Keys to Well-Being (original) (raw)

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These are Greater Good's ten building blocks of individual and community well-being — the behaviors that research suggests will support your health and happiness, and foster positive connections with other people.

Altruism Quiz


Are you a giver or a Grinch?
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Awe Quiz


Could your life be more awe-some?
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Bridging Differences Quiz

Bridging Differences

Do you embrace a diversity of backgrounds and opinions in others?
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Compassionate Love Quiz


You might love your partner truly, madly, deeply. But do you love compassionately?
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Connection to Humanity Quiz


How big is your circle of concern?
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Empathy Quiz


How well do you feel and understand what others are feeling?
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Forgiveness Quiz


When someone hurts you, are you more likely to turn the other cheek—or seek revenge?
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Gratitude Quiz


Are you truly grateful for the good things in your life—or do you take them for granted?
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Happiness at Work


How happy are you when you’re on the clock?
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Intellectual Humility Quiz

Intellectual Humility

Do you question your own beliefs and welcome different ways of thinking?
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Mindfulness Quiz


Do you savor life or let everyday stresses control you? In other words, how mindful are you?
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Purpose in Life Quiz


Do you have a long-term goal that's meaningful to yourself and the world?
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Social Capital Quiz

Social Connection

How strong are your social connections, online and off?
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