GitHub - bbatsov/zenburn-emacs: The Zenburn colour theme ported to Emacs (original) (raw)

zenburn-theme for Emacs

License GPL 3 MELPA MELPA Stable


Zenburn for Emacs is a direct port of the popularZenburn theme for vim, developed by Jani Nurminen. It's my personal belief (and that of its many users I presume) that it's one of the best low contrast color themes out there and that it is exceptionally easy on the eyes.

This theme uses the "new"1 built-in theming support available starting with Emacs 24.1.

Overview screenshot

ko-fi Patreon

You can support the development of Zenburn for Emacs viaGitHub Sponsors,ko-fi,PayPal andPatreon.



Download zenburn-theme.el to the directory ~/.emacs.d/themes/. Add this to your.emacs (or init.el):

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")

Now you can load the theme with the interactive function load-theme like this:

M-x load-theme RET zenburn


Zenburn is available in NonGNU ELPA, MELPA Stableand MELPA.

You can install zenburn with the following command:

M-x package-install zenburn-theme

To load it automatically on Emacs startup add this to your init file:

Emacs Prelude

Zenburn for Emacs is already bundled intoEmacs Prelude. If you're a Prelude user - you're probably already using Zenburn, since it's Prelude's default color theme. You can load Zenburn at any time byM-x load-theme zenburn.

Debian and Ubuntu

Users of Debian 9 or later or Ubuntu 16.10 or later may simplyapt-get install elpa-zenburn-theme.


Custom colors

If you'd like to tweak the theme by changing just a few colors, you can do so by defining new values in the zenburn-override-colors-alistvariable before loading the theme.

For example, to customize just the lighter background colors, you could add to your init file:

(setq zenburn-override-colors-alist '(("zenburn-bg+05" . "#282828") ("zenburn-bg+1" . "#2F2F2F") ("zenburn-bg+2" . "#3F3F3F") ("zenburn-bg+3" . "#4F4F4F"))) (load-theme 'zenburn t)

To see the full list of color names you can override, consult thezenburn-theme.el source file.

Scaled headings

The theme supports scaling the font size for some headings and titles as well as using a variable-pitch font for those. To enable this, use the following settings before loading zenburn-theme:

;; use variable-pitch fonts for some headings and titles (setq zenburn-use-variable-pitch t)

;; scale headings in org-mode (setq zenburn-scale-org-headlines t)

;; scale headings in outline-mode (setq zenburn-scale-outline-headlines t)

The screenshot above shows the default setting with no scaled or variable-pitch fonts. With scaled headings and variable-pitch fonts it looks like this:

Scaled screenshot


Wrong colors in the terminal Emacs version

If your Emacs looks considerably uglier in a terminal (compared to the GUI version) try adding this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export TERM=xterm-256color

Source the .bashrc (or .zshrc) file and start Emacs again.

Bugs & Improvements

Please, report any problems that you find on the project's integrated issue tracker. If you've added some improvements and you want them included upstream don't hesitate to send me a patch or even better - a GitHub pull request. Thesecontributors have done so.

You can support my work on Zenburn and all my other OSS projectsvia the following platforms:


Here's a list of all the people who have contributed to the development of Zenburn for Emacs.


A fairly extensive changelog is available here.


Copyright © 2010-2024 Bozhidar Batsov andcontributors.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3

  1. It used to be new in 2010 when I created this package.