GitHub - nysbc/appion-protomo: A Docker-based distribution of Appion-Protomo. (original) (raw)

appion-protomo v1.2.2

A Docker-based distribution of the Appion-Protomo fiducial-less tilt-series alignment suite.

Protomo aligns tilt-series based only on the accumulated SNR of the sample — no fiducials or features are used.

Click to see how Protomo alignment works seehow


Linux/MacOS (command line)

Click to expand

Download and install Docker 1.21 or greater for Linux or MacOS.

Consider using a Docker 'convenience script' to install (search on your OS's Docker installation webpage).

Launch docker according to your Docker engine's instructions, typically docker start.

Note: You must have sudo or root access to install Docker. If you do not wish to run Docker as sudo/root, you need to configure user groups as described here:

Note: You may need to update your Docker installation by commandline before being able to install Appion-Protomo.

Windows (GUI & command line)

Click to expand

Download and install Docker Toolbox for Windows.

Launch Kitematic.

If on first startup Kitematic displays a red error suggesting that you run using VirtualBox, do so.

Note: Docker Toolbox for MacOS has not yet been tested.

Amazon EC2 (pre-installed!)

Click to expand

In Amazon EC2, search the public Amazon AMI instances for 'Appion-Protomo' and start an instance. This is a fully-configured Linux Docker Appion-Protomo with test datasets; everything is installed and ready to use!

What is Docker?

This tutorial explains why Docker is used for Appion-Protomo.


Do you have Appion-Protomo installed in your Docker? If not, click here

Linux/MacOS (command line)

Click to expand

git clone cd appion-protomo ./

Note: The installation directory will contain the data directory. It is recommended that you reserve at least 10 GB of space for each tilt-series alignment.

This performs the following operations (click to expand):

Windows (GUI & command line)

Click to expand

In the Kitematic search bar type: semc/appion-protomo.

Select appion-protomo v1.2.2 ('latest' is currently broken, sorry!).

Click Create on the semc appion-protomo repository and wait for the container to download and start.

Click for image seehow

In Windows, you may need to tweak your settings (click to expand)

If you needed to run Docker using VirtualBox, then you will need to increase the amount of RAM allocated to Docker:

Amazon EC2 (pre-installed!)

Click to expand

Everything is already installed and ready to use!


Is this your first time using Appion-Protomo in your Docker? If so, click here

Launch Docker

Make sure Docker is running:

Linux/MacOS (command line)

Click to expand


Use your IP and TCP port like as the VNC address with password appion-protomo.

You might try docker-machine ip to find your IP.

Here are some more possible IP addresses/names: localhost,,,


Click for additional Docker Appion-Protomo container commands

./ (Warning, this will kill any other Docker containers you have running as well, use with caution!)

./ (Warning: This will delete any other inactive containers you may have running as well!)

./ (Warning: This will delete the database and anything you have uploaded in Appion! The volume will be recreated the next time you do ./, but you will have an empty Appion database!)

./ (This will take a while!) (Your IP address will vary depending on your Docker installation. Possible addresses: localhost,,,

Windows (GUI & command line)

Click to expand

Use the IP and port found in the running Kitematic container's Settings >> Hostname/Ports next to Docker port 5901 as the VNC address with password appion-protomo.

Click for images seehow

Example #1 starthere

Single particle tilt-series from EMPIAR-10129)

Click to expand:

Appion-Protomo tilt-series alignment overview

Expected results after following this example tutorial

Upload first SerialEM-formatted tilt-series to a new session

Make sure your container is running via the ./ script.

Download the following hemagglutinin SerialEM tilt-series (collected on an F20 with a DE-20; from [EMPIAR-10129]):

tar -zxvf HAslow1.tar.gz <your appion-protomo/emg/data/tiltseries/ directory>


> Now we are inside the container

For Windows you need to copy tilt-series to the container because there are no mounted drives. Click for image instructions seehow

Select Project DB

Select Add a new project

Select View Projects

Select the link on the name of your newly created project (NOT the pencil-editing icon)

Select create processing db and wait for the page to reload

Select upload images to new session

Enter a description for Session Description

Enter the microscope's Cs value (2.0 mm for the provided hemagglutinin tilt-series)

Enter the SerialEM stack path

Enter the SerialEM mdoc path

Enter the voltage (200 kV for the provided hemagglutinin tilt-series)

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page.

Next, VNC to vnc:// (replace with your VNC ip:port) with password appion-protomo

Paste the command to a terminal prompt and hit enter

Note: If gives an error regarding binning, then edit the file and change line 79 to: binning = 1 . This bug will be fixed in the next version.

Click for images seehow

Place multiple SerialEM stacks and mdoc files (each pair with the same basename) into emg/data/tiltseries

Remove or move the previously-uploaded tilt-series stack and mdoc files.

Select Image Viewer

Make sure your project is selected in the dropdown (you should now see images in the image viewer panel)

If you don't see images then you first need to upload one tilt-series to a new session.

Click processing at the top

Enter the SerialEM directory path

Enter the voltage

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page

Next, VNC to vnc:// with password appion-protomo

Paste the command to a terminal prompt and hit enter

Coarse align tilt-series

Note: All parameters in the Appion-Protomo tilt-series alignment workflow contain extensive help files that are accessible by simply pointing at the parameter name.

For most samples select 10 nm as the Object Size in Parameter Presets.

Choose whether you wish to Estimate Defocus of the Untilted Plane or Dose Compensate the tilt-series.

Dose compensation often helps tilt-series alignment unless your sample is particularly thick, as is often the case with FIB-milled specimen.

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page.

Click [Click here to View Coarse Alignment Results after --coarse has been run] →.

Note: The objects in the tilt-series that move the least image-to-image will have a higher chance of being closest to the center of the tomogram after refinement. See the Critical Note in the upcoming 'Refine tilt-series' section.

Click for images seehow

Manually fix tilt-series if necessary

Copy the command at the bottom of the Protomo Coarse Alignment webpage beginning with /usr/bin/python.

Paste the command into a terminal in the container.

Follow the bolded instructions that first appear after running the manual alignment command.

Practically, find an object that you think might be near the middle of the ice and align each image such that this object does not move on the screen.

Note: The objects in the tilt-series that move the least image-to-image will have a higher chance of being closest to the center of the tomogram after refinement. See the Critical Note in the upcoming 'Refine tilt-series' section.

Refine tilt-series

For most tilt-series, select 10 nm object(s) - Steep lowpass as the Object Size in Parameter Presets.

Select the largest Search Area that is in common between all tilt-images in the previously-viewed tilt-series in Parameter Presets.

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page.

On the left under Align Tilt-Series click ## runs processing or finished to access the main alignment summary webpage.

Note: The tilt-azimuth for each microscope relative to Appion-Protomo convention needs to be determined experimentally. Protomo will often refine the tilt azimuth properly after 10-50 iterations. Once this value is known, it should be inputted into all future tilt-series alignments for that microscope in the General Parameters during Coarse Alignment.

Note: The alignment thickness cannot be determined prior to tilt-series alignment. If a tilt-series alignment did not align as well as you wish, try re-aligning with additional alignment thickness values.

Critical Note: The objects in the search area (technically, search volume defines by the [search area] x [thickness]) in a Protomo reconstruction video are the objects that are being used for tilt-series refinement. The highest SNR objects are typically driven towards the middle of the reconstruction/search volume in the z-direction during iterative alignment. If the alignment thickness is not chosen appropriately, this can cause the following issues:

Click for images seehow

A tilt-series refinement should be assessed in the following ways:

  1. (if possible) Watch the tilt-series video to see if the alignment is potentially good. Are any images clearly shifted or rotated improperly?
    • If so, then use the command at the bottom of the refinement iteration webpage to manually fix the bad tilt images and/or remove the bad tilt images. You will likely want to further refine the tilt-series before continuing.
  2. Watch the tilt-series correlation peak video at the top of the refinement iteration webpage - the small square video. All but one frame (usually the middle frame) should have a clear correlation peak in the center of the box. The reference frame (usually the middle one) should be black.
    • If there are more than one black frames, then this means that the search area had to shrink during the refinement, which is often caused by a tilt image shifting too far. This might or might not be an issue. Note that this makes the tilt-series quality rating unreliable.
    • If the correlation peaks are not clear, then there might not be enough signal in the search volume to align the tilt-series.
  3. A black box appears partway through the reconstruction video. This box is the search volume that was used during refinement. The alignment thickness should be chosen such that the signal-to-noise in the black box is maximized. If the box includes substantial 'empty' volume (e.g. vitreous ice or vacuum), then the alignment thickness might be too large. Converselly, if not all of the signal-producing objects are in the search volume, then the alignment thickness might be too small.
  4. (if possible) Pause the reconstruction video at the bottom of the refinement iteration webpage at or near the middle of the video. If there is an object visible near the middle of the reconstruction video, then find the object in the tilt-series video, point at that object with your finger or mouse cursor, and let the tilt-series video play through. That object should not move throughout the tilt-series video; ie. the object at the middle of a tilt-series reconstruction should not move in the tilt-series that it was reconstructed from.
    • If the object does move, then manually align the tilt-series to re-position the bad tilt images so that the object at the middle of the reconstruction doesn't move. Then re-refine the tilt-series.
    • If there are no objects near the middle of the reconstruction, then you might choose an object away from the center of the reconstruction and follow it through the tilt-series video. That object should move at a continuous rate across the screen. If that object accelerates or decelerates, then the bad tilt images probably need to be re-positioned so that the object moves at a continuous rate. Then re-refine the tilt-series.
  5. If the tilt-series satisfies assessments 1-4 above, then look at the Correction Factor Plots on the refinement iteration webpage. An impossibly perfect alignment will have all correction factors for all tilt images equal to zero. This isn't possible, largely due to ice deformations, beam-induced motion, beam damage, and low SNR. For a real tilt-series that is well-aligned, each tilt image will have a correction factor in x, y, and scaling below |1%| and a correction factor in rotation below |1°|. If there are any clear outliers, particularly at high tilt angles, consider removing those images before reconstruction.

Note: If the tilt-series satisfies assessments 1-4 above, then the alignment quality rating - Bad, Okay, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Perfection!, and Suspiciously Perfect... - should be reliable.

Secondary refinement assessments include:

  1. The tilt azimuth should be within ~0.5 degrees of the known tilt azimuth for the given microscope + goniometer combination.
  2. The geometry model - ie. the plot of phi, psi, and theta - should be stable before/after the iteration being analyzed.
  3. Ideally, the search volume should not be too small or too rectangular. Sometimes one highly shifted tilt image severely reduces the search area and might better be excluded from the refinement so that a larger search area can be used.
  4. You might not want the search volume to include grid substrate. Substrate will likely move differently than biological objects when exposed to the electron beam, unless the objects are securely attached to the substrate. The goal of Protomo alignment is to align to the biological objects - any motion during the tilt-series exposure of the objects in the search volume will limit the alignment quality. Carbon substrate in particular has very high signal and will drive the alignment. Reconstruct/export tilt-series

Note: Before proceeding to reconstruction, always check the best iteration(s) of the tilt-series you wish to reconstruct on the Protomo Alignment Summary. At the very least, view the aligned tilt-series video to confirm that there are no visual issues.

From the Protomo Alignment Summary webpage, copy the runname of the tilt-series you wish to reconstruct, and take note of the desired reconstruction iteration.

Paste the runname in place of the generated Run name.

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page.

Select the correct alignment iteration from which to reconstruct.

Input an appropriate reconstruction thickness.

Exclude any bad tilt images in the alignment.

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page.

Note: The objects in the middle of the resulting tomogram were the objects in the middle of the search volume during tilt-series refinement.

Note: Protomo reconstruction will orient the tomogram in accordance with the refined tilt geometry while Tomo3D reconstruction will not. Thus if you pick particles in a Tomo3D SIRT reconstruction and wish to perform subvolume processing with WBP, you should choose reconstruct with Tomo3D WBP.

Note: If Tomo3D WBP is being used for sub-volume processing, consider using the additional Tomo3D option -m 0.5. This will remove the default application of a Hamming filter intended for cutting off high frequency noise. Hamming filters applied during reconstruction might cause anomalous high frequency correlation during subvolume alignment.

Additional featuresBatch alignment

Since it is often difficult to determine the sample thickness a priori, batch refinement is rarely recommended, and is thus left to the user to test on their own.

However, batch coarse alignment is very useful for being able to quickly visualize and assess large datasets and batch defocus estimation is also useful.

To use batch alignment, first click Align Tilt-Series and select any tilt-series from the list - this will load metadata into the browser. Then click on Batch Align Tilt-Series.

Restarting a refinement

If you would like to refine a tilt-series that has already been refined, it is recommended that you first go to the refinement iteration on the Protomo Alignment Summary page, scroll to the bottom, and run the command (even if you don't need to manually fix any images). Then navigate to Align Tilt-Series on the left. Click on Protomo 2.4.1. Select the tilt-series number you wish to refine from the box. Change the Run name to the name of the run that you manually aligned on a particular iteration (e.g. tiltseries0003_thick500). Click on Just Show Command, Click on View Coarse Alignment Results. Click on the link to continue onto Refinement.

Change the Starting Alignment under Parameter Presets to Manual. If you do not want to re-refine beginning with binned by 8 alignment iterations, then click the <- Shift Rounds Left link at the top of General Parameters.

Upload a Generic Tilt Series

If you have a tilt-series that is not in SerialEM format (stack.mrc/.st and stack.mdoc) or TOMO4 format ( and stack.txt), then you can upload the tilt-series one of two ways:

  1. Unstack the tilt-series into a separate folder, where the filenames are in the order in which the tilt-series was collected chronologically. The tilt images should have the file format and extension of .mrc. Then proceed to upload a Generic Tilt Series to a new session. Fill in the information in the bottom section of the form that corresponds to the tilt-series metadata (tilt image folder, binning, magnification, tilt angles, etc.). Note that the order of the tilt angles and dose list should be the same order as the unstacked tilt images.
  2. Unstack the tilt-series into a separate folder. The tilt images should have the file format and extension of .mrc. Create a txt file in the format of the example below (generated from the EMPIAR-10129 dataset in Example #1), where the first image corresponds to the first image collected and the last image to the last image collected. Then input the txt file instead of filling out the form as in 1).
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0023.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.174180e-6	200000	17.999900	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0022.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.291560e-6	200000	15.146100	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0021.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.217900e-6	200000	12.249800	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0020.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.231850e-6	200000	9.317380	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0019.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.187400e-6	200000	6.358640	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0018.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.206210e-6	200000	3.375980	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0017.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.204870e-6	200000	0.382592	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0016.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.199690e-6	200000	-2.618120	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0015.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.097580e-6	200000	-5.614440	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0014.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.077370e-6	200000	-8.601000	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0013.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.049780e-6	200000	-11.567100	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0012.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.022180e-6	200000	-14.507800	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0011.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.983710e-6	200000	-17.410400	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0010.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.948330e-6	200000	-20.272500	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0009.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.916720e-6	200000	-23.088700	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0008.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.885120e-6	200000	-25.846400	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0007.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.925620e-6	200000	-28.541700	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0006.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.894820e-6	200000	-31.179800	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0005.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.873330e-6	200000	-33.746200	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0004.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.851830e-6	200000	-36.240800	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0003.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.961730e-6	200000	-38.658900	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0002.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.943290e-6	200000	-41.000800	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0001.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-4.940540e-6	200000	-43.261700	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0024.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.815860e-6	200000	20.852200	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0025.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.902490e-6	200000	23.656800	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0026.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.905990e-6	200000	26.404200	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0027.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.964920e-6	200000	29.090200	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0028.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-6.009980e-6	200000	31.711700	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0029.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.930460e-6	200000	34.263000	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0030.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.937190e-6	200000	36.740500	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0031.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.944450e-6	200000	39.143000	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0032.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.951710e-6	200000	41.468300	3.186660
/home/appionuser/HAslow1_tmp/HAslow1_0033.mrc	2.340000e-10	1	1	19000	-5.958970e-6	200000	43.714100	3.186660

The columns are:

full_file_path pixelsize_in_meters binning_x binning_y magnification defocus_in_meters keV tilt_angle image_dose

Defocus refinement

Defocus estimation in Appion-Protomo is performed using TomoCTF, which measures the defocus of the untilted plane by tiling all tilt images together while taking into account the relative heights of each tile in order to use all of the signal in the tilt-series. This method of defocus estimation assumes that each tilt image's center was recorded with the sample at the same z-height in the microscope. This requires perfect tracking during collection, which is rarely achieved. As a result, Thon rings often become incoherent before they fade away towards Nyquist.

After tiling, TomoCTF searches monotonically from just below the lower defocus range requested to the top of the range. Often, the search finds the defocus that is one zero off from the correct defocus and so needs to be refined using a proper search range. During refinement, also consider adjusting the maximum reslution used for defocus searching - look at the upper-half of the previous defocus estimations (ie. the SNR of the untilted plane) to determine whether to increase or decrease the maximum reslution used for defocus searching.

Select Just Show Command at the bottom of the page.

In-depth explanations & discussionsProtomo refinement basics

Protomo refinement is described with some mathematical clarity in the Protomo user's guide found on the original Protomo website.

Conceptually, Protomo alignment combines common lines and iterative preliminary weighted back-projection > reprojection correlation methods along with a robust geometry model of the entire stage and sample in order to effectively maximize SNR/contrast in the weighted back-projection, which might be equivalent to aligning the tilt-series if alignment parameters are chosen appropriately. As a result, tilt-series alignment with Protomo does not require fiducials or features, only SNR.

Appion-Protomo refinement on a coarsely aligned tilt-series generally proceeds as follows:

  1. Pre-process all tilt images with lowpass and highpass filters, a median or gaussian filter, gradient subtraction, pixel intensity thresholds, masks, and mask lowpass and highpass apodization filters. All images are then binned during the first several Rounds of refinement.
  2. A reference image is chosen (usually the tilt image closest to 0°). This image will not be moved during each refinement iteration.
  3. The two images on either side of the reference image are aligned to the reference image by correlation inside of a given search area.
  4. These three aligned tilt images are weighted back-projected into a preliminary 3D reconstruction.
  5. A volume is selected from the preliminary 3D reconstruction and is then re-projected in the direction of the next highest tilt angle and the corresponding tilt image is then aligned (rotation, translation, and/or isotropic scaling) to this reprojection inside of a given search area.
    • Alignment by correlation allows for sub-pixel accuracy. The alignment algorithm also allows for an estimation of the alignment error in rotation, translation, and/or scaling because it is calculated by matrix diagnolization, which numerically results in left over non-zero off-diagonal terms.
  6. These four aligned tilt images are weighted back-projected into a preliminary 3D reconstruction, and step 5 proceeds with the next highest tilt image on the opposite side of the last-aligned tilt image (ie. alternating alignment between positive and negative tilt angles).

This process (steps 4 through 6) continues until all tilt images have been aligned.

  1. After all tilt images are aligned, Protomo re-estimates the entire tilt model geometry (tilt azimuth, tilt elevation, and/or sample orientation in the ice).
  2. Steps 1 through 7 are repeated over dozens of iterations with less and less binning and filtering.

Tilt-series alignment quality is then assessed semi-automatically by plotting the iterations versus the errors in alignment (see 5. indent), and should be additionally assessed by the user by checking tilt model geometry stability, that the alignment thickness has been chosen appropriately, and by simply watching the aligned tilt-series and reconstruction videos.

Click for Protomo alignment schematics seehow

Protomo refinement metrics

As described in the Protomo refinement basics section above, Protomo estimates the accuracy with which it could align each tilt image rotationally, translationally, and/or with scaling. These errors, called correction factors, are expressed as a percentage of image length for translation and scaling, and in degrees for rotation. Correction factors are a measure of uncorrectable tilt image alignment error given the geometry model and the amount of uncorrectable drift, beam-induced motion, doming, and charging of the specimen during collection.

When you click on a refinement iteration summary, you will see four correction factor plots that show the estimated alignment error for each tilt image in the x-direction, y-direction, rotationally, and/or in scaling. The goal is to select the iteration (given sufficiently accurate alignment parameters - binning, lowpass, alignment thickness, etc.) with the least amount of errors. A good rule of thumb is that all tilt images should have correction factors below 1% (and 1° for rotation) before considering reconstruction and post-processing.

Each correction factor plot, except for rotation, additionally has plotted the mean correction factor (solid line) plus/minus one standard deviation (dotted lines). Green lines are good, red lines are bad.

Click for image seehow

To simplify the assessment of these correction factors, a combined metric (CCMS plot) is plotted on the main refinement summary webpages:

The goal then becomes to minimize the black line.

Click for image seehow

To simplify this process further, the main Protomo Alignment Summary webpage locates the lowest points on the black line and grades the alignment quality depending on how low the line is at that iteration: Bad, Okay, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Perfection!, and Suspiciously Perfect...

Click for image seehow

As a secondary metric, the stability of the geometry model should be checked.

Protomo limitations


[Global alignment using a section of all tilt images - alignment is restricted by the overall 3D sample movement and drift in the search area, objects outside of the search area might not be aligned as well as inside the search area for the same reasons.]

Common alignment issues

[Discuss thickness, tilt azimuth, search area, individual bad/misaligned tilt images...] inprogress

Common collection issues


[Discuss grid hole edge in images, drift, beam-induced motion, doming, charging, tracking, dose (SNR), ...]

CTF estimation and correction

Currently Appion-Protomo in Docker does not include tilt-series CTF correction. We have not yet robustly tested TomoCTF correction in Appion-Protomo to ensure that tilt-series are being CTF corrected properly.

CTF correction can be accomplished through a number of different methods that are not discussed in depth here.

The following list orders CTF estimation and correction methods by their approximate accuracy (from most accurate to least) based on a typically-collected tilt-series of a reasonably thick specimen (~100+ nm) with uniformly-distributed particles in the z-direction:

Heavy objects, such as gold beads or gallium ion deposits from FIB-milling, may be used as fiducials to determine the tilt-series alignment parameters that best localize the fiducials in 3D space. However, relying on fiducials may cause several issues:

These issues reduce efficiency of collection and processing. However, if the sample has sufficient signal, then tilt-series alignment can be done with Appion-Protomo and all of these issues can be bypassed.

Resolution limits in cryoET

Resolution in cryoET is limited critically by pixelsize, SNR from the microscope/camera combination, the motion of objects of interest over the course of frame/image collection, the motion of objects of interest in 3D in the ice, and the accumulated dose on the sample. Here we will discuss these resolution limits in some detail.

Note: If tilt images are collected with a low dose (~< 5e-/A^2 per tilt image), it is common to find that more SNR exists in the power spectrum of the summed frames rather than the sum of the power spectra of all frames. The opposite is often true with higher dose images in single particle cryoEM.

Note: CFlat carbon grids in particular can drift up to 100 angstroms during a ~3e-/A^2 exposure at tilts > 45 degrees.

Ice doming is the effect where the ice bends in the direction roughly normal to the grid during electron exposure. This is sometimes noticeable in grid holes. If this occurs and if the motion is not uniformly normal to the grid, then the objects of interest will move relative to one another during collection. If the possibility of this movement is not taken into account during tilt-series alignment and/or sub-tilt-series refinement, then this will limit the resolution of the tomogram and subvolumes extracted from it. Protomo uses a central search area to align tilt images and thus if there is any doming in that area, then the alignment accuracy and resolution of objects in that area will be limited. Any objects outside of that search area will also be limited in alignment accuracy and resolution.

Differences in electron absorption between objects might occur because the objects of interest (including potentially fiducials) might be composed of atoms with significantly different electron cross sections. Different objects might absorb different amounts of energy and be deflected in different directions with different momentum transfers. As a result, objects might move with complicated relative motions during the full tilt-series exposure. Like with ice doming, if a sample is behaving in this way, then Protomo and fiducial alignment will be limited due to the global nature of the alignment methods. Refinement of sub-tilt-series may be able to track this movement and thus recover this resolution loss.

The lower bound of the overall resolution limit of a tilt-series might be expressed conceptually as:

max(Nyquist, CTF correction accuracy, maximum uncorrectable drift, anisotropic/3D motion of objects of interest, beam-induced specimen damage with respect to the orientations of the objects of interest, tilt-series alignment accuracy, [remaining factors])

PHP issues

Appion's, and thus Appion-Protomo's, front-end is built on PHP and thus inherits PHP's complications. The main issue that you as a user may find annoying is that sometimes it seems that Appion-Protomo webpages forget the tilt-series you were working on or complain that you haven't entered in something basic like pixelsize. This is often because PHP SESSION variables have been been cleared from your browser's cache. To refresh Appion-Protomo, you must reload these SESSION variables. You can do this by:

At this point all SESSION variables required for using Batch Align Tilt-Series, for instance, should be loaded.

Note that clicking on Align Tilt-Series forcefully clears all PHP variables. Selecting a tilt-series in Protomo Coarse Alignment populates basic PHP variables.

More Examples

Here you will find additional example tilt-series alignments showing different samples types and alignment scenarios.
[to be added] inprogress

Click here

Example #2 inprogress

[to be added]

Click to expand:

Expected results after following this example tutorial





Docker Appion-Protomo


Noble, A. J., & Stagg, S. M. (2015). Automated batch fiducial-less tilt-series alignment in Appion using Protomo. Journal of Structural Biology, 192(2), 270–278.

Noble, A. J., Dandey, V. P., Wei, H., Brasch, J., Chase, J., Acharya, P., Tan Y. Z., Zhang Z., Kim L. Y., Scapin G., Rapp M., Eng E. T., Rice M. J., Cheng A., Negro C. J., Shapiro L., Kwong P. D., Jeruzalmi D., des Georges A., Potter C. S., Carragher, B. (2017). Routine Single Particle CryoEM Sample and Grid Characterization by Tomography. eLife.

Winkler, H., & Taylor, K. A. (2006). Accurate marker-free alignment with simultaneous geometry determination and reconstruction of tilt series in electron tomography. Ultramicroscopy, 106(3), 240–254.

Lander, G. C., Stagg, S. M., Voss, N. R., Cheng, A., Fellmann, D., Pulokas, J., Yoshioka C., Irving C., Mulder A., Lau P.-W., Lyumkis D., Potter C. S., Carragher, B. (2009). Appion: An integrated, database-driven pipeline to facilitate EM image processing. Journal of Structural Biology, 166(1), 95–102.

Appion may be found here.

Appion-Protomo repository may be found here.

Protomo source code may be found here.


Alex J Noble


Carl J Negro


Neil R Voss


Hanspeter Winkler


Appion and thus Appion-Protomo are open source software packages released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Protomo itself is licensed under GPLv3.


Docker Appion-Protomo has been tested in Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.3, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, CentOS 7, Windows 10, and Amazon EC2.

Bugs, Suggestions, & Discussion

Please report any bugs, problems, suggestions, or requests as a Github issue.

Here is a Google Group where users may discuss alignment strategies and compare notes.