GitHub - erkyrath/glulxe: The Glulx VM reference interpreter (original) (raw)

Glulxe: the Glulx VM interpreter


Since this is a Glk program, it must be built with a Glk library. See the Glk home page.

The Unix Makefile that comes with this package is designed to link any of the Unix libraries (CheapGlk, GlkTerm, RemGlk, etc.) You'll have to go into the Makefile and set three variables to find the library. You'll also want to set the appropriate OS_* constants on the OPTIONS line. There are instructions at the top of the Makefile.

Then just type

That should suffice. When the program is built, type

where "filename.ulx" is a Glulx game file to execute.

To build this program with a Mac or Windows interface, or any other interface, you'll need the appropriate Glk library.

This program supports floating-point operations, which are implemented using the standard C99 math functions. The Makefile uses "-lm" to link these in. If your platform does not support these functions, you can comment out the "#define FLOAT_SUPPORT" line in glulxe.h.

If you define the VM_DEBUGGER symbol (uncomment the "#define VM_DEBUGGER" line in glulxe.h), you must include the libxml2 library. See the XMLLIB definition in the Makefile.


This interpreter supports autosave if the Glk library does. Currently only two do: RemGlk and IosGlk. (The latter is no longer supported on modern iOS, so RemGlk is your only real option.)

The --autosave option tells the interpreter to write out autosave files at the end of each turn. The --autorestore tells it to load those files at startup time, thus starting the game where it was last autosaved. Note that --autosave will overwrite the autosave files if present, but you should not use --autorestore unless the files exist.

There are two autosave files, by default kept in the current directory and named "autosave.json" and "autosave.glksave". You can change the directory with --autodir and the base filename with --autoname.

In some contexts it is useful for every game to have a unique autosave location. You can do this by giving an --autoname value with a hash mark, e.g.:

./glulxe --autosave --autoname auto-# filename.ulx

The # character will be replaced with a (long) hex string that uniquely identifies the game file. (Pretty uniquely, at least. It's not a cryptographically strong hash.)

Autosave covers two slightly different scenarios:

Hedging against the possibility of process termination

This was how the iOS interpreters work (worked). The app would start and run normally, but it could be killed at any time (when in the background). Therefore, we autosave every turn. At startup time, if autosave files exist, we restore them and continue play.

To operate in this mode in a Unix environment:

./glulxe --autosave --autoskiparrange filename.ulx

The --autosave argument causes an autosave every turn. The --autoskiparrange argument skips this on Arrange (window resize) events. (We may get several Arrange events in a row, and they don't represent progress that a player would care about losing.)

When relaunching, if autosave files exist, do:

./glulxe --autosave --autoskiparrange --autorestore -autometrics filename.ulx

The --autorestore arguments loads the autosave. The -autometrics argument (a RemGlk argument, hence the single dash) tells RemGlk to skip the step of waiting for an Init event with metrics. (This is not needed because the game will already be in progress. But you can send a normal Arrange event if you think your window size might be different from the autosave state.)

Single-turn operation

This mode allows you to play a game without keeping a long-term process active. On every player input, the interpreter will launch, autorestore, process the input, autosave, and exit.

To operate in this mode in a Unix environment:

./glulxe --autosave -singleturn filename.ulx

The -singleturn argument (a RemGlk argument) tells the interpreter to exit as soon as an output stanza is generated. When you pass in the initial Init event, the interpreter will process the start-of-game activity, display the initial window state, and exit.

When relaunching, if autosave files exist, do:

./glulxe --autosave --autorestore -singleturn -autometrics filename.ulx

You should only do this when the UI has a player input ready to process. Launch the game and pass in the input. The interpreter will process it, display the update, and then (without delay) exit.


0.6.2 (###)

0.6.1 (Oct 9, 2023)

0.6.0 (Jun 25, 2022):

0.5.4 (Jan 23, 2017):

0.5.3 (Oct 25, 2016):

0.5.2 (Mar 27, 2014):

0.5.1 (Mar 10, 2013):

0.5.0 (Oct 18, 2012):

0.4.7 (Oct 10, 2011):

0.4.6 (Aug 17, 2010):

0.4.5 (Nov 23, 2009):

0.4.4 (Mar 11, 2009):

0.4.3 (Jan 23, 2008):

0.4.2 (Feb 15, 2007):

0.4.1 (Feb 11, 2007):

0.4.0 (Aug 13, 2006):

0.3.5 (Aug 24, 2000):

0.3.4 (Jul 11, 2000):

0.3.3 (Mar 29, 2000):

0.3.2 (Feb 21, 2000):

0.3.1 (Aug 23, 1999):

0.3.0 (Aug 17, 1999):

0.2.2 (Jun 15, 1999):

0.2.0 (May 30, 1999):


The source code in this package is copyright 1999-2023 by Andrew Plotkin. It is distributed under the MIT license; see the "LICENSE" file.