDeputy Coordinator Translations
Christian Bussepurine_bitter@fsfe.org
Gian-Maria Daffrégiammi@fsfe.orgCoordinator Switzerland, Deputy Coordinator Zurich
Erik Da Silvaerik.ds@fsfe.orgDeputy Coordinator France
Erika Pirićepiric@fsfe.orgInternFull-time employee
Nicole Faerbernica@fsfe.org
Ana Galananaghz@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Senior Project ManagerFull-time employee
Ralf Herselralfhersel@fsfe.orgDeputy Coordinator Switzerland, Coordinator Zurich
Henning Fehrhf@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Office CoordinatorPart-time employee
Francesca Indoratofi@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Office AssistantPart-time employee
Liv Dywankalikiana@fsfe.orgDeputy Coordinator FSFE Women
Antje Kazimiersntj@fsfe.orgCoordinator FSFE Women
Lucas Lasotalucas.lasota@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Programme ManagerPart-time employee
Vincent Lequertiervincent@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Deputy Coordinator France
Polina Malajapolina@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑
Max Mehlmax.mehl@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑System Administrator
Bonnie Mehringbonnie@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Coordinator TranslationsPart-time employee
Johannes Näderjn@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Coordinator Germany, Senior Project ManagerPart-time employee
André Ockersao@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Coordinator Translations (Dutch), Deputy Coordinator Netherlands
Patrick Ohneweinpatrick@fsfe.orgFinancial Officer, Coordinator Italy
Giacomo Poderipoderi@fsfe.org
Dario Presuttidario@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Project ManagerFull-time employee
Nico Rikkennico.rikken@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Coordinator Netherlands
Hugo Royhugo@fsfe.orgCoordinator France, Coordinator Paris
Henrik Sandklefhesa@fsfe.org
Øjvind Fritjof Arnfredslartibartfast@fsfe.orgDeputy Coordinator Denmark
Florian Snowfloriansnow@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑Technical Advisor, Coordinator FranconiaPart-time employee
Sofía Aritzsofiaritz@fsfe.org 🐾 🔑InternFull-time employee
Fernanda Weidennanda@fsfe.org
Christian Widerströmcw@fsfe.orgCoordinator Austria
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