Comic Book Plus - Free Public Domain Books, Forum & OTR Radio (original) (raw)

in house dollar bill thumbnail

comic book animals partyingWelcome to Comic Book Plus, a massive site where every day is party day!

We are the original, and still the best site to read and download Golden Age comic books. We also hold a large and growing selection of Silver Age comic books, Comic Strips, Pulp Fiction, Old Time Radio (OTR), Fanzines, a lively and active Forum plus lots more ...

The even better news is that all the content is FREE and LEGAL.

This is a historically significant archive, that has taken a great many people thousands of hours to create, and we are ever vigilant to ensure that no content breaches copyright or trademark laws.

There is something for everyone here. We hope you enjoy your time with us, and come back really soon!

You are WELCOME to enjoy our site & read ALL our books online. But to download & join our forum please create a FREE account or login

Comic Book Forum

A couple talking on a sofa

You need to register an account, but it is all totally FREE!. You will then have joined the liveliest forum in town. Talk comics, ask questions or give answers more ...

Public Domain Comic Books

Blackhawk and planes flying

Fly in to find a massive collection of Public Domain Comic Books. You can view these online, or download to read at your leisure. Something for everyone here more ...

Old Time Radio Shows

Archie and friends on air

Tune into the swellest station on the comic book airwaves. Here we have a huge stack of classic old shows, just waiting to be listened to againmore ...

Adult Humor

A father carrying a shotgun and his daughter

Here we have a slightly more earthy section, catering to the reading and humor needs of a "mature & most discerning" audience. Not for the kids! more ...


Dollman jumping through scissors

Sometimes it is difficult to find all the stories that feature our favorite characters. Luckily some kind souls have been busy with their scissors and glue more ...

Public Domain Comic Strips

A domestic comic strip scene

Don't worry, even if you have managed to read all of our comic book collection, we have many other sections. Including comic strips, where it all started more ...

Dime Novels

Frank Reade Junior's Steam Man

Popular fiction from the late 19th / early 20th century. Generally called "Dime Novels", but the cover price may vary from this. Great funmore ...

Pulp Magazines

Two men reaching out to a monkey with a knife

Maybe not ranking amongst the greatest of literature, but if you want a thrill a minute then pick up one of these books from our pulp shelf and enjoy more ...

Comic Book Plus In-House Image

Non-English Comics

An octopus attacking divers in bug-eyed suits

Not content with our English language comics we are now offering amazing stories including Spanish vampires and Italian monsters of the deep more ...

Newspapers and Magazines

A man seeing his newly arrived plates are 13-13-13

Maybe you are not as unlucky as your plates suggest. Here is a great new section of the best we can find in Public Domain magazines and newspapers more ...

British Story Papers

A goat saving a goal being scored

Originally housed with our pulps, these grew in number so quickly that they had to be given their own section. Cricket and sticky cakes all roundmore ...


Terry being kissed by two women

This is an all new and rapidly growing section on our site. Here reside an array of fanzines all of which have been kindly donated to our archive more ...

Pamphlets and Brochures

A G.I. reading a brochure

Sometimes there are times you need some really expert advice. Maybe you will find an answer to your question amongst our pamphlets and brochures more ...


Connie Rodd Carrying A Sign Saying Categories

Here we analyzed all the titles on our site and placed them into various genres and categories. To make it easy to find the books you want more ...

Insite Pages

Connie Rodd on the telephone reading a  manual

This is a really cool place find out some more about our books. With listings of recent additions, favorable ratings and site record breakersmore ...

Comic Book Plus In-House Image

Virtual Newsstand

Captain Marvel Junior and his newssstand

Jump aboard the Virtual Newsstand and journey back in time to find the hottest titles on the block. A fascinating and different way to explore our sitemore ...

Virtual Listening Guide

A family listening to the wireless

With so many great shows to listen to don't risk missing even one episode. Our comprehensive guide gives details of times they were first broadcast more ...

The Day's Radio Shows

A family listening to the wireless

Our radio shows by day of the year they were broadcast. What was on the airwaves on your birthday, or other memorable dates in your year? more ...

Latest Uploaded Books

Captain Marvel Junior showing current titles

New books are coming in so fast, that if you blink you may just miss something you have been waiting for. So remember to check these pages regularly!more ...


Two men giving a woman presents

This site would be nothing without the hardworking and selfless souls who have helped to create all of our content. Here we celebrate these stars more ...

The Random 12 Project

A rigged fairgound gambling wheel

To add a bit of variety to your reading, every Monday we have the system choose 12 comics purely at random. Dip in, choose a book and report back more ...

Our Sitemap

A couple in a canoe lost with a ghoul appearing

We hold a massive amount of books, so as one way to help you find your way around we have chosen what we consider the most important pagesmore ...

Odds and Ends

Some strange craft from Airboy

No matter how hard you work, there are always things that will just not fit into any category. But normally they are little gems, this section is no exception more ...

Comic Book Plus In-House Image

Comic Book Plus In-House Image

Mission: Our mission is to present free of charge, and to the widest audience, popular cultural works of the past. These are offered as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. They reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. We do not endorse these views, which may contain content offensive to modern users.

Disclaimer: We aim to house only Public Domain content. If you suspect that any of our material may be infringing copyright, please use our contact page to let us know. So we can investigate further. Utilizing our downloadable content, is strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.