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BICO Group, una de las principales empresas de bioconvergencia del mundo, implementó recientemente con éxito Microsoft Dynamics 365 en entornos de varios países. Este sistema empresarial integra todos los aspectos de las operaciones principales de su empresa: ventas y marketing para finanzas, contabilidad, gestión de inventario y soporte al cliente, lo que hace que el proyecto sea desafiante y exitoso, un testimonio más de la plataforma de Microsoft y los socios que gestionan proyectos complejos en múltiples ubicaciones.
Dynamics 365 incluye una aplicación de ventas que actúa como una versión abreviada de la solución total de Dynamics CRM, proporcionando todo, desde el seguimiento de oportunidades y la planificación de ventas hasta la supervisión del rendimiento.
Seleccionar el socio local apropiado es vital para una implementación exitosa de Dynamics 365. Entienden todos los aspectos del sistema, como el cumplimiento de las normas internacionales. Además, estos socios saben cómo adaptarlo para mercados o clientes específicos sin dejar de cumplir con los requisitos de cumplimiento fundamentales con respecto a la privacidad y seguridad de los datos.
Asegúrese de que su organización esté lista para la implementación de Dynamics 365
Como parte de una implementación fluida de Dynamics 365, la documentación de mejores prácticas y escenarios de casos de uso también puede ayudar a garantizar su implementación exitosa. Hacer esto reducirá la resistencia al cambio y facilitará que los nuevos empleados se incorporen rápidamente. También protegerá los datos de la organización para que sean fáciles de localizar cuando un empleado abandone su departamento.
Dynamics 365 ayuda a las empresas a optimizar los procesos y aumentar la eficiencia conectando las operaciones y proporcionando inteligencia integrada que automatiza las tareas y agiliza los flujos de trabajo. Además, ofrece información rápida y procesable a través de paneles nativos y aplicaciones de información utilizando IA especialmente diseñadas como Customer Insights.
SaaS (Software as a Service) es la versión basada en la nube de Dynamics 365 a la que los clientes acceden a través de navegadores web en lugar de instalar el software directamente en sus computadoras. Esta opción tiene numerosos beneficios para las pequeñas empresas que buscan reducir los costos de infraestructura, requisitos del sistema y reducir los gastos de capital mientras eliminan las molestias de mantenimiento del hardware en las instalaciones.
La implementación de Dynamics 365 puede variar según varios factores, incluido el número de usuarios y el tipo de licencia elegida, la complejidad de la integración y las preferencias del cliente para el acceso completo de los usuarios o el acceso limitado de lectura/escritura en áreas primarias específicas. Los clientes pueden elegir entre licencias de usuario completo que brindan acceso a todas las características y funciones, o licencias de miembro del equipo que otorgan privilegios de lectura/escritura dentro de algunas regiones principales.
Es crucial crear un plan completo, que incluya cronogramas, presupuestos y análisis de impacto
Hacer esto minimizará el riesgo mientras mantiene los proyectos dentro del cronograma y ayuda a identificar los puntos de resistencia de la organización. ¡La identificación temprana puede hacer que los procesos de gestión de cambios sean mucho más fluidos! Además, comunicarse con los empleados y brindarles capacitación para facilitar la transición también es vital para que la transición sea fluida.
El conjunto de aplicaciones comerciales Dynamics 365 comprende aplicaciones importantes. Las herramientas de IA ayudan a las empresas a tomar decisiones más rápidas mediante el análisis de datos en tiempo real. Además, esta plataforma flexible permite a los usuarios personalizar las aplicaciones que ellos mismos utilizan.
Dynamics 365 ofrece varias opciones de implementación, como software como servicio (SaaS) y local. Las instancias de SaaS de Dynamics 365 se ejecutan en servidores alojados por proveedores y son accesibles a través de navegadores web. Esta opción elimina los costos de mantenimiento de hardware y reduce los gastos de TI. Sin embargo, es posible que se necesite ancho de banda y almacenamiento adicionales.
Las versiones basadas en la nube de Dynamics 365 son una solución ideal para las pequeñas empresas que desean evitar los costos iniciales de comprar un sistema y el compromiso a largo plazo de mantenerlo. SaaS también facilita las actualizaciones. Aquellas actualizaciones erradas se eliminan automáticamente. Los usuarios pueden probar estas actualizaciones antes de aplicarlas en su instancia de sandbox.
Microsoft presentó recientemente dos aceleradores de la industria para la suite Dynamics 365
Uno dirigido a organizaciones sin fines de lucro y otro para servicios financieros. El acelerador sin fines de lucro tiene como objetivo optimizar la recaudación de fondos, los informes de impacto y la ejecución de programas. Por el contrario, el acelerador de finanzas proporciona soluciones para realizar un seguimiento de las relaciones bancarias, los préstamos y los depósitos.
Las nuevas funciones de la suite de Dynamics 365 facilitarán el seguimiento de las relaciones con los clientes, la automatización de procesos y la toma de decisiones más inteligentes. Pero recuerde que la implementación de cualquier cambio lleva algún tiempo, ya que el proceso puede ser complejo y todos los departamentos deben estar preparados antes de poner en marcha estas actualizaciones.
La plataforma Dynamics 365 conecta sus sistemas CRM, ERP y BI para obtener una solución comercial inteligente que garantiza una mejor experiencia del cliente al tiempo que mejora la productividad y le brinda la flexibilidad para crecer con su empresa.
Las decisiones acertadas, el rendimiento mejorado y los requisitos de cumplimiento normativo se pueden cumplir a través de su perfecta integración con otras herramientas de Microsoft como Office 365, Power Apps, tecnologías de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático.
La migración a Dynamics 365 proporciona dos rutas: volver a implementar o actualizar
La reimplementación suele ser necesaria cuando su sistema actual se ha personalizado mucho o está desactualizado. Empezar de nuevo le permite diseñar una solución optimizada y preparada adaptada a los requisitos de su negocio.
Las actualizaciones técnicas ofrecen otra solución, lo que le permite mantener la configuración y las personalizaciones del sistema mientras agrega mejoras específicas que reducen las interrupciones, reducen los costos de implementación y maximizan los beneficios. Independientemente del camino que se tome, se debe realizar la capacitación y las pruebas adecuadas antes de la puesta en marcha para garantizar que todas las partes funcionan juntas a la perfección. Como señaló Lorna Link, directora de práctica de Velosio BC Express, de Velosio BC Express, “la falta de pruebas y capacitación es una de las causas principales detrás de las migraciones fallidas de Microsoft Dynamics”.
Las actualizaciones de Dynamics 365 pueden ser más rentables que la reimplementación, mientras que los avances técnicos ofrecen una mayor flexibilidad que la reimplementación al permitirle omitir la implementación de cualquier actualización de calidad proactivaque no cumpla con sus criterios. Estas actualizaciones se aplicarán automáticamente durante la ventana de mantenimiento planificada específica de la región.
En cuanto al marco de tiempo, la implementación de Dynamics 365 depende de su complejidad. Una implementación sencilla que involucre informes y personalizaciones limitadas debería tomar aproximadamente ocho semanas. Los sistemas más complejos que involucran un desarrollo y una personalización extensos pueden requerir de 12 a 24 semanas para migrar.
Microsoft ha simplificado Dynamics 365, así las empresas aprovechan al máximo el software
La plataforma no solo incluye aplicaciones preconfiguradas, sino que una red global de centros de datos brinda soporte adicional: estos servidores están ubicados más cerca de los usuarios, lo que ayuda a reducir la latencia y hace que la plataforma responda. Los usuarios pueden elegir entre licencias de usuario completo o de miembro del equipo según el nivel de funcionalidad requerido por cada permiso.
La suite Dynamics 365 abarca aplicaciones de CRM, ERP e inteligencia empresarial que se integran a la perfección con los sistemas existentes, lo que permite a los clientes acceder y utilizar sus datos desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. Además, se brindan soportes de localización para que las organizaciones puedan satisfacer las demandas de los clientes de manera más efectiva.
Dynamics 365 se diferencia del software de CRM tradicional por ser modular y flexible, adaptable a los requisitos específicos de cada departamento y compatible con numerosos dispositivos móviles.
Proporciona una forma eficaz de reducir costos para aumentar la productividad
Alternativamente, las organizaciones que buscan administrar los clientes potenciales de ventas de manera efectiva pueden usar la aplicación Microsoft Dynamics 365 Lead Management. Esta herramienta centraliza datos, automatiza tareas y ofrece análisis para que los vendedores se concentren mejor en la participación del cliente.
La aplicación Field Service de Field Central ayuda a las empresas a administrar las órdenes de trabajo, la programación y la asignación de recursos para los trabajadores de campo. Proporciona a los empleados capacidades de trabajo remoto y un portal. Además, su función de Orden recurrente permite a las empresas crear órdenes de trabajo recurrentes y enviarlas directamente a los clientes a través de portales de clientes o correos electrónicos. Además, monitorea el inventario de equipos y activos.
Dynamics 365 también ofrece un ecosistema de soluciones y complementos de terceros que pueden aumentar la eficiencia y mejorar las experiencias de los clientes, como el motor de informes de Power BI para crear informes personalizados desde cualquier dispositivo y su característica de búsqueda intuitiva para encontrar rápidamente contenido relevante.
La aplicación proporciona aceleradores de la industria diseñados para abordar problemas comerciales específicos. Dynamics AX ayuda a miles de organizaciones en todo el mundo a reducir costos, aumentar la productividad y descubrir nuevos horizontes comerciales. Su último lanzamiento viene con un acelerador adicional sin fines de lucro diseñado para ayudar a las organizaciones con la gestión de premios, la recaudación de fondos y el seguimiento del impacto. Adicionalmente, se diseñó una aceleradora de servicios financieros para administrar créditos y sucursales bancarias para los usuarios. Proporciona funcionalidades básicas para el sector público, la distribución, el comercio minorista y las organizaciones de fabricación.
The PC is an essential machine to work, study, communicate and even have fun in your spare time; it has been designed to function correctly at any time; from time to time it requires a little care for which you need How to perform basic maintenance on your computer? and that it continues to have the fluidity and power to which you are accustomed.
What is computer maintenance?
It is a review of its integrity, during which you clean it to prevent possible failures; taking into consideration the place where this equipment is installed, either in your home or office and the special care that you can provide when you are not using it.
No doubt you like to turn on your computer and immediately enjoy each of its resources; you feel calm when the home screen appears for you to log in; you enter your username and password; after which it presents its desktop to you in seconds, so you can start moving through each program to your liking.
But over time, useless files and registries accumulate and can slow down your computer; causing failures at the level of its operating system and even in its hardware, it is something inevitable although the solution is in your hands; which lies in periodically performing preventive maintenance, for which we leave you some recommendations.
Basic maintenance of a computer
These are tasks that you can perform in a few minutes. In this case, it is recommended that you have on hand a list with the activities that you can include in this maintenance and the frequency with which you perform them, in which case it is suggested to do it once a month:
- Empty the trash.
- Delete temporary files and caches, using the Windows tool identified as Disk Cleanup or using any other maintenance program such as CCleaner.
- Defragment the hard disk, a task that takes a little more time but that the system itself performs automatically in some cases and if it doesn’t, you can schedule it through the Windows tools.
- Check the programs that start when you turn on the computer, some of them open together with Windows and slow down this system; many of them can be harmless but also useless so you should not accumulate too many.
- Create a backup; Although the computer is never expected to crash, it could be that at any moment it crashes and you end up without access to the documents and files stored on it.
- Buy if there are updates available for your operating system, which usually include new patches and solutions to the most common vulnerabilities to date.
- Scan your computer’s disk using a good antivirus to eradicate any worm, Trojan, rootkit, ransomware or any other malware that is invading your privacy.
- Install a firewall, so you can browse the length and breadth of the internet in peace.
- As a security alternative, you can change your passwords from time to time and check how reliable your Wi-Fi network is.
To work properly, the computer not only requires internal maintenance, but this must be accompanied by some special care in its casing, to remove dust from it and verify that the heat sinks work freely, without obstructions.
At the same time, check the operation of peripherals such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, scanner or any other that you have installed.
Today there are excellent programs created to maintain a computer in a short time, among them, in addition to the aforementioned, you can use Norton Utilities Premium, Ashampoo Windows Optimizer, AVG Tuneup, IObit Advanced SystemCare or any other that fits your budget .
Each of these cleaners have free or trial versions; They have also been oriented either to eliminate potential threats introduced through the Internet or to optimize the system, eliminating everything that is not necessary.
Predicting what awaits us in the coming years is complicated, however, based on what is currently being experienced, we can say that more promising advances in computing will be presented; Well, ultimately, it is a field that seeks to make life easier for people and within which innovative ideas frequently arise that, after being implemented, are a complete success.
Promising Tech Trends
It is important to keep up to date with new technological trends, since it is about the future and the skills that must be possessed to face it, since it is largely a possible source of work, which requires timely preparation; Among the most promising developments are:
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
Although it has already received a lot of attention in recent years, it will continue to be a technological trend in the years to come; since it is having remarkable direct effects on the way people live, work and even learn during the first years of life of each human being.
It is surprising how a person can be identified through an image or by voice and also manage all the functions of smart devices within the home remotely, thanks to the existence of computers and the Internet.
Robotic Process Automation
RPA or robotic process automation is gaining ground within the commercial, labor, scientific and other fields. Through thefts, processes are automated and simplified, applications are interpreted, transactions are carried out, emails are answered and even all kinds of data are handled.
edge computing
The cloud has become a great ally for computing, networks and platforms that offer their services through the Internet; It is a work dynamic that continues to grow, to which more and more companies are joining that migrate their data to this place.
The objective of edge computing is to offer solutions to problems with the storage of information and its accessibility from any point on earth; greatly facilitating the trend of working online, so necessary in recent years.
Quantum computing
A trend that is involved in preventing the spread of viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19 and the development of viable vaccines and treatments.
This type of computing makes use of quantum phenomena such as superposition or entanglement in order to easily monitor, analyze and query your data, no matter where its source is.
Virtual reality and augmented reality
Virtual, augmented and extended reality are terms that will continue to be used; although until now they have been popular especially in games; they are being implemented as training programs for soldiers and within other types of professions.
Its power in training, education, development of skills and abilities is so incredible that it is even used in the rehabilitation of a patient after suffering an injury, in turn it is used to train many doctors.
It is a technology related to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies; where data can be added without changing or removing anything; from this comes its name that translates as chain.
All systems or services that use blockchain create a chain of data in the form of a block and it is safe because they are based on consensus, no one takes control of them and supervisors are not required to validate transactions.
Internet of things
IoT equipment and devices are being built on a large scale, which will continue thanks to the fact that users have increased their access to Wi-Fi connectivity and now fully enjoy it.
We all benefit from at least one smart device, starting with the mobile and as our budget allows, we add other equipment and tools that allow us to enjoy life more and have free time; such as programming the laundry from the office or checking the temperature of the heating, so that the environment is welcoming when we return.
You want to discover what the characteristics of Linux are, a system that will make all the hardware of your computer work and that is also multi-user, multi-platform and multi-tasking; consuming few resources but what will catch your attention the most is that it is free; Take a few moments to find out what it is.
What is Linux?
More than a single operating system, it is a set of several of them Unix-like, whose license is identified as GNU GPL, which means that it is free and has everything you need to interact with your computer according to your needs; You will quickly notice when you install it that it is light and that it allows you to increase its functions, adding applications as you require them.
It supports using it in the form of a console with a minimum consumption of resources; but at the same time you can complement it with a graphical environment, just by installing a terminal command, which practically transforms it into a virtual machine.
It has a GNU General Public License, which you must adhere to for any use you wish to give it; either to copy, modify or redistribute it freely; You have a similar example of this in the Android system, whose kernel is Linux; but no GNU components have been included, rather it has been specifically oriented to be used on devices such as mobiles or tablets.
It emerged during the year 1980 under the name of Minix, with the aim of creating a free operating system; with Unix features. Its inventor was Linus Torvalds in collaboration with Richard Stallman, who today has been one of the greatest collaborators in the development of GNU licensed programs and founders of the Free Software Foundation, of which Microsoft is a part.
Linux Features
Every computer requires an operating system to function and Linux has sufficient capacity to do so, it is characterized by being the controller of services or supercomputers; but it also stands out for many other details:
- It is a free operating system
- It is possible to freely modify its source code, respecting the terms of its license.
- It is open source and independent; which allows any professional to create, develop and distribute new functions without the need for prior permissions.
- It is completely stable and robust, a fact that has led it to keep many servers running.
- It is very safe, since as it is free software, it does not represent any interest for computer criminals and therefore they do not spend their time developing viruses that threaten its stability.
- It is multiuser and multitasking, with it you can perform several operations at the same time, open different programs and applications without slowing down or reducing your resources.
- It is portable, efficient and with great performance capacity for network tasks, its operation is focused on giving it a better use.
- With it you can access free distribution software, which is developed by programmers from all over the world; which is an excellent contribution to constantly expand its range of action.
- It is the operating system of choice for IT professionals, thanks to its ample computing power and processing capacity.
- Provides support for all types of hardware, in addition to allowing its use on different devices.
- Its users can customize its interface, which is also identified as Shell, based on their tastes and interests.
- It offers the possibility of using different types of drivers in relation to the device.
- It is not part of the big international companies and monopolies; this gives you the opportunity to be modified by any user from anywhere in the world.
As you can see, Linux is a system that gives free and open access to the field of computing, with which each user interacts on the computer based on their interests without having to deal with locks or limitations implemented by the hardware, it is a tool that enjoyed by many people and that you must try, to really get to know it.
You know what the GNU operating system is, a vast collection of tools, applications, libraries, and even games; Find out by reading this post, where you will learn everything you need to know about the subject, with interesting aspects such as the fact that it is free software and more.
What is GNU?
You may have heard at some point mention these acronyms; that give way to a development project that includes a package of many programs that is called by some people as Linux, due to the fact that many of its versions are created based on modifications of the GNU operating system.
Many programmers seek to contribute to the free software community; so the development of this operating system is making it easier for many users to use their computer without being limited to a program that limits their activities.
With software like this**, people will be able to exercise control over the tasks they carry out in front of their computer**.
In other words, software like the one present in the GNU operating system gives you complete freedom to copy, run, distribute, modify, study and improve your own system.
Although it should be noted that the free software movement is much more than the development of the GNU system, since it is a whole series of initiatives and programmers who unite their talent in order to progressively achieve total autonomy in the activities carried out with frequently using a PC.
This Unix-like system works based on a program that allocates the resources of the machine; those that are communicated to your kernel or hardware; which is usually called Linux; That is why millions of people use it identified as GNU/Linux.
What is the purpose of the creation of GNU?
The idea for the birth of GNU as a free software project was conceived during the year 1983, in order to take advantage of the cooperative spirit of many programmers within the computer community; In this way, they offered computer users an alternative to eradicate the obstacles established by the owners of important payment operating systems and many of them proprietary.
The founder of the GNU project is Richard M. Stallman, with the intention of making it one of the most complete free operating systems; Over the years it has achieved so much popularity that it is one of those used, for those who want to interact without barriers and give freedom to their creations.
With this GNU system you can count on a set of programs aimed at being able to manage all the actions with your PC, without limitations or complex structures, and also run many others, as well as tools, special applications, games and more.
Tools developed by GNU
This collaborative project has grown as the years go by, especially taking advantage of all the technological resources available within the field of computing, this has allowed it to develop programs such as those mentioned below:
- Bison, a parser generator or simply an application that is responsible for following a series of grammar rules to associate them with certain symbols; comes to be a substitution of Yacc.
- Emacs, text editor, which can be extensible and self-documenting.
- Bash, reader and interpreter of commands.
- Binutils, program for linking accessible tools in GNU.
- Glibc, a comprehensive library for the C language.
- GNU MDK, tool for programming in MIX:
- GNU Ghostscript, PDF and PostScript applications.
- Classpath, library for Java content.
- Hurd, is a novel micronucleus that has the ability to work in conjunction with other servers like the one used by the UNIX-like GNU itself.
The GNU project has contributed to popularizing free format software, creating different types of packages such as CVS for source code control or for detecting and debugging errors such as DDD, used as a graphical tool; in addition to many others such as the unique LilyPond, which is used to edit musical scores; impressive don’t you think?