About Hannah Arendt at Bard College (original) (raw)

"A Believer in European Unity." Review of Politics 4/2 (April 1942): 245-47. (A review of P.R. Sweet, Friedrich von Gentz: Defender of the Old Order.)
"From the Dreufis Affair to France Today," Jewish Social Studies 4 (July 1942): 195-240. (Reprinted in Essays on Anti-Semitism, Conference on Jewish Relations, 1946 and used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 1.)
"Portrait of a Period," Menorah Journal 31 (Fall 1943): 307-14. (A review of Stefan Sweig, The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography.)
"We Refugees," Menorah Journal 31 (January 1943): 69-77.
"Why the Cŕemieux Decree Was Abrogated." Contemporary Jewish Record 6/2 (April 1943): 115-23
"Concerning Minorities." Contemporary Jewish Record 7/4 (August 1944): 353-68. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Franz Kafka: A Re-evaluation." Partisan Review 11/4 (Fall 1944): 412-22. (Reprinted in Sechs Essays and Die Verborgene Tradition in German.)
"The Jew as Pariah: A Hidden Tradition." Jewish Social Studies 6/2 (February 1933): 99-122.
"Our Foreign Language Groups." Chicago Jewish Forum 3/1 (Fall 1944): 23-34.
"Race-Thinking before Racism." Review of Politics 6/1 (January 1944): 36-73. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Approaches to the 'German Problem'." Partisan Review 12/1 (Winter 1945): 93-106.
"The Assets of Personality." Contemporary Jewish Record 8/2 (April 1945): 214-16. (A review of Meyer W. Weisgal, ed., Chaim Weismann.)
"Christianity an Revolution." Nation, 22 September 1945, pp. 288-89.
"Dilthey as Philosopher and Historian." Partisan Review 12/3 (Summer 1945): 404-06. (A review of H.A. Hodges, Wilhelm Dilthey: An Introduction.)
"Imperialism, Nationalism, Chauvinism." Review of Politics 7/4 (October 1945): 441-63. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Nightmare and Flight." Partisan Review 12/2 (Spring 1945): 259-60. (A review of Denis de Rougemont, The Devil's Share.)
"Organized Guilt and Universal Responbility." Jewish Frontier, January 1945, pp. 19-23. (Reprinted in Roger Smith, ed. Guilt: Man and Society. New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1971.)
"Parties, Movements, and Classes." Partisan Review 12/4 (Fall 1945): 504-12. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Power Politics Triumphs." Commentary 1 (December 1945): 92-93. (A review of Feliks Gross, Crossroads of Two Continents.)
"The Seeds of a Fascist International." Jewish Frontier, June 1945 pp. 12-16.
"The Stateless People." Contemporary Jewish Record 8/2 (April 1945): 137-53 (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Zionism Reconsidered. " Menorah Journal 33 (August 1945): 162-96. (Translated into German for Die Verbogene Tradition and reprinted in M. Selzer, ed. Zionism Reconsidered. New York: Macmillan Co., 1970, pp. 213-49.)
1946"Expansion and the Philosophy of Power." Sewanee Review 54 (October 1946): 601-16. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"French Existentialism." Nation, 23 February 1946m pp. 226-28. (Anthologized in One Hundred Years of the Nation.)
"The Image of Hell." Commentary 2/3 (September 1946): 291-95. (A review of The Black Book:The Nazi Crime Against the Jewish _People_compiled by the Wrold Jewish Congress et al. and Max Weinreich. Hitler's Professors.)
"Imperialism: Road to Suicide." Commentary 1 (February 1946): 27-35.
"The Ivory Tower of Common Sense." Nation, 19 October 1946, pp. 447-49. (A review of John Dewey, Problems of Men.)
"The Jewish State: 50 Years After, Where Have Herzl's Politics Led?" Commentary 1 (May 1946): 1-8.
"The Nation," Review of Politics 8/1 (January 1946): 138-41. (A review of J.T. Delow, La Nation. Montreal: Editions de l'Arbre.)
"No Longer and Not Yet." Nation, 14 September 1946, pp. 300-302. (A review of Hermann Broch, The Death of Virgil. Translated by J.S. Untermeyer.)
"Privileged Jews." Jewish Social Studies 8/1 (January 1946). 3-30. (Reprinted in Duker and Ben-Horin, Emancipation and Counteremancipation. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1947).
"Proof Positive." Nation, 5 January 1946, p. 22. (A brief review of Victor Lange, Modern German Literature.)
"The Streets of Berlin." Nation, 23 March 1946, pp. 350-51. (A review of Robert Gilbert, Meine Reime Deine Reime.)
"Tentative List of Jewish Cultural Treasures in Axis-Occupied Countries." Supplement to Jewish Social Studies 8/1 (1946). (This was prepared by the Research Staff of the Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction headed by Arendt.)
"Tentative List of Jewish Educational Institutions in Axis-Occupied Countries." Supplement to Jewish Social Studies 8/3 (1946). (This was prepared by the Research Staff of the Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction headed by Arendt.)
"The Too Ambitious Reporter." Commentary 2 (January 1946): 94-95. (A review of Arthur Koestler, Twilight Bar and The Yogi and the Commissar.)
"What is Existenz Philosophy?" Partisan Review 8/1 (Winter 1946): 34-56.

"Creating a Cultural Atmosphere." Commentary 4 (November 1947): 424-26.
"The Hole of Oblivion." Jewish Frontier, July 1947, pp. 23-26. (A review of The Dark Side of the Moon.)
"About Collaboration" (a letter). Jewish Frontier 15 (October 1948): 55-56.
"Beyond Personal Frustration: The Poetry of Berolt Brecht." Kenyon Review 10/2 (Spring 1948): 304-12. (A review of Bertolt Brecht, Selected Poems. Translated by H.R. Hays; an article based on this review, printed in Die Neue Rundschau 61 (1950): 53-67 was translated for P. Dementz, ed. Brecht. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962, pp. 43-50.)
"The Concentration Camps." Partisan Review 15/7 (July 1948): 743-63. (Anthologized in Partisan Reader, 1945-1953 and used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Jewish History, Revised." Jewish Frontier, March 1948, pp. 34-38. (A review of Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism.)
"The Mission of Bernadette." New Leader 31 (23 October 1948): 808, 819.
"To Save the Jewish Homeland: There is Still Time." Commentary 5 (May 1948): 398-406.
"The Achievement of Hermann Broch." Kenyan Review 11/3 (Summer 1949): 476-83.
"The Rights of Man': What Are They?" Modern Review 3/1 (Summer 1949): 24-37. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"Single Track to Zion." Saturday Review of Literature 32 (5 February 1949): 22-23. (A review of Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error: The Autobiography of Chaim Weizman.)
"Totalitarian Terror." Review of Politics 11/1 (January 1949): 112-15. (A review of David J. Dallin and Boris I. Nicolaevsky, Forced Labor in Soviet Russia.)

"The Aftermath of Nazi Rule, Report from Germany." Commentary 10 (October 1950): 342-352 (Anthologized in The Commentary Reader.)
"Mob and the Elite." Partisan Review 17 (November 1950): 808-19. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 3.)
"Peace or Armistice in the Near East?" Review of Politics 12/1 (January 1950): 56-82.
"Religion and the Intellectuals. A Symposium." Partisan Review 17 (February 1950): 113-16. (Reprinted as a part of Partisan Review, Series 3, 1950, pp. 15-18.)
"Social Science Techniques and the Study of Concentration Camps." Jewish Social Studies 12/1 (1950): 49-64.
"Bei Hitler Zu Tisch." Der Monat 4 (October 1951): 85-90.
"The Imperialist Character." Review of Politics 12/3 (July 1950): 303-20. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 2.)
"The Road to the Dreyfus Affair." Commentary 11 (February 1951): 201-03. (A review of Robert F. Byrnes, Anti-Semitism in Modern France.)
"Totalitarian Movement." Twentieth Century 149 (May 1951): 368-89. (Used in The Origins of Totalitarianism, Part 3.)
"The History of the Great Crime." Commentary 13 (March 1952): 300-04. (A review of Léon Poliakov, Bre ́viaire de la Haine: Le IIIê Reich et les Juifs.)
"Magnes, The Conscience of the Jewish People." Jewish _Newsletter_8/25 (24 November 1952): 2.
"The Ex-Communists." Commonweal 57/24 (20 March 1953): 595-99. (Reprinted in Washington Post, 31 July 1953.)
"Ideology and Terror: A Novel Form of Government." Review of _Politics_15/3 (July 1953): 303-27. (Included in the 1958 edition of The Origins of Totalitarianism. A German version appeared in Offener Horizont: Fetschrift für Karl Jaspers. Munich: Piper, 1953.)
"Rejoinder to Eric Voegelin's Review of The Origins of Totalitarianism." Review of Politics 15 (January 1953): 76-85.
"Religion and Politics." Confluence 2/3 (September 1953): 105-26. (CF. Arendt's reply to criticism of this article in Confluence, pp. 118-20.)
"Understanding and Politics." Partisan Review 20/4 (July-August 1953): 377-92.
"Understanding Communism." Partisan Review 20/5 (September-October 1953): 580-83. (A review of Waldemar Gurian, Bolshevism.)
"Europe and America: Dream and Nightmare." Commonweal 60/23 (24 September 1954): 551-54.
"Europe and America: The Threat of Conformism." Commonweal 60/25 (24 September 1954): 607-10.
"Europe and the Atom Bomb." Commonweal 60/24 (17 September 1954): 578-80.
"Tradition and the Modern Age." Partisan Review 22 (January 1954): 53-75. (Drawn from a series of lectures delivered at Princeton as the Christian Gauss Seminars in Criticism, 1953, and used in Between Past and Future.)
"The Personality of Waldemar Gurian," Review of Politics 17/1 (January 1955): 33-42. (Reprinted in Men in Dark Times.)
"Authority in the Twentieth Century." Review of Politics 18/4 (October 1956): 403-17.
"History and Immortality." Partisan Review 24/1 (Winter 1957): 11-53.
"Jaspers as Citizen of the World." In The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers, edited by P.A. Schilpp. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court Publishing Co., 1957, pp. 539-50. (Reprinted in Men in Dark Times.)
"The Crisis in Education." Partisan Review 25/4 (Fall 1958): 493-513. (Reprinted in Between Past and Future.)
"The Modern Concept of History." Review of Politics 20/4 (October 1958): 570-90. (Reprinted in Between Past and Future.)
"Totalitarian Imperialism: Reflections on the Hungarian Revolution." Journal of Politics 20/1 (February 1958): 5-43. (Reprinted in Cross Currents 8/2 [Spring 1958]: 102-28, and added to the 1958 edition of The Origins of Totalitarianism.)
"Totalitarianism." Meridian 2/2 (Fall 1958): 1. (Arendt's reflections on The Origins of Totalitarianism at the time of its second edition.)
"What Was Authority?" In Authority, edited by C. Friedrich. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. (Reprinted in Between Past and Future.)
"Reflections on Little Rock." Dissent 6/1 (Winter 1959): 45-56. (Included in the same issue are criticism by David Spitz and Melvin Tumin. In Dissent 6/2 [Sprig 1959]: 179-81, Arendt replied to her critics. The article was reprinted in Public Life: A Journal of Politics 4/3-4 [May-June 1973]: 92-97.)

"Freedom and Politics: A Lecture." Chicago Review 14/1 (Spring 1960): 28-46. (Revised for Between Past and Future.)
"Revolution and Public Happiness." Commentary 30 (November 1960): 413-22. (Used in On Revolution.)
"Society and Culture." Daedalus 82/2 (Spring 1960): 278-87. (Reprinted in Between Past and Future.)
"Action and the Pursuit of Happiness." In Politische Ordnung und Menschliche Existenz: Festgabe Fu ̈ r Eric Voeglin. Munich: Beck, 1962. (Used in On Revolution.)
"The Cold War and the West." Partisan Review 29/1 (Winter 1962): 10-20.
"Revolution and Freedom: A Lecture." In In Zwei Welten: Siegfried Moses Zum Fu ̈ nfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag. Tel Aviv: Bitaon, 1962. (Used in On Revolution.)
"A Reporter at Large: Eichmann in Jersualem." New Yorker, 16 February 1963, pp. 40-113; 23 February 1963. pp. 40-111; 2 March 1963, pp. 40-91; 9 March 1963, pp. 48-131; 16 March 1963, pp. 58-134. (This five-part article, revised, was published as Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.)
"Kennedy and After." New York Review of Books 1/9 (26 December 1963): 10.
"Man's Conquest of Space." American Scholar 32 (Autumn 1963): 527-40.
"Reply to Judge Musmanno," New York Times Book Review 8/4 (23 June 1963): (Arendt's exchange with Musmanno was reprinted in Freedman and Davis, eds. Contemporary Controversy. New York: Macmillan Co., 1966, pp. 312-17.)
"The Deputy: Guilt by Silence." New York Herald Tribune Magazine, 23 February 1964, pp. 6-9. (Reprinted in Storm over "The Deputy," edited by Eric Bentley.)
"Eichmann in Jerusalem." Encounter, January 1964, pp. 51-56. (An exchange of letters between Arendt and Gershom Scholem.)
"Nathalie Sarraute." New York Review of Books 2/2 (5 March 1964): 5-6. (A review of Nathalie Sarraute, The Golden Fruits. Translated by Maria Jolas.)
"Personal Responsibility under Dictatorship." Listener, 6 August 1964, pp. 185-87, 205.
"The Christian Pope," New York Review of Books 4/10 (17 June 1965): 5-7. (A review of Pope John XXIII, Journal of a Soul. Translated by D. White; included in Men in Dark Times.)
"Hannah Arendt-Hans Magnus Ernzenberger: Politik und Verbrechen: Ein Briefwechsel." Merkur, April 1965, pp. 380-85.
"The Formidable Dr. Robinson: A Reply to the Jewish Establishment." New York Review of Books 5/12 (20 January 1966): 26-30. (Arendt's response to letters about this article appeared in the 17 March 1966 issue.)
"A Heroine of the Revolution." New York Review of Books 7/5 (6 October 1966): 21-27. (A review of J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg; included in Men in Dark Times.)
Introduction to Auschwitz, by Bernd Naumann. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. (Reprinted in Falk, Kolko, and Lifton, eds., Crimes of War. New York: Random House, 1971.)
Introduction to The Warriors by J. Glenn Gray. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
"The Negatives of Positive Thinking: A Measured Look at the Personality, Politics and Influence of Konrad Adenauer." Book Week, Washington Post, 5 June 1966, pp. 1-2. (A review of Konrad Adenauer, Memoirs 1945-1953. Translated by Beate Ruhm von Oppen.)
"On the Human Condition." In The Evolving Society, edited by Mary Alice Hinton. New York: Institute of Cybernetical Research 1966, pp. 213-19.
"Remarks on 'The Crisis Character of Modern Society'." Christianity and Crisis 26/9 (30 May 1966): 112-14.
"What is Permitted to Jove." New Yorker, 5 November 1966. pp. 68-122. (A study of Bertolt Brecht, reprinted in Men in Dark Times.)
Preface to The Future of Germany by Karl Jaspers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967.
"Randall Jarrell: 1914-1965." In Randall Jarrell, 1945-1965. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1967. (Reprinted in Men in Dark Times.)
"Truth and Politics." New Yorker, 25 February 1967, pp. 49-88. (Reprinted in Between Past and Future, 2d edition, and in David Spitz, ed., Political Theory and Social Change. New York: Atherton Press, 1967, pp. 3-37.)
"Comment by Hannah Arendt on 'The Uses of Revolution' by Adam Ulkam." In Revolutionary Russia, edited by Richard Pipes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968.
"He's All Dwight: Dwight Macdonald's Politics." New York Review of Books 11/2 (1 August 1968): 31-33.
"Is America by Nature a Violent Society? Lawlessness Is Inherent in the Uprooted." New York Times Magazine, 28 April 1968, p. 24.
'Isaak Denisen: 1885-1962." New Yorker, 9 November 1968, pp. 223-36. (Reprinted in Men in Dark Times.)
"Walter Benjamin." New Yorker, 19 October 1968, pp. 65-156. Translated by Harry Zohn. (Reprinted in Men in Dark Times.)
"The Archimedean Point." Igenor, College of Engineering, University of Michigan, Spring 1969, pp. 4-9, 24-26.
"Reflections on Violence." Journal of International Affairs, Winter, 1969, pp. 1-35. (Reprinted in New York Review of Books 12/4 (27 February 1969): 19-31. Expanded as On Violence and reprinted in Crises of the Republic.)
"Civil Disobedience." New Yorker, 12 September 1970, pp. 70-105. (Reprinted in Crises of the Republic and in E.V. Rostow, ed., Is Law Dead? New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971, pp. 213-43.)
Letter in reply to a review by J.M. Cameron, _New York Review of Books_13 (1 January 1970): 36.
"Lying and Politics: Reflections on the Pentagon Papers." New York Review of Books 17/8 (18 November 1971): 30-39. (Reprinted in Crises of the Republic.)
"Martin Heidegger at 80." New York Review of Books 17/6 (21 October 1971): 50-54. (Originally in German, Merkur 10 [1969]: 893-902. Translated by Albert Hofstadter. Reprinted in English in Michael Murray, ed., Heidegger and Modern Philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978.)
"Thinking and Moral Considerations: A Lecture." Social Research 38/3 (Fall 1971): 417-46.
"Thoughts on Politics and Revolution." New York Review of Books 16/7 (22 April 1971): 8-20. (An interview conducted by Adelbert Reif in the summer of 1970, translated by Denver Lindley; reprinted in Crises of the Republic.)
Nachwort for Mich Hat Kein Esel im Galopp Verloren by Robert Gilbert. Munich: Piper, 1972.
"Washington's 'Problem-Solvers'-Where They Went Wrong." New York Times, 5 April 1972, Op-Ed page.
"Karl Jaspers zum fünfundachtzigsten Geburtstage." In Erinnerungen an Karl Jaspers, edited by H. Saner. Munich: Piper, 1974, pp. 311-15.
"Home to Roost." New York Review of Books, 26 June 1975, pp. 3-6. (Reprinted in S.B. Warner, The American Experiment. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976, pp. 61-77, with Arendt's comments.)
"Remembering Wystan H. Auden." New Yorker, 20 January 1975, pp. 39-40. (Reprinted in Harvard Advocate 108/2-3, pp. 42-45; and in W.H. Auden: A Tribute. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974/5, pp. 181-87.)
"Public Rights and Private Interests." In Small Comforts for Hard Times: Humanists on Public Policy, edited by Mooney and Stuber. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. (Response to a paper by Charles Frankel in the same volume.)
"Thinking." New Yorker, 21 November 1977, pp. 65-140; 28 November 1977, pp. 135-216; 5 December 1977, pp. 135-216. This three-part article comprises the first volume of The Life of the Mind, 1978.
"From an Interview," with Roger Errera, New York Review of Books 25/16 (26 October 1978): 18.