GIMP GUI Redesign (original) (raw)



The GIMP project's User Interface is discussed in an open manner through IRC and a dedicated mailing list, in collaboration with users, developers and designers.

The WIKI will contain the user interaction research results, and specifications coming out of our decisions. Contact the GIMP developers on IRC (the users "ankh" and "Jehan" are known to have an admin account) to get a login for the wiki.

Everybody is welcome to discuss features and improvements with us.

Note: there used to be dedicated people working on the GUI. This is not how we work anymore.

Project Vision

NOTE: let's review the project vision!

Ultimately, every decision taken by our UI team is about realising the product vision. At the LGM 2006, peter sikking held a workshop with the GIMP team, and helped them to formulated their product vision:

Want to go deeper? Read the Project vision.

functionality overview

To design something, you need to know everything it is suppose to do. At the beginning of this project a short, sharp functionality overview was made, based on version 2.3.11 (extra kudos to Kamila for all that work).

user scenarios

These User Scenarios are used in the GIMP redesign project. They are the result of workplace observations and a weekend workshop with the GIMP team.

expert evaluation notes

We spent a month and a half evaluating GIMP. Enjoy reading the raw Expert Evaluation Notes.


Our analysis its the result all of our work on GIMP up to now, and shows the way forward for each aspect of GIMP UI, in the form of solution models.


Tobi's work in progress to further improve the usability of GIMP.

work in progress

Notes, tables, sketches showing work in progress towards detailed specification.

We are working on an interaction design patch format.


Solution models get further developed into UI specifications, ready for implementation.

> List of currently running workgroups

design guide

A (growing) guide for those who design interaction for GIMP, concentrating on how solutions can be fitted into the overall interaction framework, constraints and how things interconnect.